America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Yanks nearing last Jap port on Leyte Isle

U.S. guns already shelling Palompon

Single U.S. regiment holds off Nazi division

Cooks, clerks, MPs aid combat troops to repel two-day attack in Luxembourg
By Collie Small, United Press staff writer

Bell: The little niceties of war scrapped in Nazi offensive

Germans, in no mood to take prisoners, shoot them and go rumbling on
By Jack Bell

Canadians reach river in Italy

Crowds rush train; 30 policemen called

Editorial: The Atlantic scribblings

Editorial: Dream or nightmare?

Edson: First Family eats hash, but not the help

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Christmas

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Fourth wartime Christmas

By Bertram Benedict

Justice sought for French traitors

French Protestants ask aid of churches

Editorial: Christmas tree origin told in German legend

Millett: Childcare is ordeal

War conditions pose problems
By Ruth Millett

But no one else did –
Williams: ‘Big Three’ must be busy to forget Joe at Christmas

By Joe Williams

This is about Majdanek Correct?

KO’s Georgie Martin –
Robinson’s win streak continues

Lwow, actually (now Ukrainian territory). I’ll transcribe the article soon. :slight_smile:

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Stokes: Highly informal

By Thomas L. Stokes

Love: Doers-of-good

By Gilbert Love

In Washington –
Passenger car tire output slashed sharply to aid Army

3,000,000 fewer to be made in first quarter of new year and ‘A’ cardholders will suffer