America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

No armistice or truce –
Officers ready to accept Nazi surrender piecemeal

German units of any size may yield, but unconditional capitulation policy stands

You don’t get one meatball may be butchers’ theme

Entire nation hit by worst shortage – fish, poultry stocks depleted in rush

Reply to miners snags operators

Producers fail to reach agreement

Office workers join film strike

All moviemaking may end in day or so

Plane crash kills 7 USO workers

Such is life

By Florence Fisher Parry

Detroit labor crisis hinges on ‘what’s a day’s work’

Senate investigators find most of strikes traced to issue of production rates
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Marines mop up on northern Iwo

GUAM (UP) – Three Marine divisions were mopping up Jap remnants on Iwo today. The end of the campaign was at hand.

Other units landed unopposed on Kama and Kangko rocks west of Iwo to knock out emplacements from which the Japs had been shelling U.S. positions throughout the 24-day battle.

Only two major enemy pockets remained on Iwo, and both were gradually being whittled down.

The biggest pocket at Kitano Point, northern tip of Iwo, was under assault by the 5th Marine Division. The 4th Division was hammering away at the other pocket near Higashi on the east side of the island.

The Marines were burying alive any Jap who refused to come out of the fortified caves and surrender. Creeping up to the cave entrances, the Marines hurled in demolition charges that collapsed the walls.

2,000 U.S. planes hit oil, rail targets

Roosevelt on radio

WASHINGTON – President Roosevelt will make a radio appeal for the Red Cross Tuesday, March 20. Mr. Roosevelt will speak over all networks from 9 to 9:05 p.m. EWT.

Yanks repulse Nazi attack on Italian peak

Mountain firmly held by Fifth Army

Reich far from bled white, visit to Rhineland shows

Country has changed surprisingly little since Taylor saw it in 1941
By Henry J. Taylor

One-man army of Bataan believed taken to Japan

Mandate system may be replaced

Trusteeships urged for dependent areas

New-car buyers cut down by OPA

Eligible categories reduced from 26 to 8

Enemy prisoners to feel food pinch

Poll: Public believes Reds will join war on Japs

Only 1 in 5 thinks they’ll stay neutral
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Bowles wants price limit on amusements

OPA chief asks for legislation

Byrnes’ advisors rebel, refuse ‘whipping’ boy role

OWMR board members declare themselves on director’s policy – cite duties under law

In Washington –
Work-or-jail bill upheld in House vote

Chamber rejects Senate’s measure

McNutt eases restaurants’ midnight rule

Those serving war workers exempt

Ice Follies glitters with regal splendor

Evelyn Chandler back with new thrill – stars, costumes brilliant in best edition
By Dick Fortune

Editorial: To fill Baruch’s shoes?

Editorial: Government polling

Editorial: Why don’t they quit?