America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Marines slay half of Japs on Palau Isle

Americans expand invasion of area
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer


Aboard expeditionary flagship, Palau –
The 1st Marine Regiment today captured “Bloody Nose” Ridge after a vicious fight and tonight the battle for Peleliu appeared to have passed the crisis point.

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii –
The bloody battle for Peleliu in the Southern Palaus was believed near its culmination today as U.S. forces wiped out more than half of the garrison, seized nearly half of nearby Angaur Island and occupied tiny Ngarmoked Island off Peleliu.

A Tokyo broadcast said approximately 50 U.S. planes, including Liberators and Lightnings, raided Davao, in Southwest Mindanao, yesterday, while some 100 carrier-planes attacked Koror Island in the Palaus north of Peleliu.

The intensified strikes in the Palaus came simultaneously with the opening of a new phase of the Southwest Pacific campaign by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who will lead victorious Allied armies back to the Philippines.

Announced by Nimitz

For the first time of the war, Gen. MacArthur sent carrier-based planes against Halmahera’s airdromes Saturday to prevent attacks on American-held Morotai Island at the north end of the Halmahera group and 250 miles south of the Philippines.

Selection of Gen. MacArthur to command the campaign to reconquer the Philippines was announced last night by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet, in a radio broadcast to the American Legion convention in Chicago.

The invasion of the Palaus, 560 miles east of the Philippines, by his own Pacific forces will provide a base “from which to cover and support Gen. MacArthur’s Philippines campaign,” Adm. Nimitz said.

5,495 killed

It was the first official confirmation that Gen. MacArthur will have full command of the reconquest of the Philippines, which he left more than two years ago resolutely pledging himself to return.

Despite severe losses which totaled 5,495 men killed by American count, the Japs fought fiercely on Peleliu’s difficult terrain and even attempted counterattacks which slowed the Marine drive northward from their southern beachhead.

Adm. Nimitz’s communiqué disclosed that the town of Asias, about a half mile north of captured Peleliu, fell to the 1st Marine Division, which also seized tiny Ngarmoked Island off the southern tip of the island to remove a potential threat from the rear.

Army troops of the 81st Infantry Division turned back several Jap counterattacks on Angaur, south of Peleliu, and continued their advance to gain control of the northern half of the island except for several strong pockets on the western shore. A total of 48 Jap bodies was counted on Angaur.

Battle from caves

Front dispatches said the Japs on Peleliu were fighting bitterly from caves and concrete pillboxes built in the sheer coral cliffs.

United Press writer Richard W. Johnston said they were dying by the hundreds in these escape-proof holes. The Marines were also suffering casualties, though not comparable with those at Tarawa or Saipan.

Mr. Johnston disclosed that the heaviest fighting was taking place on “Bloody Nose” Ridge, which overlooks the island. The Marines silenced Jap artillery which rained shells on the newly-captured airstrip.

A front dispatch from Leif Erickson, representing the combined Allied press, revealed that while the bitter ridge battle raged, U.S. planes were using the Peleliu Airdrome, less than a mile to the south.

Japs shackled to posts

Mr. Erickson reported that desperate Jap commanders shackled their soldiers’ hand and foot to their observation posts inside small caves, and made booby traps of the bodies of dead officers.

Warships and planes continued the unrelenting bombardment of the remaining Jap positions on Peleliu and Mr. Johnston said the combined forces have hurled “thousands of tons” of shells and bombs into the enemy defenses.

He said:

It appears likely that better than one half of the garrison has been wiped out or made ineffective. The stench of decaying bodies is already heavy on the beachhead.

Victory near

Although the Japs probably will fight to the end, observers believed that because of Peleliu’s small area – six by two miles – the Marines soon would be in full control.

Peleliu is the main eastern anchor of the Allied line around the Southern Philippines.

Gen. MacArthur’s troops were consolidating their positions and rapidly completing an airfield on Morotai Island, the southern anchor.

The carrier planes which attacked Halmahera airdromes also made sweeps over Wasile Bay. Thirteen barges were wrecked, three planes shot down and “many” planes destroyed on the ground. The assault came only a week after naval task force units made a three-raid attack on the Philippines.

