America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Agencies blamed for food scarcity

House committee blasts OPA laxity

Jewish groups list 10-point plan

AFL president fears unemployment wave

Don’t carelessly leave war bonds around

Monahan: Montez as Nile siren in Fulton’s Sudan

Jon Hall and Turhan Bey rivals for her love in Ancient Egypt
By Kaspar Monahan

Judy to play famed star

She’ll portray Marilyn Miller

Errol Flynn ‘wins’ fight

Battles with Huston at party

Ernie Pyle Memorial Fund set up at Indiana University

Journalism scholarships will honor writer – plan he approved expanded

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (SHS) – Friends of Ernie Pyle planned today a living memorial to him on the campus of Indiana University, where he spent his college days.

Indiana University Foundation, Bloomington, Indiana, announced establishment of the Ernie Pyle Memorial Fund, to provide scholarships for journalism students – especially returning veterans of this war – lectures by the nation’s outstanding newspaper men, and a memorial room, or library wing in which will be maintained a permanent display of his manuscripts, photographs, letters and personal belongings.

Approved by Ernie

The project was launched before his death in action, and had been given his personal approval the last time he was on the university campus – when he was given an honorary degree last November.

Originally it was planned as a rather modest affair, to provide an Ernie Pyle Scholarship to promising students who wanted to learn to write – a subject close to his own heart.

Since his death, it has been expanded. Unsolicited gifts already have been arriving, Lawrence Wheeler, director of the Foundation at Bloomington, said today.

Servicemen contribute

Contributions have arrived from many men in service. In one or more army camps movements were reported underway to establish memorials, and sponsors of some of these have been in contact with the foundation.

Alumni of the university also have displayed a keen interest in the project, and were prepared to give it civilian support on a nationwide basis. More than 500 students have passed through the university’s School of Journalism.

The fund will be administered by the Board of Directors of the Indiana University Foundation.

Strike wave in district comes to end

Westinghouse group agrees to review

Perkins: Truman urged to coordinate labor front

Advisors stress need in reconversion
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Editorial: The bum of bums

In times of war or peace, when it comes to who is history’s No. 1 scoundrel, gangster or phony, as you may choose to call him, you can always start an argument and get a lot of nominations.

To avoid too much debate about this one, and to allow a little latitude, we employ racetrack parlance and assert that Benito Mussolini will always be in the money for win, place or show.

Anyway, in our book, he will at least tie in a photo finish for first in pusillanimity, past, present or future.

His outstanding qualification for that rating is the way he played safe until convinced that Germany had won the war. He believed he was on a cinch when, right after Dunkirk, he stuck the knife into the back of his neighbor. He considered that he was taking no chance, not risking even what Hitler had risked.

Winston Churchill perhaps described him best as the “tattered lackey.”

He was the world’s greatest exhibitionist. He is now being exhibited, but not on a balcony.

So endeth that chapter.

Editorial: Press endangers conference

Editorial: $50,000 worth of ‘honor’

Editorial: Another Yalta violation

Edson: Fumed Oak plan for an UNNOMP at San Francisco

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Fidelity and feuds

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Cabinet changes

By Bertram Benedict

Millett: Wartime experiences ‘reform’ conversation

‘Scarce as nylons’ gives the idea
By Ruth Millett

Gimbel sales hit all-time high

Net income rises to $5,086,826

G.I. insurance to cost U.S. over $1 billion

95% of servicemen take out policies
By Ned Brooks, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Liquor holiday barred by WPB

Landing at Hong Kong expected by Japs

WITH CHINESE FORCES ON THE WESTERN HUNAN FRONT (UP) – The Japs are preparing for a possible American landing at Hong Kong after the Battle of Okinawa, high American officers said today.

The enemy has stationed at least 350,000 troops along a corridor from Canton to Hong Kong, the officer estimated.

Nearly 100,000 Jap troops have made progress in a drive towards the 14th U.S. Air Force airfield at Chihkiang in Hunan Province. If the Japs knock out Chihkiang, they can keep the Hankow railway repaired for use in moving troops to Hong Kong. The Americans would have to land many more troops at Hong Kong if Chihkiang falls than would be necessary at present.

Duranty: Russian realism

By Walter Duranty