America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Wedemyer: Japs ‘slipping’

Punjabi troops rescue Yanks

Gable’s war film not for theaters

82 million parcels shipped overseas

UP war reporter missing in Far East

Poll: Public stiffens its attitude toward Reich

Robot bombing changes views
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

24,000 veterans seek schooling

Into the fastness of Tibet…
Steele: After 12-year wait, writer crosses top of world to Lhasa

By A. T. Steele

Allies advised to keep watch on ratholes

Vermin of Nazidom beginning to escape
By Hal O’Flaherty, Director of the Chicago Daily News Foreign Service

Wounded who faced death make gifts for dying boy

50 get prison terms on mutiny charges

Editorial: The production crisis

Editorial: The big battle begins

Editorial: Do it now

Perkins: A million pensions–

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Paulus: Willkie’s courage lauded

Ideals expressed in Program
By John D. Paulus

‘Just like Ernie’ is reviewer’s comment on Pyle’s second book about G.I. Joe

Brave Men covers most dramatic period of war to Americans
By Edward T. Leech

Hopper: Dots and dashes from Hollywood

By Hedda Hopper

The theater looks back fondly on the Golden Age of Innocence

By Florence Fisher Parry

New play religious in theme

Ethel Barrymore triumphs in role
By Howard Barnes

President on air for bonds

Chief Executive to launch drive
By Si Steinhauser

Molly’s gang celebrates

Goldbergs plan anniversary

Market value of stocks cut $1 billion

‘War babies’ bear brunt of selling