America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

MacArthur presents top medal to Bong

Fairly severe quake in Aleutians reported

20th Century cancels Christmas Eve trip

Appeals pay case steel industry

Wage stabilization violated, it says

Union seeks go broaden ward strike

Additional cities may be affected

In Washington –
Stettinius asks prompt OK of State Department aides

Secretary tells Senate approval needed to speed reorganization, post-war plans

Kirkpatrick: Positive policy toward Reich still lacking

Ex-Nazi guards put in as Allied police
By Helen Kirkpatrick

German losses are high but so is the Allied toll

Recent gains on Western Front made after close, rugged fighting against dug-in Nazis
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

Nazi fliers attack Fifth Army lines

U.S. patrol thrusts worry Germans

Fish’s farewell assails Dewey

Yanks wipe out Jap pocket south of Ormoc on Leyte

Enemy survivors on island hemmed into tightening death trap above port

Paris to light up after 4-year blackout

West Germany hit in night Mosquito raid

Nazis report day attack from Italy

Mass evacuation of Tokyo underway, Axis reports

Japs clearing fire lanes in capital; new attack by planes starts fires, Berlin says
By the United Press

Jap bases in Volcanoes hit twice by Liberators

Editorial: Get on with the war

Editorial: Fate gives us a hand

Editorial: Security tax freeze

Edson: Additional Cabinet shifts are rumored

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Unwise policy

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
War Bonds and Liberty Bonds

By Bertram Benedict

Simms: Russia may support French in Rhine frontier demand

Control of Germany’s coal, iron regions would make difficult new aggression
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

American, Nazi dead litter sports ground at Julich

Nazis hurl mortar shells from across Roer River at tired Yanks holding arena
By Marcel Wallenstein, North American Newspaper Alliance

Gary Cooper a strong silent man? Maxine says he’s gabby guy with sense of humor

By Maxine Garrison