America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Stokes: Kibitzers

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Dream train

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Japan’s mistake

By Maj. Al Williams

Hitler hideout now only charred ruin

Neighbors think Adolf’s in hiding
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

BERCHTESGADEN, Germany – Adolf Hitler’s neighbors believe he is not dead but hiding here somewhere in the Bavarian Alps where his fabulous Berghof retreat today is a charred, smoking ruin.

One report in the countryside here is that Hitler, Reich Marshal Hermann Goering, and a party fled toward Hinter See, 30 miles east of Berchtesgaden.

It may be pure rumor, but as one Bavarian farm woman, Frau Theresa Aschauer Scheffau, remarked, “We don’t believe anything Hitler and the Nazis say because they lied to us and betrayed us so many times.”

Frau Scheffau, whose little farm is near Hitler’s Berghof estate, based much of her information on the statements of foreign slave workers who sweated to rush completion of the elaborate system of buildings and tunnels Hitler had here.

Had 70 servants

She said so far as known Hitler himself had not visited Berghof since the attempt on his life last July 20 “if he was here then.” But she said Goering had been a very frequent visitor. He and his wife stayed in a luxurious villa, one of the guest houses of Hitler’s chalet.

“Frau Goering alone had 70 girls on her household staff,” Frau Scheffau said. “And Lord knows how many servants there were altogether for the Fuehrer’s chalet and all the guest houses.”

I got some idea of the size of the establishment from a telephone directory I found in one building. It listed about 600 numbers.

No. 366 was for the underground room of Eva Braun, Hitler’s sweetheart. No. 355 was Hitler’s reception room in an underground bunker. To get Eva in her regular room upstairs, Hitler called 417.

Deputy Fuehrer Martin Bormann had a whole building to himself here. Press Chief Dr. Otto Dietrich and Munitions Minister Albert Speer were others listed in the directory.

Private Nazi capital

Everything indicated that Berghof became more and more the Nazi Party’s private capital as the war went on, especially after Allied bombs made Berlin too hot. But today the great estate was as kaput as the Nazis claim Hitler himself to be.

Most of the buildings and much of the grounds are as devastated as if a big battle had been fought here. However, a task force from the 3rd Division took Berghof Friday night without a fight. Most of the damage was done by Allied air attacks, especially the RAF’s 11-ton battering a fortnight ago.

Blown up by SS

However, Hitler’s own house – Haus Wachenfeld – apparently did not receive any direct hits, in spite of the Air Minister’s claims. Civilians said SS troopers blew it to pieces last Thursday, just before the Americans arrived.

Haus Wachenfeld is painted a hideous, camouflage green like all the other buildings here. Today its metal roof sags crazily. Jagged holes gape in the walls. The inside is devastated.

The famous broad window covering one end, where Hitler gazed at the Alps for inspiration and “intuition,” is a great hole measuring 30 feet high and 10 feet wide.

Three miles of tunnels

The more valuable furnishings were moved into the tunnels which lace this mountainside. One entrance to the tunnels is just behind Hitler’s kitchen. Another is 200 yards behind the SS barracks. A third is near the flagpole where the Stars aud Stripes fly today at half-mast in honor of President Roosevelt.

Those tunnels, winding and carpeted in brown, cover an estimated three miles. In the center of them there is a huge, metal elevator running up to the famous Eagle’s Nest teahouse on the mountain top. The elevator did not work today.

Opening off one section of the tunnels are 20 simply-furnished, square bedrooms with two to six beds – all made and ready to sleep in – in each room.

The corridors themselves are filled with old engraved silverware, valuable china and fine table linen, all initialed “A.H.”

Many books found

In some cupboards there are 20-foot-long bookcases packed with the works of German military writers and books by Allied and German authors about Nazi Germany. Included are a half-dozen red-jacketed copies of Mein Kampf, autographed by the author.

