America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: Alliances vs. League

Editorial: Rise of Gen. Patton

Edson: All ‘peace-loving states’ may join United Nations

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Careers and children

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Agricultural reconversion

By C. H. Woodring

Byrnes confirmation speeded by Senate

Millett: Your regular letter is his family contact

Marriage time to write often
By Ruth Millett

Stokes: ‘Fourth New Deal’

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: The Navy’s babies

By Frederick Othman

Steele: Nelson and aides arrive in China to boost production

By A. T. Steele

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

George and I are having the most wonderful stay in Boston. They made me honorary mayor so I immediately lowered taxes, raised salaries and declared St. Patrick’s Day a legal holiday for the police force.

That handsome Mayor Tobin – who is Boston’s mayor in my absence – was very complimentary. He said my lawmaking was so progressive it would take years for them to figure out what I had done.

At the Greatest Boston United War Fund rally, I played my Concerto for Index Finger with Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Symphony “Pop” Orchestra. They told me I was going to play before Governor Saltonstall but I guess I was so good I scared the Governor. He didn’t play at all.

GM head cites need of full employment

Warns of ‘planned, regimented economy’

White House silent on foreign loans

Congress cautious in its comment

No real estate dumping –
Divergent views may block sale of U.S.-owned plants

Plans to help veterans and small business get in each other’s way; delay may hurt
By John W. Love, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Service game move up to President

Cabinet split, Roosevelt may cut knot today

Combat badge restricted to infantry

Kay Kyser and sponsor ready to call it quits

Contract release deal in the air
By Si Steinhauser

Poll: Public opposes use of gas against enemy

But people are willing to retaliate
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Everybody has a reason for cigarette shortage

Official explanations don’t jibe but maybe some figures will lift the ‘smokescreen’

Völkischer Beobachter (November 17, 1944)

Ostholland und Lothringen

Zwei Offensiven im Spätherbstwetter

Kreml-Finessen erreichten ihr Ziel –
Moskau erzwang Rücktritt Saeds