America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Feindverluste auf Okinawa

Ostasiendienst des DNB

Tokio, 23. April – Die Kämpfe auf den Ryukyu-Inseln nahmen im Verlauf der letzten Tage an Heftigkeit zu.

Der Feind führte Luftangriffe mit etwa 600 Flugzeugen gegen das gesamte Gebiet der Gruppe und vor allem gegen das Hauptinsel Okinawa durch und ging mit etwa 10,000 Mann im Süden Okinawas zum Angriff über. In den erbitterten Kämpfen konnte jedoch der feindliche Ansturm überall vor den vordersten japanischen Linien zum Stehen gebracht werden. 40 Panzer wurden zusammengeschossen. Die feindlichen Verluste waren hoch. Indessen haben die Nordamerikaner weitere Truppen gelandet. Der Kampf um diesen wichtigen Außenposten im japanischen Verteidigungsring geht mit aller Macht weiter. Zu den Kämpfen in Burma erfahren wir: In Burma find heftige Kämpfe zwischen den Engländern und den japanischen Verteidigern im Gange. Die Stoßrichtung des englischen Angriffs liegt an der Straße nach Rangun.

Führer HQ (April 24, 1945)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Im Frontbogen südlich des Semmering warfen unsere Truppen die Sowjets noch weiter zurück und wiesen Angriffe bei Altmark und Traisen ab. Zwischen Laa an der Thaya und Nikolsburg sowie südlich Brünn konnte der Feind keine nennenswerten Erfolge erzielen. In diesem Kampfraum wurden 52 Panzer abgeschossen.

Im Südabschnitt der großen Schlacht zwischen den Sudeten und der Pommerschen Bucht drangen unsere Truppen in schwungvollem Angriff bis in den Raum hart östlich Wart vor. In der Stadt verteidigt sich die Besatzung weiter gegen starke Angriffe. Durch die Unterbrechung seiner rückwärtigen Verbindungen nordwestlich Brünn wurde der Gegner gezwungen, seine auf Dresden vorgeschobenen Angriffsspitzen zurückzunehmen. Priegnitz und Kamenz sind wieder in unserer Hand. Im Raum südlich Spremberg binden eigene Truppen in harten Kämpfen starke Kräfte der Bolschewisten.

Von Jüterbog stößt der Feind auf Wittenberg vor. An der Linie Guben-Frankfurt-Fürstenwalde wurden heftige Angriffe abgewiesen oder aufgefangen.

In der Schlacht um die Reichshauptstadt stießen die Bolschewisten trotz erbitterten Widerstandes unserer Truppen und Volkssturmeinheiten bis in den Raum südöstlich Brandenburg, südlich Potsdam und nördlich Königs Wusterhausen bis in die Randgebiete der östlichen und westlichen Stadtgebiete vor.

An der nördlichen Oderfront griff der Feind bei Schwetz erfolglos an, konnte seinen Brückenkopf zwischen Schwetz und Stettin dagegen erweitern. Nordöstlich Pillau vereitelten unsere Verbände in schweren Waldkämpfen nächtliche Durchbruchsversuche.

Beiderseits der unteren Ems wurden wiederholte Angriffe abgewiesen, dabei eine große Anzahl Panzer abgeschossen und Gefangene eingebracht.

Der Schwerpunkt der Kampfhandlungen in Nordwestdeutschland lag gestern zwischen der Aller, der nördlichen Weser und der Elbe bei Stade. In schweren wechselvollen Kämpfen gelang es dem Gegner trotz vielfacher Überlegenheit nicht unsere Front zu durchbrechen. Während im sächsischen Raum und im Vogtland weiterhin Kampfruhe herrscht, halten die feindlichen Angriffe gegen den Raum Eger-Weiden an.

In Süddeutschland richtete sich der Hauptdruck der Amerikaner nach Südosten gegen den Nordteil des Bayrischen Waldes und den Großraum Regensburg. Unsere Gegenangriffe gegen die tiefe Flanke der auf die Donau durchgedrungenen Kräfte sind zwischen Ehingen und Regensburg in gutem Fortschreiten. Versuche, der Amerikaner, ihren Brückenkopf südlich Dillingens zu erweitern, brachen verlustreich zusammen. Aus dem Raum Sigmaringen drang der Feind weiter, nach Südosten vor. Mit den westlich davon durchgebrochenen Panzerspitzen sind heftige Kämpfe im Abschnitt Tuttlingen-Donaueschingen und weiter südlich im Gange.

