America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Rescued Yanks peeved – fight no longer personal

Commander replies ‘Nuts’ to Nazi surrender demand – relief force bags 200 enemy tanks
By Robert Richards, United Press staff writer

Changes proposed in Allied command

German marshal commits suicide

By the United Press

France to join United Nations

Yanks end raids from Soviet bases

U.S., Russia reach mutual agreement

U.S. ships shell Iwo base again

Slug it out with Jap shore batteries

12 hits scored on Jap plane plants

Perkins: Roosevelt may act to avert new labor bills

Expected to beat Congress to punch
By Fred W. Perkins, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Bridges appeals ouster order

Midwest suffers below-zero wave

By the United Press

New trial denied convicted Noxon

Jurors accused of voicing opinions

Court frees seller of ‘obscene’ book

Needed in 1776, and today –
Panzers, robot bomb point up importance of citizen training

Handling of modern weapons imperative to defense – Washington understood problem
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

G.I. paper calls for unity in fight on common foe

Going My Way called best movie

Editorial: War is not a game

Editorial: Get on with security

Editorial: Wanted – More facts

Edson: Peace is first business before any country

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: New viewpoint

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Freedom for Puerto Rico?

By Bertram Benedict

Is he the ‘type’?
Chaplin jury ponders intricacies of red corpuscles on day of rest

Two blood tests get different results

In Washington –
WPB to step up production of vital war items

Plans contracts for mills lacking orders
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Stokes: They don’t laugh

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: End of ‘crisis’

By Frederick C. Othman

Love: Abide by rules

By Gilbert Love