America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Monahan: A lady playwright discusses her maiden effort, Darkling Plain

By Kaspar Monahan

Editorial: Secretary Hull

Editorial: Ricksha ‘with a fringe on the top’

Editorial: The first obligation

Heath: It’s hard to tell how many fags are going abroad

By S. Burton Heath


Ferguson: Returned veterans

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

The public is occupied these days with plans for the treatment of war veterans. Most of the advice is directed to women. It is taken for granted, as it should be, that mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts will have a big part to play in rehabilitation programs.

Usually, however, such advice touches only superficial questions. Our big fundamental job is overlooked. As I see it, that job is to restore the mother image to its old pedestal.

It isn’t really sensible, of course, for men to expect women to be better than they are – but they do. Boys revere their mothers even when such reverence is not deserved. And because all women are symbols of motherhood, the reverential feelings are carried over into adult life and form the pattern for their moral concepts.

Our first rehabilitation job is to straighten our own attitudes. The post-war world will need, and we should all demand of it, a set of moral codes that will once more classify chastity as a feminine virtue and restore the ideals of loyalty to marriage.

The soldier desires his sweetheart or his wife to be an inspiration for his spiritual yearnings.

For these boys have fought for spiritual gains – not material possessions. We can no longer satisfy them or ourselves with anything less than spiritual aspirations. Thousands died with the word “Mother” on their lips. For that reason, it is not sentimentalism to say the word has taken on again its sacred meaning.

In Washington –
Kimmel, Short hinted ready ‘to beat rap’

That’s why no trial is expected
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

‘Labor truce’ bombshell faces AFL

Fireworks expected at session today

Perkins: Wide divergencies shown as AFL and CIO meetings

Activity in politics and internationalism emphasize differences in two groups
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Increased steel wages must await OPA study

Effect on prices of product to be decided before new WLB ruling will take effect
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Record auto sales seen after war

Frazer predicts several $10-billion years

Simms: Stettinius praised for job already done as Roosevelt aide

Successor to Hull thoroughly sold on President’s peace program
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Stettinius’ industrial policy won Roosevelt’s admiration

New Secretary of State rises from factory to No. 1 position in Cabinet

Gen. Hurley named envoy to China

Soldier-diplomat replaces Gauss

Dulles: Peace to come ‘piecemeal’

No ‘overall talks’ are expected

Stokes: A compromise

By Thomas L. Stokes

Touring Chicago with a notebook –
That juicy steak you’re longing to get will be available sometime next spring

Meat production is way up, but Armed Forces and unusual civilian demand cause shortage
By Josephine Gibson, Press home economics editor

Agency planned for missing, slain Jews in European area

Atlantic City, New Jersey (UP) –
A Jewish Agency for Reconstruction which would act as administrator and heir of missing or slain European Jews was recommended yesterday by the War Emergency Conference of the World Jewish Congress.

Asserting that “the majority of Jews of Continental Europe have fallen victims to Nazi policies of discrimination and extermination,” the statement adopted by 300 delegates from 40 countries attending the Congress proposed that the funds of the Jewish agency be used “for Jewish resettlement and reconstruction.”

The statement said:

The value of property belonging to Jewish community organizations, funds, trusts and other public institutions which have ceased to exist, should be transferred to the Jewish Agency for Reconstruction which should be declared sole heir to all property rights and interests belonging to Jewish families considered extinguished by the respective laws of their countries.

American Jewry must accept responsibility for providing a “keystone of security” for Jews everywhere in the post-war world, the conference was told today by Dr. Israel Goldstein of New York, president of the Zionist Organization of America. He called upon Jews of this country to come out of “their intellectual and spiritual sloth and isolationism” to fulfill the role.

Witness to Nazis’ crimes warns ‘it can happen here’

Speakers at roundtable conference of Christians, Jews hit racial persecution

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I’ve been taking a stroll about the beautiful city of Philadelphia and looking at such famous historical institutions as Independence Hall, the Betsy Ross and Connie Mack.

Congress used to meet here in the old days and I don’t blame them. They came to Philadelphia for the traditional good cooking and to enjoy the sports. I think it was about that time that Philadelphia won the pennant.

I saw a picture of one of those early Congresses and what strange costumes they wore! Believe me, unusual hats were being worn in Congress long before Clare Boothe Luce came along.

Some of the nation’s first families have their roots in Philadelphia and if you ask me, they’re ready to trade in the roots for a few tobacco leaves. The cigarette shortage is really bad here. Nightclub patrons who used to cry when the orchestra played “Danny Boy” or “My Old Kentucky Home” now burst into tears when they hear “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.”

Army’s power rated to defeat Navy

Cadets boast wealth of strong reserves to send against foe
By Jack Cuddy, United Press staff writer

Trout is second –
Newhouser is most valuable in American

Navy, Post Office explain mail delays

Network show is rained out of California

Liquid sunshine called propaganda
By Si Steinhauser