America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: Capital risked means jobs

Editorial: Unfair to politicians?

Editorial: Hold the line

Edson: United Nations propose court in peace charter

By Peter Edson


Ferguson: Job just started

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

The Brooklyn Red Cross chapter announces that the war’s end in Europe will make no difference to the number of hours that volunteer workers are giving now. The women have said they’d stuck to their jobs – and they will.

Heaven help us all to make the same decision. Women have done well during the emergency period, but their work is just started. Peace building will call for stupendous efforts by everyone. Rosie the Riveter may get back into her kitchen apron, but let’s hope she won’t put on mental blinders again.

The end of the war will not mean that peace is won. Something better than an armistice must come out of this one.

After World War I, the men wanted to get back to normalcy – the kind that left women looking after domestic matters and men attending to governments.

A large part of our activity during all that time was concentrated on an effort to obtain a few political and economic rights.

One fact is now clear: Unless women and men work as hard to build a stable country and a stable peace, our greatest activities will be just about as effective as a squirrel’s journey in a cage. He travels in a circle. So will we, only our circle leads to another war.

There’ll be no excuse for any woman to be idle or bored in the future. Community improvement must go on; efforts to restore moral values should be increased.

Government business must become a part of our homework. We’ve all volunteered for the duration and the duration won’t be over until the world is safe from war, pestilence, famine and tyranny.

Background of news –
Post-war public works

By Frank P. Huddle

Official vote count leaves two contests up to soldier ballots

Results still undecided involve posts in Congress and State Legislature
By Kermit McFarland

McKay: Blossom Time pleases at Nixon

By Ed McKay

U.S. prepared to meet all competition

Low tariffs seen spur to commerce

Stokes: More about Texas

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Jap ersatz

By Frederick C. Othman

Love: We can be thankful

By Gilbert Love

The forgotten front –
French send back Nazi prisoner to retrieve much-needed rifle

Front along Atlantic is like Valley Forge
By Tom Wolf

To the top of the world –
Steele: Human caravan winds up mountains to Tibet with supplies for China

Small but sturdy porters carry civilian wares from India through blockade
By A. T. Steele

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, the Christmas shopping season is underway here in New York and if I were Gen. MacArthur and the rest of the boys, I’d stay down in the nice, quiet Philippines until this thing blows over.

I never thought I’d be a war correspondent but this morning I witnessed the battle of Macy’s basement. A contingent of Brooklyn women launched a frontal assault on the pantie-girdle counter but found it strongly defended by the Bronx 176th Street Infantry who fought bitterly from behind previously prepared positions.

One sniper from Flatbush managed to pick off two girdles before he was located and brought down. She retreated hastily to the ladies’ room to regroup her left flank, it having been partially exposed.

When the smoke of battle cleared away, it was discovered that one carnation had three floorwalkers blasted out from under it.

Millett: G.I. Joes forgets how when he goes shopping

By Ruth Millett

Annual guessing game –
Battle for the bowls is on again; choices narrow to few teams

By Jack Cuddy, United Press staff writer

Type of discharge governs job rights

Surprise! Radio man denies he was gagged

And he thinks close wasn’t
By Si Steinhauser

Letter of Resignation from Secretary of State Cordell Hull
November 21, 1944

My dear Mr. President:

It is with inexpressible disappointment that I find it necessary, for considerations of health, to retire from public service. I, therefore, with utmost regret, tender herewith my resignation as Secretary of State.

It is a matter of special satisfaction to me that throughout my almost twelve years at the Department of State, our personal relations have been uniformly and invariably agreeable and that, by our joint efforts, many difficult tasks growing out of the foreign relations of this country before and during this war have been brought to partial or full completion; many great questions have been faced successfully; and many forward movements of surpassing importance to friendly relations among Nations have been instituted.

As the war draws to a close there remains a vast area of complex and difficult conditions and problems which must be dealt with in the months and years immediately ahead. It is a supreme tragedy to me personally that I am unable to continue making my full contribution to such great international undertakings as the creation of the postwar peace organization, the solution of the many other problems involved in the promotion of international cooperation, and the final development of a full and complete structure of a world order under law.

When I recover my strength, I shall individually be always at your service in every possible way.

Sincerely yours,

Letter of Reply by President Roosevelt to Cordell Hull
November 21, 1944

My dear Cordell:

Your letter of this afternoon has hit me between wind and water. It has been very sad for me even to contemplate the ending of our close relationship during all these twelve years. It is not merely that our personal relations have been so uniformly and invariably agreeable, or that our joint work has borne true success in so many fields, as it is the personal feeling of not being able to lean on you for aid and intimate interchange of thought.

This is especially true because we have come so far along the road of friendly relations among Nations that I have counted so much on your help in carrying this work through the final stage of complex and difficult conditions which still face us.

Your health is honestly my first thought, and I am really confident that you will be on your feet again in a relatively short time, even though you are limited to special tasks and avoid the daily routine of Department work. As of today, therefore, you must devote all your thought to getting back on your feet and on this all your friends will join in helping.

I will, of course, accept your resignation as Secretary of State if you want me to do so. But I wish you would, as an alternative, allow me to accept it as of January twentieth, which is the end of our Third Term. Perhaps sentiment enters into this suggestion a little bit, but it would give me great satisfaction if we should round out the three terms. That means two months more, and during that time I could see you from time to time and get your advice on some of the things that will come before us.

Incidentally, when the organization of the United Nations is set up, I shall continue to pray that you as the Father of the United Nations may preside over its first session. That has nothing to do with whether you are Secretary of State or not at the time, but should go to you as the one person in all the world who has done the most to make this great plan for peace an effective fact. In so many different ways you have contributed to friendly relations among Nations that even though you may not remain in a position of executive administration, you will continue to help the world with your moral guidance.

With my affectionate regards,

As ever yours,