Gen. MacArthur’s land-based bombers, meanwhile, hit nearby Celebes Island with 146 tons of bombs, concentrated on Kendari Airdrome. Two of eight Jap interceptors were shot down.

Submarines sink 29 Jap vessels

Germans capture UP writer Beattie


Speaks again tonight –
Dewey blames Roosevelt for strikes

Governor Dewey delayed after train wreck

Seattle, Washington (UP) –
Governor Tom E. Dewey’s special campaign train left Seattle several hours behind schedule today because of a freight train wreck near Castle Rock, Washington, but railroad crews were expected to have the roadway repaired in time to get the Dewey train into Portland, Oregon, by early afternoon.

Aboard Dewey campaign train (UP) –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey makes his second campaign speech from the West Coast tonight with a direct attack on President Roosevelt’s fourth-term bid, a follow-up to last night’s address at Seattle when he appealed to American labor to desert the present administration.

Governor Dewey’s theme tonight in Portland, Oregon, will be: “Is There An Indispensable Man?”

Governor Dewey’s speech will be broadcast over KDKA at 10:30 p.m. ET.

The Republican presidential nominee told a nationwide radio audience last night that the Roosevelt administration was responsible for wartime strikes and said it seeks to make labor a political pawn.

Five-point program

Before an overflow crowd of some 6,000 persons in Seattle’s Civic Auditorium, Governor Dewey outlined a five-point program he would inaugurate if his White House bid is successful. He called for:

  • An able Secretary of Labor from the ranks of labor;
  • Return to the Labor Department all the functions of each a department;
  • Abolition of “wasteful, competing bureaus filled with men quarreling for jurisdiction;
  • Establishment of a Fair Employment Practice Committee as a permanent government function;
  • Abolition of “privilege for one group over any other.”

Governor Dewey defended the right to strike as “one of the fundamental rights of free men,” but he charged that it has been abused and laid blame for such abuse directly with the Roosevelt administration. He said:

The chief blame goes directly into the White House and to its agency created at the top of all this chaos of agencies – the War Labor Board.

That board has supreme power over the vital matters of wages and conditions of employment. Whether by design or sheer incompetence, its practice has been to stall – weeks, months, sometimes years – before issuing decisions.

He charged:

This policy of delay, delay and more delay serves only the New Deal and its political ends. It makes the leaders of labor come hat in hand to the White House. It makes political loyalty the test of a man getting his rights…

Governor Dewey summed up his estimation of the Roosevelt administration’s labor policy as one of “delays, bungling and incompetence,” which has bred class division, hate and insecurity, placed obstacles in the way of labor’s efforts to avoid wartime strikes, and fostered strife among labor groups as well as between labor and business.

‘Peace footing’ –
Roosevelt plans war agencies’ end

Federal payroll cut also considered

‘Tell Helen I’ve found God’ –
Dying Navy airman writes to mom on wallet fly leaves

Sweetheart, parents and home cooking last thoughts of a fighting man

Fala and his friends

By Florence Fisher Parry

MacArthur to lead Philippine invasion, Nimitz tells Legion

Admiral hints of other impending blows; Marshall: Crucial stage reached

Nazis order civilians to flee Cologne area

Raid on Sumatra reported by Japs

By the United Press

War hero dies

Santa Fe, New Mexico –
The body of Col. Hugh Benton Moore, 75, credited with having stopped Ludendorff’s push in France in 1918 by blowing up the bridges needed by the German general in his drive, was sent today to Texas City, Texas, for burial. Col. Moore, who died here Sunday, was the transportation officer on Gen. Pershing’s staff in World War I.


Bricker to set pace tonight for GOP here

Dewey’s running mate to speak at Mosque
By Kermit McFarland

Republicans will throw one of the biggest shows of the fall political season here tonight when Governor John W. Bricker, candidate for Vice President, comes here to deliver one of the principal addresses of his campaign.

Mr. Bricker, accompanied by Governor Edward Martin, was scheduled to arrive here about 6:00 p.m. ET from Erie, where he delivered a noonday talk.

The Ohio Governor has delivered several speeches here on previous occasions, but this is the first at a meeting open to the public.

Will speak at Mosque

He will speak in Syria Mosque at 9:30 p.m. ET.

