America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

People are wonderful

By Florence Fisher Parry

OPA asks ceiling on live cattle

Move designed to ease meat strike threat

‘Life too empty,’ she chooses death

Miss Lee has son, husband reweds

RAF bombers start large fires in Essen

U.S. fliers hit tail and oil targets

Germans attack Fifth Army lines

Seek to block drive toward Bologna

9th Jap convoy wiped out off coast of Leyte

MacArthur prepares for final assault

Drive underway to soften islands just below Japan

SS men infiltrate into People’s Army

Nazis able to bolster home force morale

Clayton tells his side of cotton sales

Admits responsibility for deals with Axis

Miss Barry drags baby case – and Chaplin – into court

Comedian has three negative blood tests, but protégé wants jury to decide their value

Vote checkup reveals GOP chance in 1948

Returns point to 12 states as possibilities
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Simms: Will Spain have revolution or will Franco go quietly?

Changing of ambassadors by U.S., Britain indicates which way wind is veering
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Poll: Roosevelt lauded by Canadians

President favored by 79 percent
By the Canadian Institute of Public Opinion

2 hired by REA to develop perpetual motion devices

Senate testimony cited to prove electrification group ignores immutable physics laws

Editorial: It’s the real McCoy

Editorial: Good Democrats, all

Edson: Pocket mirrors given Filipinos by MacArthur

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: WAC enlistments

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The St. Lawrence Project

By Bertram Benedict

‘Atlantic Charter’ script is ‘phony’

Document in Roosevelt Library not original
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

New egg-buying spree due despite ‘hangover’ of 1944

WFA sees better results next year; war enthused hens spoil agency plans
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer