America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

1,000 war plants would be shut by even a five-day coal strike

By S. Burton Heath

Steady jobs, steady pay –
Labor and business leaders both working for annual wage plan

Stabilized employment, now widely urged, has worked for years in some companies
By Allan L. Swim, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Editorial: Steady jobs, steady pay

Simms: Europe misunderstands U.S. public

By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Editorial: Less meat

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I see the Duke of Windsor has resigned his job as Governor of the Bahamas, and according to rumor, he and Wally may come to the United States to seek their fortune.

My gracious, if he’s not satisfied with jobs like being king and governor, he certainly isn’t going to be happy on the swing shift at Lockheed. But if he doesn’t want to be a riveter, he could always become a movie star. Of course, it doesn’t pay so much, but it’s pleasant work.

The movie people have nice long vacations, or as they call them, “strikes.” If that doesn’t interest the Duke and Duchess, I formally invite them to join the ranks of the radio teams. Who knows, maybe someday “Ed and Wally” may become as famous as Fibber and Molly, Amos ‘n’ Andy or that darling couple, George and Gracie.

Haircut is atrocity to Parisian barber

Women wear tresses long and add ribbon, straw or flowers to make a hat
By Judy Barden, North American Newspaper Alliance

Influence of hats sobering

Millinery styles are restrained

Millett: Like Joneses

Buying spree is awaiting peace
By Ruth Millett

Buc boss tries to book exhibitions

Games with Indians expected – Buc infield remains to be filled
By Chester L. Smith, Press sports editor

Griffith cools off –
Yanks didn’t ‘kidnap’ Nats’ ballplayer

Larger tax exemptions urged

Hospital WACs train at Fort Oglethorpe

Army’s ace singer is just plain drummer

Yank vocalist thrills Paris
By Si Steinhauser

Steel demand still exceeds total output

Material goes to most critical war plants

Western Union to test radio beam circuit

I’m not aware of germany doing this outside of like Heinrich Himmler trying to make peace with the allies.

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Völkischer Beobachter (March 20, 1945)

Rheinländer unter US-Terror

Die Brennpunkte im Westen

US-Sorgen vor San Franzisko

Absichtlicher Bombenterror

Die Rheinbrücke bei Remagen vernichtet