Mr. Bricker’s half-hour address will be broadcast over WCAE and the Mutual Network.

Preceding Mr. Bricker’s appearance, the Republican rally, scheduled to start at 8:30, will be addressed by U.S. Senator James J. Davis (candidate for reelection) and County Court Judge Blair E. Gunther.

Rev. Cornell E. Talley, pastor of the Central Baptist Church, was scheduled to speak at this meeting, but is ill. If he is unable to appear tonight, his place will be taken by Hobson R. Reynolds of Philadelphia, former Negro Legislator.

Mr. Reynolds is the sponsor of the so-called “equal rights” law enacted by the 1935 session of the Legislature.

Other speeches scheduled

From here, Mr. Bricker will go to Harrisburg, for a noon address tomorrow from the Capitol steps and thence to Wilkes-Barre for a night rally.

His appearance tonight is expected to be a prelude to the No. 1 Republican rally of the campaign next month when local and state leaders hope to bring Governor Thomas E. Dewey, presidential candidate, here for an address at Forbes Field.

Mr. Dewey visited Pittsburgh in July, but delivered no speech, confining his activities to a series of conferences with regional business, political, labor and agricultural leaders.

Truman may speak here

Governor Bricker’s Democratic rival for the Vice Presidency is also expected to speak here later in the campaign, although no dates have been set. But President Roosevelt’s running mate, Senator Harry S. Truman of Missouri, is a favorite with local Democratic leaders who played an important part in bringing about his nomination at the Chicago convention.

He was scheduled to deliver the Jefferson Day speech at the annual Democratic banquet last May, but at the last minute, U.S. Senator Joseph F. Guffey, a champion of Vice President Henry A. Wallace’s nomination, arranged to bring Senator Samuel D. Jackson (D-IN) instead.

The Democrats have no inkling of President Roosevelt’s campaign plans, other than two scheduled radio speeches from Washington and do not expect him to visit Pittsburgh before Election Day, although he has been here in each of his three previous campaigns. If he comes into Pennsylvania at all, he will appear in Philadelphia.


Bricker attacks Hillman and PAC

Erie, Pennsylvania (UP) –
Labor has the right to enter political campaigns with “arguments and peaceful persuasion,” but no organization should use “intimidation, threats and ulterior purposes” to influence the vote, Ohio Governor John W. Bricker said today in a sharp criticism of Sidney Hillman and the CIO Political Action Committee.

Mr. Bricker said that President Roosevelt’s alleged remark for aides at the Democratic National Convention to “clear everything with Sidney” was “too well authenticated and documented” for a denial by Robert Hannegan, chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Mr. Hillman “took over control of the Democratic Convention,” Governor Bricker said, and the “results provide the truth of the statement because everything was cleared through Sidney.”

Asked if organized labor should stay out of politics as a group, Governor Bricker replied that labor “always has been nonpartisan.”

He said:

We have political parties for the purpose of conducting elections. I have no opposition to any organization going into campaigns with arguments and peaceful persuasion, but to get people and members of an organization created for one purpose and then through power they have over them by intimidation, threats and ulterior purposes to try to force them to vote one way or to try to influence them by contributing money to one party against their will is very dangerous.

In a speech later, Governor Bricker said that a planned program for a rehabilitation of business and reemployment of war veterans has been laid down by the Republican Party while the New Deal “only looks forward to unemployment,” and measures to alleviate those conditions.


‘Phantom voters’ probe requested

Washington (UP) –
Rep. Francis J. Myers (D-PA) today asked the Special House Committee Investigating Campaign Expenditures to check the list of registered voters in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, for “phantom voters.”

Mr. Myers said he requested that the county’s entire voting list be checked following reports that Delaware County commissioners planned to investigate lists of 14,000 newly registered voters in Chester and 2,500 in Upper Darby, both in Delaware County. Charges have been made, he said, that this investigation of only a small part of the voting list is “wholly political” with the intention of “aiding or influencing the election of certain candidates.” Mr. Myers is the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, opposing Republican Senator James J. Davis.