There is also an elaborate wine cellar, stocked among other things with 1,000 bottles of “Veuve Clicquot” French champagne. Another large storeroom is piled with paintings, and still another with the furniture from the chalet.

Among the interesting items turned up by G.I.’s who roamed Berghof today was the negative of a movie reel, showing two nude girls disporting.

Another was a glass sewing case with a sterling silver top, whereon was written in an open, feminine hand: “Eva.”

‘They’re both swell men,’ ‘dead’ flier’s wife says

Cables first husband her love – doesn’t know which one to choose

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Since President Truman has signed that bill so the Kennebunkport, Maine, post office can have a new mural I won’t enter the controversy about the one there now. Maybe the bathing beach ladies are too fat and haven’t enough clothes, but after all, post-office art is still in its infancy.

Why, once the only art you saw in post offices were posters showing front and side views of men’s faces, labeled “Wanted! Reward!” – the most depressing kind of faces, too.

It wasn’t as if they couldn’t have put up nice attractive faces, like Clark Gable’s or Van Johnson’s. But I suppose the post-office officials just belonged to the modern realistic school of art, and never thought of what they were doing to the morale of their public.

George says he’s for less art in post offices, and more and better pens.

Millett: Teacher has her ‘bets’

By Ruth Millett

Doting mom does her son wrong

Even a mother agrees to that
By Sara Boynoff, North American Newspaper Alliance

Pirates split, ready to head East

Buccaneers capture six out of 15 games against top rivals
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Dodgers share loop spotlight with Giants

By the United Press

Conversion problems bring USES expansion

Radio star began training in church choir

Stage career ‘total loss’
By Si Steinhauser

U.S. Steel hit by increase in coal wages

Hike to cost company 8 million a year

Delay in auto output until late 1945 seen

Industry leaders fear problem of jobs

U.S. State Department (May 7, 1945)

740.0011 EW/5-745: Telegram

The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State

Paris, May 7, 1945 — 10 p.m.
[Received May 7 — 6:33 p.m.]

From Murphy for Matthews.

General Eisenhower has informed Combined Chiefs of Staff that the mission entrusted to his Allied Command has now been completed. [Murphy.]


Neues Österreich (May 8, 1945)

Der Krieg ist zu Ende!

Endgültiger Sieg der Vereinten Nationen

London, 7. Mai – Das Oberkommando der deutschen Wehrmacht erklärte heute die bedingungslose Kapitulation aller deutschen Streitkräfte.

Die Kapitulation wurde zuerst vom deutschen Außenminister Graf Schwerin von Krosigk bekanntgegeben. Er erklärte im Rundfunk:

Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht hat heute auf Geheiß von Großadmiral Dönitz die bedingungslose Kapitulation aller kämpfenden Truppen erklärt. Die, deutsche Kapitulation erfolgte in aller Form in General Eisenhowers Hauptquartier in Reims um 2,41 Uhr nachts. Für Deutschland wurde die Kapitulationsurkunde von Generaloberst Jodl unterzeichnet, für General Eisenhower unterzeichnete sein Stabschef Wedell Smith, für die Sowjetunion General Suslaparow, für Frankreich General Seves. General Eisenhower war bei der Unterzeichnung nicht zugegen.

Unmittelbar nach der Unterzeichnung empfing General Eisenhower, Generaloberst Jodl und Admiral von Friedeburg. Eisenhower fragte die deutschen Bevollmächtigten, ob sie die Bestimmungen das Deutschland auferlegten Kapitulation vollauf begriffen hätten und ob die Bestimmungen würden durchgeführt werden. Die deutschen Bevollmächtigten bejahten, sie seien sich über die. Bestimmungen völlig im Klaren. Sie würden durchgeführt werden.

