America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

The Pittsburgh Press (April 12, 1945)

Yanks storm over Elbe on last lap to Berlin

Patton gains 46 miles reaching supply area for Nazis’ east front

Patton’s in the open again – speed surprises even G.I.’s

By Robert Richards, United Press staff writer

Nazis surrender historic Weimar

400 B-29s, fighters hit Jap homeland

Tokyo and Koriyama war plants blasted

Jap artillery slows Yanks on Okinawa

Drenching rains also handicap campaign

In the Far Pacific today:
(1) Some 400 Superfortresses and escorting fighters pounded Tokyo and Koriyama. A German dispatch said carrier planes raided Formosa.\

(2) U.S. forces moving towards Naha, capital of Okinawa, were checked by Jap artillery and mortars.

(3) U.S. Marines made small gains on Ishikawa Peninsula of Okinawa.

GUAM (UP) – The stalemated battle on southern Okinawa went into the fourth day today with heavy enemy mortar and artillery fire still checking the American drive on the capital city of Naha.

A Domei dispatch reported that about 80 U.S. carrier planes raided northern Formosa for two hours today. Formosa lies off the southwestern tip of the Ryukyus, of which Okinawa is the principal island.

Front reports from Okinawa said the American drive was also hampered by drenching rains, which stalled motorized equipment and bogged down foot troops of the XXIV Army Corps.

Marines gain in north

Marines made some advances on Ishikawa Peninsula in the north.

Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, meanwhile, disclosed that Army troops completed the occupation yesterday of Tsugen Island, off the east coast of Okinawa and dominating Okinawa’s Nakagusuku Bay.

Yanks lose 432 killed

Adm. Nimitz also revealed that U.S. casualties in the first nine days of the campaign totaled 2,695, of which 432 were killed, 2,103 wounded and 160 missing. The count of Jap dead on Okinawa totaled 5,009 through Sunday.

U.S. carrier planes, naval gunfire and Marine and Army artillery were steadily supporting the ground forces on Okinawa, where front reports described the battle as approaching the level of the bloody Iwo campaign. U.S. troops were encountering heavily-mined roads and fields and hundreds of deep caves in ridges, which have to be cleared out one by one. Some of the caves are two stories deep.

Himmler decrees death for shirkers

Hitler reported mapping ‘last battle’

Casualties near 900,000 mark

WASHINGTON (UP) – Total U.S. combat casualties rose to within 610 of an even 900,000 today.

The total announced by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, includes only those casualties thus far officially compiled and announced here. It was 899,390, an increase of 6,481 over a week ago.

This was the smallest seven-day increase in many weeks.

The overall figure included 802,685 Army and 96,705 Navy casualties.

The casualty figures:

Army Navy TOTAL
Killed 159,267 37,402 196,669
Wounded 489,256 44,444 533,700
Missing 86,648 10,605 97,253
Prisoners 67,514 4,254 71,768
TOTALS 802,685 96,705 899,390

Of the Army wounded, 250,192 have returned to duty.

U.S. submarine lost with 65 aboard

WASHINGTON (UP) – The Navy today announced loss of the submarine USS Scamp on patrol in the Pacific. A crew of about 65 men was aboard.

1,900 killed or hurt in arms ship blast

ROME, Italy (UP) – Almost 1,900 Italian civilians and an undetermined number of Allied service personnel were killed or injured today when a munitions ship exploded in Bari Harbor.

First accounts indicated the disaster was greater than that which occurred December 2, 1943, when German bombers blew up five munitions-laden American ships at Bari, causing about 1,000 fatalities.

At least 267 Italians were believed killed in the blast today. There was no immediate explanation for the explosion which set fire to a number of Allied supply ships.

The long way back

By Florence Fisher Parry

Perkins: Lewis drives ‘net’ of miners to new high

Take-home-pay hiked within present base
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Westinghouse accused by U.S.

Cartel agreement charged in suit

Chaplin expected on witness stand

Spain breaks diplomatic ties with Japan

Murder of citizens in Manila charged

Hannover produces arms few days before its fall

War factories continue to operate despite raids which ruined 80 percent of homes
By Clinton B. Conger, United Press staff writer

West front gains called Nazi trick

Reds say foe hopes to create Allied rift

Bulk of air force will go to Pacific

Yanks storm Carrara, big Italian barrier

Fifth Army moves closer to La Spezia base

MacArthur staff moves with him

Yanks reach eastern Luzon at new point

Jap forces sealed off in peninsula

Simms: ‘Pearl Harbor’ against Reds believed planned by Japs

Gesture of hara-kiri to save face for militarists reported possible
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Swiss close doors to war criminals

Rigid regulations on entry adopted
By Paul Ghali

Jap relief ship believed sunk

Navy tells of attack by U.S. submarine

Marion Davies taken to hospital in ‘Frisco