In Italien hält das erbitterte Ringen in unverminderter Härte an, ohne dass sich die Gesamtlage wesentlich veränderte.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (April 24, 1945)


PRD, Communique Section

241100B April


(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)


Communiqué No. 381

UNCLASSIFIED: Allied forces in north Holland beat off an enemy counterattack near Wagenborgen and are fighting in Appingedam.

Our forces in Germany, advancing down the right bank of the Weser, captured Uphusen, five miles from the outskirts of Bremen.

Enemy defense positions around Bremen were attacked by medium bombers. West of Oldenburg, fighter-bombers hit a concentration of field guns.

West of Hamburg we have occupied Harsefeld and Oostenbrugge.

Enemy forces which penetrated the Klotz area 19 April, and subsequently were pocketed, have been mopped up except for a few stragglers.

Dessau has been cleared and our forces are fighting in the western part of Eilenburg. Our patrols crossed the Mulde River in the vicinity of Eilenburg.

In Czechoslovakia, our troops liberated Thonbrunn and Dolreuth. To the south, in Germany, our infantry cleared Tirschenreuth after meeting strong resistance from 1,500 Hungarian troops who ultimately surrendered.

Our armor cleared Weiden and advanced south to enter Nabburg and Schwarzenfeld. Our infantry, advancing with the armor, reached the vicinity of Mantel and entered Aschach.

Southwest of Amberg, we reached the vicinity of Kastl and cleared Neumarkt after repelling a small counterattack.

South of Nuremberg, our armor and infantry made gains up to ten miles and reached Weissenburg.

Our forces crossed the Donau River at Dillingen, 15 miles northwest of Augsburg, and we advanced five miles south of the river.

Upstream along the Donau we reached Ehingen, 12 miles southwest of Ulm. Other units driving east from Sigmaringen advanced to within six miles of Ehingen, virtually sealing off an area of 500 square miles southeast of Stuttgart.

From Ludwigshafen we drove 25 miles eastward to a point 18 miles north of Friedrichshafen on Constance Lake. A 40-mile stretch of the German-Swiss border is now in our hands.

West of the Black Forest we gained eight miles southward along the Rhine to reach Müllheim.

Allied forces in the west captured 32,642 prisoners 22 April.

Enemy shipping off the Frisian Islands and in the Ems Estuary; rail lines and traffic between the Ems and Weser Estuaries and in the Elbe Estuary area, and airfields in both northern and southern Germany were attacked by fighter-bombers. Many aircraft were destroyed or damaged on the ground.

Four enemy aircraft were shot down during the day. According to incomplete reports, eight of our fighters are missing.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA4655


U.S. Navy Department (April 24, 1945)

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 342

The XXIV Army Corps continued the attack against enemy lines in the southern sector of Okinawa on April 23 (East Longitude Date). Elements of the 7th Infantry Division captured an important enemy position on high ground west of Ishin Village. Enemy opposition was heavy along the entire front.

Marines of the III Amphibious Corps were engaged in mopping up remnants of the enemy on Yagachi Island north of Motobu Peninsula on April 23. On the same date, III Corps troops occupied Heanza Island east of Katchin Peninsula and Kouri Island, north of Motobu Peninsula, finding no opposition.

On April 24, ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet delivered heavy gunfire in support of the attacking troops in the XXIV Corps sector. Numerous caves were closed and blockhouses, pillboxes, trenches and gun emplacements were destroyed. Adverse weather reduced air operations and there was no enemy aircraft activity over the area during the day.

Search aircraft of Fleet Air Wing One sank two small cargo ships and one motor torpedo boat and damaged two torpedo boats east of the Ryukyus on April 23. On the following day, search planes of the same Wing strafed building and radio installations in the northern Ryukyus and damaged a num­ber of small craft.

Carrier aircraft from units of the British Pacific Fleet strafed and bombed runways, airfield structures, barracks and other installations on islands of the Sakishima group on April 20 encountering no enemy air opposition.

On April 23, Liberators of the Strategic Air Force bombed installations on Marcus Island. Iwo based Mustangs of the same force bombed and strafed storage dumps on Chichi Jima in the Bonins on April 24.

The Pittsburgh Press (April 24, 1945)

Yanks drive to Danube in Bavaria

Berchtesgaden in path of Third Army plunge – Regensburg menaced

All but fourth of Okinawa seized

Yanks converting isle into key base

GUAM (UP) – U.S. forces have captured three-quarters of Okinawa and have been converting it into a key base for the next stage of the American march on Japan and the China coast, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said today.

Even as he spoke, U.S. B-29 Superfortresses were continuing their softening-up bombardment of Japan proper. A fleet of 150 from the Marianas hit the Hitachi aircraft factory at Tachikawa, 14 miles west of Tokyo, for the first time.