Erklärung Jodls

Nach der Unterzeichnung erklärte Generaloberst Jodl, er müsse eingestehen, dass Deutschland nach sechsjährigem Kampf der überwältigenden Übermacht der Gegner unterlegen sei. Eine Fortsetzung des Kampfes hätte nur unnützes Blutvergießen und Zerstörung bedeutet. Eine Regierung, die Verantwortungsgefühl für die Zukunft des Volkes besitze, müsse daraus die Folgerung ziehen und um Einstellung der Feindseligkeiten ersuchen.

Generaloberst Jodl erklärte ferner, er sei sich klar darüber, daß durch diese Unterschrift das deutsche Volk und die deutsche Wehrmacht den Siegern auf Gedeih und Verderb in die Hand gegeben seien.

Weiterkämpfende Truppen außerhalb des Kriegsrechtes

London, 7. Mai – In London führte Churchill heute den Vorsitz bei einer Vollsitzung des britischen Kabinetts.

Die deutsche Kapitulation erstreckt sich auf alle deutschen Streitkräfte im Feld und auch auf die gegen Russland kämpfenden Truppen.

Ein von den Deutschen noch besetzter Prager Sender bestritt heute, dass sich die Kapitulation auch auf die gegen Russland kämpfenden Truppen beziehe und erklärte, der Kampf gegen Rußland würde weitergehen.

Von alliierter Seite wurde daraufhin erklärt, dass die deutschen Truppen, die nach der Kapitulation weiterkämpfen, nach völkerrechtlichen Bestimmungen als illegale Freischärler gelten und außerhalb des Kriegsrechtes stehen.

Dönitz proklamiert Ende des U-Boot-Krieges

London, 7. Mai – Dönitz hat heute über den Sender Flensburg das Ende des U-Boot-Krieges proklamiert. Er gab den Befehl, alle Feindseligkeiten einzustellen und Heimatkurs zu nehmen, Er erklärte dazu: „Durch die gewaltige Überlegenheit des Gegners sind wir auf engstem Raum zusammengedrängt worden, Eine Fortsetzung des Kampfes von den uns verbliebenen Stützpunkten aus ist unmöglich.”

Dönitz gab ferner an alle Hafen- und Schiffsbesatzungen im norddeutschen Raum den Befehl, von jeder Kampfhandlung Abstand zu nehmen und Selbstversenkungen von Schiffen, sowie Zerstörung von Maschinen und Einrichtungen zu unterlassen. Die Mannschaften haben an Bord zu bleiben, Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe, die von der Kapitulation gegenüber Feldmarschall Montgomery betroffen werden, sollen vorläufig in dänischen Häfen bleiben. Von dieser Verfügung wird unter anderem der Kreuzer Prinz Eugen und der Kreuzer Nürnberg betroffen.

Abmarsch aus Dänemark

London, 7. Mai – Aus Dänemark marschieren tausende deutsche Soldaten über die Grenze nach Deutschland, wo sie von den Truppen Feldmarschall Montgomerys entwaffnet werden sollen.

Der Chef der britischen Militärkommission in Kopenhagen gab bekannt:

Die Deutschen marschieren unter ihren eigenen Vorgesetzten und behalten ihre Waffen. Ihre Entwaffnung in Dänemark würde den Einsatz der britischen Truppen zu sehr in Anspruch, nehmen, da 200.000 bis 300.000 Deutsche entwaffnet werden müssten.

Leitartikel: Bedingungslose Kapitulation

Gestern hat Deutschland bedingungslos kapituliert. Der Krieg ist zu Ende. Das Recht hat gesiegt. Es wird wieder Friede sein auf Erden.

