America at war! (1941–) – Part 4


Editorial: One great issue still outranks all others


Editorial: You can split a ticket


Editorial: Intelligence test


Editorial: How?


Perkins: An outside looks at Martin

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent


McKay: Partisans tell election views in letters

By Edwin J. McKay, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Paulus: Durant writes historic panorama

Caesar and Christ brilliant work
By John D. Paulus

Hansen: Nazi psychology provides background for story

Author’s feelings revealed through Lt. Wolff, main character of book
By Harry Hansen

Being a tribute to the classroom teachers of Shakespeare’s dramas

By Florence Fisher Parry

Paul Robeson wins distinction in four fields

Plays title role in Guild Othello

Abolitionist grandfather aids co-author of Harriet

Tales of slave-running inspire drama starring Helen Hayes

‘Gun moll’ is no ‘toughie’

Freckle-faced gal kills ‘em wholesale
By Si Steinhauser

West prepares for industrial post-war era

Seeks equal footing with East

Navy whips Irish, 32–13

64,000 see Middles hand Notre Dame season’s first loss
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Donora, Glassport Highs triumph

Russ Sparkles, Dragons beat Altoona, 20–0

Oberdonau-Zeitung (November 6, 1944)

Schwere Verluste der USA auf Leyte

115 Landungsboote und 130 Flugzeuge – 4.500 Mann tot oder verwundet

Führer HQ (November 6, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Auf der überfluteten Insel Walcheren halten sich auf einzelnen Dünen noch zahlreiche eigene Stützpunkte. Auf Middelburg liegt schwerstes Feuer feindlicher Schiffsartillerie. Nach erbitterten Kämpfen an der unteren Maas zogen sich unsere Truppen auf einige kleinere Brückenköpfe zurück. Die Brücken von Moerdijk wurden planmäßig gesprengt. Südöstlich Helmond wurden die angreifenden Engländer nach geringen Anfangserfolgen wieder zurückgeworfen.

Im Einbruchsraum südöstlich Stolberg kamen unsere von Osten und Süden zum Gegenangriff angetretenen Kampfgruppen gut vorwärts und schnitten feindliche Kräfte ab. Fünf Panzer wurden abgeschossen.

Um die Seen und Waldausgänge westlich der oberen Meuthe bei St. Dié und um die aus dem Moseltal nach den Westvogesen führende Straße kam es auch gestern wieder zu erbitterten Kämpfen. Die angreifenden feindlichen Bataillone wurden zurückgeworfen. Nur in einzelnen Abschnitten konnten sie im Verlaufe des Tages geringfügig Boden gewinnen.

Die Besatzung von Rochelle durchstieß bei überraschendem Ausfall 30 km südöstlich der Stadt ausgebaute französische Stellungen und rollte sie auf. Bei nur 14 eigenen Verwundeten wurden dem Feind schwere Verluste beigebracht. Nach Sprengung zahlreicher Befestigungsanlagen des Gegners kehrte die Kampfgruppe mit reicher Beute und zahlreichen Gefangenen wieder in die Festung zurück.

Das Feuer unserer „V1“ lag gestern wieder auf London.

Die geringe Gefechtstätigkeit in den meisten Abschnitten der mittelitalienischen Front dauert an. Nur im Raum nordöstlich Roccas, Casciano kam es zu harten örtlichen Kämpfen, bei denen der angreifende Feind unter hohen Verlusten geringe Fortschritte erzielte.

Auf dem Balkan erlitten die im Strumicatal bei Kumanova und nordöstlich Pristina angreifenden Bulgaren schwere Verluste.

Mehrere starke Angriffe der Sowjets gegen unseren Donaubrückenkopf Dunaföldvár brachen zusammen. Im Raum südlich und südöstlich Budapest scheiterten erneute Angriffe der Bolschewisten. Eigene Panzerverbände stießen in die rückwärtigen Verbindungen des Feindes und vernichteten zahlreiche Marsch- und Nachschubkolonnen. Schlachtflieger griffen südöstlich Budapest bei Tag und Nacht Bereitstellungen der Sowjets mit guter Wirkung an.

Zwischen Cegled und Szolnok leisten deutsche und ungarische Truppen erbitterten Widerstand gegen die weiter angreifenden sowjetischen Verbände. Gegenangriffe warfen die Bolschewisten an der Theißfront und an der slowakischen Grenze aus unserem Kampffeld, in das sie nach starker Feuervorbereitung hatten eindringen können.

Die Stadt Goldap in Ostpreußen ist von den Bolschewisten befreit. In dreitägigen erbitterten Kämpfen wurden die dort eingeschlossenen sowjetischen Regimenter zum größten Teil vernichtet, ihre Reste gefangengenommen, 59 Panzer und Sturmgeschütze, 134 Geschütze aller Art und zahllose schwere und leichte Waffen fielen in unsere Hand. Zahlreiche tote Bolschewisten bedecken das Kampffeld.