Adm. Nimitz revealed that development of Okinawa into a major American base was underway at a press conference on the island following an inspection tour.

He said:

The acquisition of Okinawa will permit us to project our sea and airpower to the China coast and Japanese homeland and will greatly facilitate and speed up operations in the future.

The operations here are going along as planned and development of the island already has started.

Adm. Nimitz said the remnants of the Jap surface fleet are still capable of attacking American shipping, but cannot be regarded as a “serious threat.” He said they would be hunted down as soon as the Okinawa airfields are ready to handle all the available planes.

The American ground offensive on Southern Okinawa appeared to have stalled temporarily in the powerful network of Jap defenses shielding Naha.

Superfortresses which bombed the Hitachi aircraft plant today were striking at the Tokyo area for the first time this week. They attacked from medium altitude and good results were expected.

The plant, which covers one million square feet, is only 19 miles from the Imperial Palace and one of the few aircraft engine factories not attacked previously by Maj. Gen. Curtis LeMay’s Marianas-based Superfortresses.

In the fighting on Okinawa, Adm. Nimitz announced that warships and carrier planes continued the heavy bombardment of Jap positions in the southern part of the island.

Three U.S. divisions of the XXIV Corps have been attacking the Japs since Thursday but the drive stalled temporarily 3½ miles north of Naha.

The communiqué disclosed that 28 Jap aircraft were destroyed by carrier planes and fighters throughout the Ryukyus Sunday and Monday.

British deny execution story

2,100,000 in Tokyo U.S. raid victims

By the United Press

Fifth Army takes Spezia sea base

Polish dispute overshadows peace session

Frisco conference to open tomorrow
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

‘OPA making criminals of people,’ Wheeler says at meat probe

Senator charges agency has failed here, promises enforcement ‘or some changes’

Homewood soldier rescues 89 Yank pilots in China

Travels 10,000 miles in areas never before seen by white men to save some fliers

Army to release men 42 or over

Our soft underbelly

By Florence Fisher Parry

Coal strike threat ended – WLB approves miners’ pay raises

Average increase of $1.02 a day provided for 310,000 workers in industry

War job seller admits he’s guilty

House group votes warning to neutrals

Resolution hits refuge for war criminals

Yanks split Japs on Mindanao

Opposition light in drive on Davao

Atrocity news given to Germans

OWI begins course of reeducation

War crimes board to probe atrocities

Big Three warns Germans on torture of prisoners

Allies accept Nazi decision to leave captives in camps where they now are held

Truman believed deciding where to go after Okinawa

Issue apparently is whether to invade Japan first or encircle enemy by drive in China
By Marshal McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

WASHINGTON (SHS) – President Truman, as Commander-in-Chief, may now be in process of deciding what military steps shall be take in the Pacific after Okinawa is ours, some congressmen close to the armed forces believe.

The new President will have an important hand in the strategy decision because it involves not merely military matters in the Pacific but also problems that touch on the home front deeply.

The issue is apparently whether there shall be a headlong assault on the Jap home islands, or an encircling movement aimed at Japan through China.

Invasion of Japan costly

About two weeks ago, these same congressional sources said that our military experts had not then decided upon which way to move after Okinawa is captured.

A frontal assault on the Jap home islands might cost dearly, but it would end the Pacific war more quickly. An encircling movement toward the China coast probably would be less costly but mean a longer war. This was said to be the view of military experts two weeks ago, despite the fact that months ago Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz indicated that the China coast was one of our important goals.

Involves home front

Today, according to the congressional sources, President Truman is probably facing the decision as to which course should be taken. This would involve the question not only of home front production of military goods, but of home front morale in the face of heavy casualties, or less heavy casualties and a prolonged conflict.

In connection with Mr. Truman’s problem, it was the new President himself, who, in his first address to Congress last week, pointed out how important a role President Roosevelt played in our European planning.

Cites commanders

Mr. Truman said:

The grand strategy of a United Nations’ war has been determined – due in no small measure to the vision of our departed Commander-in-Chief. We are now carrying out our part of that strategy under the able direction of Adm. Leahy, Gen. Marshall, Adm. King, Gen. Arnold, Gen. Eisenhower, Adm. Nimitz and Gen. MacArthur… This direction must and will remain unchanged and unhampered.

Some feeling is developing among some of our military experts, these same congressional sources say, that after victory in Europe, Japan may fold up more quickly than has heretofore been expected.

They point out:

When victory day comes in Europe, the whole world will be arrayed against Japan, and this will finally be so impressed upon the Japs that they cannot help but be more ready for unconditional surrender.