Sehnsüchtig haben die Völker auf diesen Tag gewartet, der kommen mußte, mit derselben Notwendigkeit, mit der die Sonne die Nacht verscheucht. Die Niederlage Deutschlands war geschichtlich vorausbestimmt, denn der Raubzug des Rassenhasses, des Größenwahns gegen die freiheitsliebenden Völker mußte schließlich den vereinigten Widerstand der Welt hervorrufen. Diese unabwendbare Niederlage war seit dem Winter 1941/42, seit der ersten Katastrophe der Hitlerarmee vor den Toren von Moskau und vor allem seit der Schicksalswende von Stalingrad für jeden denkenden Menschen offenkundig. Eine deutsche Staats- und Armeeführung mit einem Funken Verantwortungsgefühl hätte damals die Konsequenzen gezogen und sie zum Frieden um jeden Preis bereit erklärt. An der Spitze Deutschlands aber standen keine Volksführer und keine Staatsmänner, sondern verbrecherische Abenteurer, herz- und hirnlose Banditen, deren Gewerbe nur die Zerstörung, deren Ziel nur das Chaos war. Und die deutsche Nation hatte sich mit Leib und Seele dieser verschworenen Räuberbande ausgeliefert und fand in sich nicht die sittliche Kraft, den Rückweg. zu Vernunft und Wahrheit anzutreten. So wurde denn ein wahnwitziger, aussichtsloser, krimineller Krieg fortgesetzt, ein Krieg der Lüge, der Sturheit, der Selbstverblendung und Selbstzerfleischung gegen die große Freiheitsfront der Völker, denen der Sieg gebührt und denen er darum gehört.

Es gibt keinerlei Entschuldigung, nicht den leisesten Milderungsgrund für die deutsche Raserei, die den Krieg begonnen hat und die ihn weiterschleppte, sechs Jahre lang, über Trümmerhaufen und Leichenberge, über den Schutt und die Asche von Städten, die der deutsche Führer und der deutsche Soldat mutwillig dem Untergang preisgaben, über das qualvolle Sterben und namenlose Elend von ungezählten Millionen, die kaltblütig aufgeopfert wurden im Namen einer frechen Räuberbande, einer unmenschlichen Räubermoral. Es liegt kein Hauch von Größe, von Heroismus über diesem hundertfach verdienten Zusammenbruch, sondern nur der Grabeshauch eines jammervollen Gehorsams und der Leichendunst einer ungeheuerlichen Verantwortungslosigkeit. Die Menschheit verflucht die deutschen Kriegsverbrecher nicht nur darum, weil sie gewissenlos den Krieg entfesselten, sondern weit mehr noch darum, weil sie ihn bis zum schreckensvollen Ende hinauszogen, bis zum Tag eines nie dagewesenen militärischen, politischen und moralischen Zusammenbruchs, einer wahrhaft schauerlichen Katastrophe. Wir Österreicher haben allen Grund, aus tiefsten Herzenstiefen in diesen Fluch der Menschheit einzustimmen, denn unser Land und Volk mußte die letzte Verzögerung der unvermeidlichen bedingungslosen Kapitulation mit allen Schrecken des Krieges, mit den Ruinen von Wien, mit der weitgehenden Zerstörung unserer Industrie und Landwirtschaft bezahlen. Um ein paar Wochen später zu kapitulieren, haben die deutschen Kriegsverbrecher unser Osterreich zum Kriegsschauplatz, unser Wien zu einer Stadt der Trauer und Trümmer gemacht. Niemals werden wir das vergessen.

Der Krieg ist zu Ende. Doch immer noch gibt es eingefleischte Nazischufte, die das Mordhandwerk auf eigene Faust fortzusetzen gedenken. Die Reichsregierung hat kapituliert, aber der Sender Prag, einer der letzten deutschen Sender, die noch in der Hand der Banditen sind, hat zu weiterem Widerstand aufgefordert. Die SS-Mordbuben sollen wissen: Wer jetzt noch mit der Waffe in der Hand den Armeen der freien Völker entgegentritt, wird nicht als Soldat, sondern als Wegelagerer behandelt. Und ebenso fordert das Volk, dass jeder Lump, der jetzt noch aktiv als Nazi tätig ist und den Aufbau Österreichs stört, mit dem Tode bestraft wird. Bedingungslose Kapitulation der Hitlerpartei ist die notwendige Folge der bedingungslosen Kapitulation Hitlerdeutschlands. Wir wollen endlich, endlich den Frieden – und wehe jedem, der sich vermisst, weiterhin einen Privatkrieg gegen Volk, Recht und Ordnung zu führen!