‘Cotton Ed’ Smith to fight 4th term

Columbia, South Carolina (UP) –
Senator Ellison D. “Cotton Ed” Smith, who was recently defeated in the state Democratic primary when he sought a seventh term in the Senate, disclosed today he had called a meeting of anti-New Deal Democrats in Washington on Friday and Saturday to plan a campaign to defeat President Roosevelt.

Purpose of the meeting, he said, will be to recapture the Democratic Party from Sidney Hillman, the CIO, and the New Deal, and to defeat the fourth term.


Dewey asked to kill ‘incorrect statement’

Washington (UP) –
House Democratic Leader John W. McCormack (D-MA) called on Governor Thomas E. Dewey today to delete for rebroadcasting purposes that part of his Philadelphia speech in which, Mr. McCormack said, he made “an incorrect statement which creates a false impression about the demobilization plan for the Army.”

Governor Dewey charged in Philadelphia that the administration planned to keep men in the Army until they could get jobs. Mr. McCormack said:

This statement already has created confusion and uncertainty among our soldiers. In all decency, Governor Dewey should publicly withdraw it.

Screams of Yank wounded unnerve German gunner

Nazi stops firing long enough to let Americans evacuate comrades
By Robert Richards, United Press staff writer

U.S. heavies rip Ruhr railyards

U.S. shuttle bombers drop arms in Warsaw

WCTU asks liquor ban on European V-Day

Columbus, Ohio (UP) –
The 70th national convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union today adopted resolutions urging a ban on the sale of alcohol on the day of victory in Europe and condemning the “holiday” granted distillers to produce civilian alcohol.

Wolfert: German Army fights to give Nazis time to go underground

Reichswehr generals in accord with scheme to hurl nation into civil war
By Ira Wolfert

From private to general – that’s Courtney Hodges

Mystery man of Western Front flunked out of West Point, then rose through ranks
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Air invasion greater than D-Day attack

Paratroop landing in Reich possible

1st Allied Army HQ (UP) –
Allied spokesmen today hailed the great airborne landing behind the German lines in Holland as a sweeping success that exposes the Nazi homeland itself to invasion from the sky.

“The Allies can drop behind the Siegfried Line, across the Rhine, or anywhere else they want,” senior staff officers of Lt. Gen. Lewis H. Brereton’s 1st Airborne Army declared.

Two invasion waves have dropped through the rood of Holland twice in the past 48 hours at a cost in men and equipment far lower than even the most optimistic generals anticipated. Already the scope of the operation has dwarfed that of the landing in Normandy on D-Day, and Gen. Brereton’s sky army has not finished.

Other landings possible

The timing and direction of the air army’s next blow were closely-guarded secrets, but official spokesmen made it clear that the size of the two-day landings in Holland has not ruled out the possibility of further operations.

Thousands of planes and gliders swarmed across Holland yesterday to supply and reinforce the first invasion wave of paratroops and airborne infantrymen who landed Sunday afternoon. Field dispatches indicated the second contingent was fully as large as the first.

The element of tactical surprise was gone and the Germans threw up flak and fighter planes in an effort to turn back the air fleets but they got through with surprisingly small losses.

Covered by 600 fighters

More than 600 U.S. 8th Air Force fighters covered the armada.

Twenty-three fighters were lost, but they knocked out 74 gun posts and damaged almost a score of others, and destroyed 36 planes.

The big glider trains that ferried in the troops and supplies formed up over England in two great columns that stretched out over 285 miles. One struck across the continent behind the British lines, crossing the Gheel bridgehead over the Escaut Canal and then heading for the jump area, while the second approached directly from the Channel, flying for 85 miles across a thick belt of German flak.

A force of 250 Liberator bombers, transformed into cargo planes for the occasion, joined the fleet to ferry supplies to the first wave.

11 big bombers lost

The big bombers flew through the flak with their bellies skimming the treetops, and 11 of them were knocked down by enemy fire.

Maj. William Cameron of Hanford, California, copilot of one Liberator, said he and his crew saw gliders and jeeps on the ground with Allied troops all around them.

Other crewmen said they passed over flooded areas where practically no movement could be observed except a few cattle on the high roads, and, in a churchyard, three priests kneeling in prayer.

One Dutch fireman jubilantly tossed his helmet into the air when the Allied planes flew over and in some towns the people waved red, white and blue flags.

Susan Hayward leaves her husband of month