America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Take railroad jobs, Truman asks in crisis

65,000 needed by Western carriers
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Othman: Hot air

By Fred Othman

Stokes: Defeatist talk

By Thomas L. Stokes

W. Miller: Homecoming

By William Miller

Love: Debts and taxes

By Gilbert Love

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – I see where a Chicago judge told a woman charged with shooting her husband that too many women are shooting their husbands these days. Well, I agree with him.

A lot of us women go to the trouble of saving every drop of grease to turn it in and make bullets for the Army and then some selfish creature wastes ammunition on her husband. As that judge said, it’s no wonder there’s a husband shortage.

Some silly women just can’t get it through their heads that they can’t go out and get a new husband or a new washing machine or a new girdle simply because the earlier models don’t appeal to them anymore.

Where these scarce articles are concerned they might as well make up our minds to get along with the ones we have. Please, ladies, pull yourselves together.

Tiny waists, high necklines the fashion

80 percent of available material to go in dresses priced under $23
By Lenore Brundige, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Millett: Teenagers deserve fun

Community can help provide it
By Ruth Millett

Strincevich faces Dodgers tonight

Bullpen busy again as Bucs lose third game by 8-4 count
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Tigers lead league despite hitting slump

By the United Press

Tunnel entrances blasted on Formosa

Army plans to return soldier dead to U.S.

Big Three of radio signs off

AAF accident closes story
By Si Steinhauser

Truman urges one boss for surplus goods

Request for move sent to Congress

Chennault lauded by Chinese council

Youngstown Vindicator (July 17, 1945)

Peace rumors rife in capital

27 WACs are assigned to Big Three switchboard

WASHINGTON (UP) – Twenty-seven WACs have been assigned to telephone switchboard duty at the Big Three conference at Potsdam, the War Department reported today. The WACs are members of the 3341st Signal Service Battalion.

G.I. Joe premiere on Ie

IE SHIMA, Okinawa (AP, July 11, delayed) – A G.I. audience quietly watched the Pacific premiere today of G.I. Joe, the story of war correspondent Ernie Pyle, who was killed on this island during its invasion by the 77th Infantry Division.

New leviathan of air extends wings 100 yards

Equal rights battle begins

Economist urges Bretton Woods O.K.

By Elisha M. Friedman, North American Newspaper Alliance