Es ist ein teuer erkaufter, schwer erkämpfter Friede, dessen ersten Morgenhauch wir endlich verspüren. Wir werden ihn schützen, entschlossen, einmütig und mit brennender Leidenschaft.

Address by Reich President Doenitz Informing German People of Unconditional Surrender
May 8, 1945, 12:30 p.m. CET


Broadcast audio (RRG):

Deutsche Männer und Frauen!

In meiner Ansprache am 1. Mai, in der ich dem deutschen Volk den Tod des Führers und meine Bestimmung zu seinem Nachfolger mitteilte, habe ich es als meine erste Aufgabe bezeichnet, das Leben deutscher Menschen zu retten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, habe ich in der Nacht vom 6. zum 7. Mai dem Oberkommando der Wehrmacht den Auftrag gegeben, die bedingungslose Kapitulation für alle kämpfenden Truppen auf allen Kriegsschauplätzen zu erklären. Am 8. Mai 23 Uhr schweigen die Waffen.

Die in unzähligen Schlachten bewährten Soldaten der deutschen Wehrmacht treten den bitteren Weg in die Gefangenschaft an und bringen damit das letzte Opfer für das Leben von Frauen und Kindern und für die Zukunft unseres Volkes. Wir verneigen uns vor ihrer tausendfach bewiesenen Tapferkeit und der Opfertat der Gefallenen und der Gefangenen. Ich habe dem deutschen Volk zugesagt, in der kommenden Notzeit bestrebt zu sein, unseren tapferen Frauen, Männern und Kindern, soweit dies in meiner Macht steht, erträgliche Lebensbedingungen zu schaffen. Ob ich dazu beitragen kann, Euch in dieser harten Zeit zu helfen, weiß ich nicht.

Wir müssen den Tatsachen klar ins Gesicht sehen. Die Grundlagen, auf denen das Deutsche Reich sich aufbaute, sind zerborsten. Die Einheit von Staat und Partei besteht nicht mehr. Die Partei ist vom Schauplatz ihrer Wirksamkeit abgetreten. Mit der Besetzung Deutschlands liegt die Macht bei den Besatzungsmächten. Es liegt in ihrer Hand, ob ich und die von mir bestellte Reichsregierung tätig sein kann oder nicht. Kann ich durch meine Amtstätigkeit unserem Vaterland nützen und helfen, dann bleibe ich im diesem Amt, bis der Wille des deutschen Volkes in der Bestellung eines Staatsoberhauptes Ausdruck finden kann oder die Besatzungsmächte mir die Fortführung meines Amtes unmöglich machen. Denn mich halten nur die Liebe zu Deutschland und die Pflicht auf meinem schweren Posten. Ich bleibe nicht eine Stunde länger, als ich ohne Rücksicht auf meine Person, es mit der Würde vereinbaren kann, die ich dem Reiche schulde, dessen oberster Repräsentant ich bin.

Wir haben alle einen schweren Weg vor uns. Wir müssen ihn in der Würde, der Tapferkeit und der Disziplin gehen, die das Andenken unserer Gefallenen von uns fordert. Wir müssen ihn mit dem Willen zur Anspornung aller unserer Arbeits- und Leistungskraft gehen, ohne die wir uns keine Lebensgrundlage schaffen können. Wir wollen ihn in der Einigkeit und Gerechtigkeit gehen, ohne die wir die Not der kommenden Zeit nicht überwinden können. Wir dürfen ihn in der Hoffnung gehen, daß unsere Kinder einmal in einem befriedeten Europa ein freies und gesichertes Dasein haben werden. Ich will auf diesem dornenreichen Weg nicht hinter Euch zurückbleiben. Gebietet mir die Pflicht, in meinem Amt zu bleiben, dann werde ich versuchen euch zu helfen, soweit ich irgend kann. Gebietet mir die Pflicht zu gehen, so soll auch dieser Schritt ein Dienst an Volk und Reich sein.

