America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Perkins: What’s Johnny Overalls thinking? Probers find out

Surveys reveal striking difference of opinion between union and non-organized workers
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Ward defiance called menace to war effort

WLB member gives company ultimatum

OWI muffled war story job, critics claim

But Davis defends agency’s activities
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

French-British alliance may parallel Paris’ treaty with Moscow

Pact with Russia binds two nations for 20 years against German aggression

New Yank unit attacks in Burma

Marauders’ successors lead jungle drive

On Italian front –
New Zealanders capture Faenza

British, Italians, Poles continue advance

Pension urged for Congressmen

Yank heavies rip railyards behind front

RAF night bombers blast three cities

Diplomats discuss Europe’s problems

FBI seizes 14 in pay kickback

Soldiers convicted in prison riot

Nazi offensive plastered as weather lifts

Allied planes rush in at last moment
By Virgil Pinkley and Robert Musel

Roosevelt aid asked by Polish committee

Editorial: Real security is the aim

Editorial: Easier winter driving

Edson: It’s time for you and you and you to get mad!

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Competition

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The State Department and Congress

By Bertram Benedict

Monahan: Movie version of Hairy Ape at Fulton pairs Bendix and Hayward

By Kaspar Monahan

Lupe’s parent flying west

Funeral plans still incomplete

Buy War Bonds, Gen. Lear urges

Cold wave to hit Eastern states

By the United Press

College revolt on kiss ban rages ‘out of control’

LSU student groups rally to support fired co-ed; revision of policies demanded