America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Col. Palmer: U.S. losses World War I

Yanks predominate on most fronts
By Col. Frederick Palmer, North American Newspaper Alliance

Editorial: The American people want military training

Editorial: The Churchill-Stalin deal

Smorgasbord vacation –
Swedes treat our ‘interned’ fliers like guests

By Ruben Karlstedt, American Swedish Monthly

Perkins: New labor weapon

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Bestseller saga of restoration

Forever Amber hardly torrid
By John D. Paulus

Bill Eythe is still a bachelor!

He has had only one girl – so far

Hopper: A garland of roses for Judy!

Road to success rocky for her
By Hedda Hopper

Topic for today: Why do normal sane people write awful plays?

By Florence Fisher Parry

Monahan: It’s time to vote on the best ten of 1944 – so here they are

By Kaspar Monahan

Barnes: War play by Osborn fine work

Star Fred March hailed in Adano
By Howard Barnes

Versatile guy is Kenneth

‘Which is which?’ emcee talented
By Si Steinhauser

Treks ahead for ‘Vandy’

Commentator gets ‘wanderlust’

Giants vs. Packers –
Pros battle for grid battle

Ramblers capture ‘Bond Bowl’ grid title, 13–6

Goal line stand holds Superbombers in final ten seconds of battle

Ott breaks five records –
Walker official batting champion

Stock prices follow rails to new high

Carriers advance on good 1945 prospects

Cleveland plant pays $3 million in bonuses

Each employee gets from $150 to $40,000

Secretary wants ‘Big Bill’s’ million

Petition claims she was to get half share

Wallace: Not seeking job

Ward dispute now battle of injunctions

Interstate law violation claimed

‘E’ bond sales still 30% short of goal in area

New drive opened to meet all quotas