News Conference with President Truman on V-E Day
May 8, 1945, 8:35 a.m. EWT

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I want to start off by reading you a little statement here. I want you to understand, at the very beginning, that this press conference is held with the understanding that any and all information given you here is for release at 9 a.m. this morning, Eastern War Time. There should be no indication of the news given here, or speculation about it, either in the press or on the radio before 9 o’clock this morning.

The radio – my radio remarks, and telegrams of congratulation to the Allied military leaders, are for release at the same time. Mr. Daniels has copies of my remarks, available for you in the lobby as you go out, and also one or two releases here.

Now, for your benefit, because you won’t get a chance to listen over the radio, I am going to read you the proclamation, and the principal remarks. It won’t take but 7 minutes, so you needn’t be uneasy. You have plenty of time. [Laughter]

“This is a solemn but glorious hour. General Eisenhower informs me that the forces of Germany have surrendered to the United Nations. The flags of freedom fly all over Europe.”

It’s celebrating my birthday, too – today, too.

Voices: Happy birthday, Mr. President! [Laughter]

THE PRESIDENT. "For this victory, we join in offering our thanks to the Providence which has guided and sustained us through the dark days of adversity. Our rejoicing is sobered and subdued by a supreme consciousness of the terrible price we have paid to rid the world of Hitler and his evil band. Let us not forget, my fellow Americans, the sorrow and the heartache which today abide in the homes of so many of our neighbors – neighbors whose most priceless possession has been rendered as a sacrifice to redeem our liberty.

“We can repay the debt which we owe to our God, to our dead, and to our children, only by work, by ceaseless devotion to the responsibilities which lie ahead of us. If I could give you a single watchword for the coming months, that word is work, work, and more work. We must work to finish the war. Our victory is only half over.”

Now, we have got another little release here, which doesn’t go into the speech, but it informs the Japanese what they can expect. We are going to be in a position where we can turn the greatest war machine in the history of the world loose on the Japanese; and I am informed by the Chiefs of Staff, by the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of the Navy, that Japan is going to have a terrible time from now on. This release here, I will read it.

"The Japanese people have felt the weight of our land, air, and naval attacks. So long as their leaders and the armed forces continue the war, the striking power and intensity of our blows will steadily increase, and will bring utter destruction to Japan’s industrial war production, to its shipping, and to everything that supports its military activity.

"The longer the war lasts, the greater will be the suffering and hardships which the people of Japan will undergo – all in vain. Our blows will not cease until the Japanese military and naval forces lay down their arms in unconditional surrender.

"Just what does the unconditional surrender of the armed forces mean for the Japanese people?

"It means the end of the war.

"It means the termination of the influence of the military leaders who brought Japan to the present brink of disaster.

"It means provision for the return of soldiers and sailors to their families, their farms, and their jobs.

"And it means not prolonging the present agony and suffering of the Japanese in the vain hope of victory.

“Unconditional surrender does not mean the extermination or enslavement of the Japanese people.”

Now, you will have copies of that when you go out.

Mr. Daniels: Mr. President, will you point out that that is marked immediate release, but that it is for 9 o’clock ?

THE PRESIDENT. That is for 9 o’clock. It is marked immediate release, but it was to be released after the proclamation this morning. But I thought it was so important that we released it at the same time; and while this release is marked immediate release, it wants to be released at 9 o’clock, after the other release.

[Continues reading his address]: "The West is free, but the East is still in bondage to the treacherous tyranny of the Japanese. When the last Japanese division has surrendered unconditionally, then only will our fighting job be done.

