America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Miss Kellems tells of ‘persecution’

Inside the Reich –
Nazis taking Hans’ rations to feed Fritz

Eating problem grows worse in Germany
By Nat A. Barrows

Seventh and last of a series

Stockholm, Sweden –
The Nazis’ problem of feeding 80 million weary, bedraggled Herrenvolk is fast reaching the point where it is a question of taking food from Hans to help Fritz.

Each new mile of Allied advance into Germany’s homeland increases the extremely complicated task of distributing the daily rations. If Cologne, for example, loses its rations in the splatter of Allied bombs, emergency supplies must be moved up perhaps at the temporary expense of another city.

The Nazis have long been prepared for just such contingencies, but enough bombs and enough German territory in Allied hands will make it hurt – in the stomach.

Germany appears to have enough food to get it through the winter, despite the dwindling supplies from foreign countries. No civilian is going to wax fat, however, on what the Nazis dole out to him. The acute problem hinges more on distribution.

No more oranges

At best, the average German civilian today has practically nothing to eat beyond his monotonous rations. No more oranges from Spain… no more olives from Italy… no more raisins and citrus fruits from the Balkans.

Most German people today are being fed by masses – wholesale distribution on a vast scale, governed by a complicated system of differentials. The army and other fighting units get the best available food and, apparently, are not suffering from undernourishment. War workers also get top selections.

The political aspects of the military situation obliged the Nazis to improve rations for foreign workers and for peasants doing compulsory farm labor.

Cereal crop smaller

This year’s cereal crop seems to have been smaller than in 1943 as reflected by the reduction in the weekly bread ration, but killing off more pigs due to the feeding shortages probably will enable the average German to get his basic rations through this sixth war winter.

Sugar is hard to obtain and it will grow scarcer because sugar beets must be diverted into alcohol production for motor fuel to make up for the losses of the Nazis’ gasoline supply.

On the basis of a careful survey from facts available here, the Germans can be expected to keep their mass-produced factory and canteen soup kitchens adequately supplied these coming months – but not much more.

Causes listed

The Nazis have definite food problems before them, nevertheless, due to several factors beyond their control, such as:

  • Labor shortages for which no relief is possible.

  • Badly-reduced fertilizer quotas, especially phosphates and nitrogen.

  • Loss of farming areas and stored up harvests because of military retreats.

  • Decreased efficiency in overstrained farm workers.

  • Reduced allotment of gardening and home breeding of poultry and rabbits because of restrictions in feed, bomb damage and overtime in factories.

To the top of the world –
Tibet government provides house for Lhasa visitor

Food gifts also presented to newspapermen; capital rimmed on three sides by mountains
By A. T. Steele

Germans capture hill in Italy

Other attacks near Bologna repulsed

Editorial: Do we have to do it all over again?

Editorial: Dangerous foreign policy

Edson: Total silence a specialty of Mr. Biddle’s

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Home sacrifices

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Monahan: Faye’s name rates the marquee – other stupendous items

By Kaspar Monahan

Jews would punish Nazis for crimes

Five-point program mapped at conference

Elliott, bride No. 3 on honeymoon

President’s son weds actress in Arizona

Boy burned at stake dies after cowboy-Indian game

Stokes: Rayburn’s dilemma

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. Williams: Freedom of the air

By Maj. Al Williams

Why reconversion is delayed –
Yanks using 7 million pounds of ammunition a day in France

By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Millett: Daddies may get G.I. loan but Mama will spend it

Service wife has famous ‘last word’
By Ruth Millett

Pro grid feud –
Giants-Redskins finale to be grudge battle

Action taken to soft-pedal reconversion

U.S. moves to keep war workers on jobs

Public savings hit record high

Rise to $22 billion in third year of war

National debt rises $46 billion in year

Counsellors seek nurses in colleges