“We must work to bind up the wounds of a suffering world–to build an abiding peace, a peace rooted in justice and in law.”

You remember, it has been emphasized here all the time that we want a peace of justice and law. That’s what we are trying to get, at San Francisco–what we are going to get–the framework for a peace in justice and law. We have got terrific problems facing us. While we have been prepared for this thing for several days, I think ever since last Saturday night, if I remember correctly–[laughter]–we have had other things to think about, besides this formal proclamation which we are issuing this morning. We are facing a situation that we can either go the whole way and make the world the happiest place it has ever been in which to live, or we can go the wrong way and spoil the whole thing. So we are thinking all the time of the problems which we have to face.

[Continues reading his address]: "We can build such a peace only by hard, toilsome, painstaking work–by understanding and working with our Allies in peace as we have worked with them in war.

"The job ahead is no less important, no less urgent, no less difficult than the task which now happily is done.

“I call upon every American to stick to his post until the last battle is won. Until that day, let no man abandon his post or slacken his efforts.”

Now, I want to read to you the formal proclamation.

"A Proclamation: The Allied armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God’s help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender. The western world has been freed of the evil forces which for five years and longer have imprisoned the bodies and broken the lives of millions upon millions of free-born men. They have violated their churches, destroyed their homes, corrupted their children, and murdered their loved ones. Our Armies of Liberation have restored freedom to these suffering peoples, whose spirit and will the oppressors could never enslave.

“Much remains to be done. The victory won in the West must now be won in the East.”

I want that emphasized time after time, that we are only half through.

“The whole world must be cleansed of the evil from which half the world has been freed. United, the peace-loving nations have demonstrated in the West that their arms are stronger by far than the might of dictators or the tyranny of military cliques that once called us soft and weak.”

I would like to know what the Germans think about that now. [Laughter]

"The power of our peoples to defend themselves against all enemies will be proved in the Pacific war as it has been proved in Europe.

"For the triumph of spirit and of arms which we have won, and for its promise to peoples everywhere who join us in the love of freedom, it is fitting that we, as a nation, give thanks to Almighty God, who has strengthened us and given us the victory.

“Now, therefore, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, do hereby appoint Sunday, May 13, 1945, to be a day of prayer.”

And it’s exceedingly fitting that that is Mother’s Day, too.

"I call upon the people of the United States, whatever their faith, to unite in offering joyful thanks to God for the victory we have won and to pray that He will support us to the end of our present struggle and guide us into the way of peace.

"I also call upon my countrymen to dedicate this day of prayer to the memory of those who have given their lives to make possible our victory.

“In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed.”

And I have sent messages to Prime Minister Churchill, Marshal Stalin, and General Eisenhower and General de Gaulle. This is the message to–to General Eisenhower, and I will let you read the rest of them from the release which will be given you. I want you to read every one of them.

Mr. Daniels: Mr. President–the time is getting late, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT. I’ll just read the one [to General Eisenhower]: "In recognition of the unconditional surrender–unconditional and abject surrender of the Nazi barbarians, please accept the fervent congratulations and appreciation of myself, and of the American people, for the heroic achievements of your Allied Army, Navy, and Air Forces. By their sacrifices, skill, and courage they have saved and exalted the cause of freedom throughout the world. All of us owe you, and to your men of many nations, a debt beyond appraisal for their high contribution to the conquest of Naziism.

"I send also my personal appreciation of the superb leadership shown by you and your commanders in directing the valiant legions of our own country, and of our Allies, to this historic victory.

“Please transmit this message to the appropriate officers of your command, and publish it to all Allied forces in your theaters of operation.”

And in the message to Marshal Stalin, we asked him to do the same thing for the Russian commanders and Russian troops.

Reporter: Thank you, Mr. President.

Address by President Truman Announcing the Surrender of Germany
May 8, 1945, 9:00 a.m. EWT


Broadcast audio (NBC):

This is a solemn but a glorious hour. I only wish that Franklin D. Roosevelt had lived to witness this day. Gen. Eisenhower informs me that the forces of Germany have surrendered to the United Nations. The flags of freedom fly over all Europe.

For this victory, we join in offering our thanks to the Providence which has guided and sustained us through the dark days of adversity.

Our rejoicing is sobered and subdued by a supreme consciousness of the terrible price we have paid to rid the world of Hitler and his evil band. Let us not forget, my fellow Americans, the sorrow and the heartache which today abide in the homes of so many of our neighbors-neighbors whose most priceless possession has been rendered as a sacrifice to redeem our liberty.

We can repay the debt which we owe to our God, to our dead and to our children only by work – by ceaseless devotion to the responsibilities which lie ahead of us. If I could give you a single watchword for the coming months, that word is – work, work, and more work.

We must work to finish the war. Our victory is but half-won. The West is free, but the East is still in bondage to the treacherous tyranny of the Japanese. When the last Japanese division has surrendered unconditionally, then only will our fighting job be done.

We must work to bind up the wounds of a suffering world – to build an abiding peace, a peace rooted in justice and in law. We can build such a peace only by hard, toilsome, painstaking work – by understanding and working with our allies in peace as we have in war.

The job ahead is no less important, no less urgent, no less difficult than the task which now happily is done.

I call upon every American to stick to his post until the last battle is won. Until that day, let no man abandon his post or slacken his efforts. And now, I want to read to you my formal proclamation of this occasion:

Victory in Europe: Day of Prayer

By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 8, 1945

The Allied armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God’s help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender. The western world has been freed of the evil forces which for five years and longer have imprisoned the bodies and broken the lives of millions upon millions of free-born men. They have violated their churches, destroyed their homes, corrupted their children, and murdered their loved ones. Our Armies of Liberation have restored freedom to these suffering peoples, whose spirit and will the oppressors could never enslave.

Much remains to be done. The victory won in the West must now be won in the East. The whole world must be cleansed of the evil from which half the world has been freed. United, the peace-loving nations have demonstrated in the West that their arms are stronger by far than the might of dictators or the tyranny of military cliques that once called us soft and weak. The power of our people to defend themselves against all enemies will be proved in the Pacific war as it has been proved in Europe.

For the triumph of spirit and of arms which we have won, and for its promise to peoples everywhere who join us in the love of freedom, it is fitting that we, as a nation, give thanks to Almighty God, who has strengthened us and given us the victory.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby appoint Sunday, May 13, 1945, to be a day of prayer.

I call upon the people of the United States, whatever their faith, to unite in offering joyful thanks to God for the victory we have won and to pray that He will support us to the end of our present struggle and guide us into the way of peace.

I also call upon my countrymen to dedicate this day of prayer to the memory of those who have given their lives to make possible our victory.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-five and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-ninth.


By the President:
Acting Secretary of State

Statement by President Truman Calling for Unconditional Surrender of Japan
May 8, 1945


Nazi Germany has been defeated.

The Japanese people have felt the weight of our land, air and naval attacks. So long as their leaders and the armed forces continue the war the striking power and intensity of our blows will steadily increase and will bring utter destruction to Japan’s industrial war production, to its shipping, and to everything that supports its military activity.

The longer the war lasts, the greater will be the suffering and hardships which the people of Japan will undergo – all in vain. Our blows will not cease until the Japanese military and naval forces lay down their arms in unconditional surrender.

Just what does the unconditional surrender of the armed forces mean for the Japanese people?

It means the end of the war.

It means the termination of the influence of the military leaders who have brought Japan to the present brink of disaster.

It means provision for the return of soldiers and sailors to their families, their farms, their jobs.

It means not prolonging the present agony and suffering of the Japanese in the vain hope of victory.

Unconditional surrender does not mean the extermination or enslavement of the Japanese people.