In Kurland scheiterten auch am zehnten Tage der Abwehrschlacht alle Durchbruchsversuche der Sowjets. 41 feindliche Panzer wurden hier abgeschossen.

Anglo-amerikanische Bomberverbände und Tiefflieger setzten ihre Terrorangriffe gegen das westliche, südwestliche und südliche Reichsgebiet fort. Das Stadtgebiet von Wien wurde besonders schwer getroffen. Luftverteidigungskräfte schossen 48 feindliche Flugzeuge, in der Mehrzahl viermotorige Bomber, ab.

Im Kampf gegen britische Terrorflieger hat sich Feldwebel Morlock durch den Abschuß von sechs viermotorigen Bombern in einer Nacht besonders ausgezeichnet.

In Kurland hat sich die im Brennpunkt des feindlichen Großangriffes stehende pommersche 32. Infanteriedivision unter Führung des Generalleutnants Böckh-Behrens hervorragend geschlagen.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (November 6, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

061100A November

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 212

Excellent progress has been made in western Holland. Allied forces are approaching the line of the Meuse River and the Hollands Diep River. Heusden, Geertruidenberg, Klundert and Dinteloord were cleared of enemy and we are operating in the Island of Tholen and on the Sint Philipsland Isthmus. On Walcheren, progress was made northeast of Domburg. Nieuwland was freed and we are within 1000 yards of Middelburg to the south. Fighters and fighter-bombers gave support to our forces in this area. Other fighters and fighter-bombers attacked troop concentrations, strong points, ammunition dumps and flak positions in the Dunkirk area.

Rail lines in northern and eastern Holland were cut. In southeastern Holland, heavy fighting continues in the Meijel area. In the areas of Aachen, Bonn, Kaiserslautern and Viersen, fighter-bombers attacked dumps and military buildings. Our forces have made small gains in the Hürtgen Forest sector against stubborn resistance. Extensive mine fields covered by artillery and small arms fire hindered our progress southwest of the town of Hürtgen and our units near Kommerscheidt, three-fourths of a mile northwest of Schmidt, continued to meet strong pressure from tank, infantry, and artillery fire. Mopping-up continued in the forest approximately one mile west of Schmidt. Our fighter-bombers attacked tanks and troops near Schmidt.

Other fighter-bombers attacked airfields near Halle, Crailsheim and Sachsenhausen and a Dam near Fritzlar. Rails were cut at several places in the Rhineland; rail yards near Düsseldorf were bombed, and an ammunition train south of Kassel was blown up. Medium and light bombers, using pathfinder technique, attacked an ordnance depot at Homburg. Four enemy aircraft were shot down and 34 destroyed on the ground. Seven of our aircraft are missing.

During the afternoon, escorted heavy bombers attacked the industrial town of Solingen, just south of the Ruhr. One bomber is missing. In the Moselle River Valley, our units freed Berg, on the Moselle River, eight miles northeast of Thionville. Farther south, our troops maintained their progress in the Baccarat sector and have taken the village of Sainte-Barbe.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


U.S. Navy Department (November 6, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 176

Catching the enemy apparently by surprise, carrier‑based Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo planes and Helldiver dive bombers of the Third Fleet bombed airfields, shipping and ground installations in Southern Luzon on November 4 (West Longitude Date). Preliminary reports show that much damage was done in Manila Harbor, and at five airfields in the vicinity.

Over Clark Field, our fighters were intercepted by 80 enemy planes, of which 58 were shot down. Enemy air opposition became less effective during the remainder of the day, but an additional 25 enemy interceptors were shot down over other targets. Five more enemy planes were shot down in the vicinity of Third Fleet carriers and three more were destroyed by our night fighters over Clark Field. More than 100 planes on the ground were also destroyed during the operation. Our losses have not yet been reported.

Over Manila, there was only light opposition. Shipping in the Harbor was heavily bombed, with preliminary reports showing the following results one heavy cruiser burning and left in a sinking condition from several bomb and torpedo hits. One light cruiser damaged. Three destroyers damaged. Several cargo ships damaged. One subchaser sunk (off Lubang Island).

At Clark Field, oil storage areas, shops, and hangars were bombed and set afire. At Batangas Field, Lipa Field, Legazpi Field, and Lubang Field, ground installations were heavily damaged.

Venturas of Fleet Air Wing Four strafed targets at Tori-shima, an island east of Paramushiru in the Kurils on November 4. Eleven aggressive enemy fighters intercepted our planes and shot one of them down. Eleventh Air Force Liberators bombed installations at Kurabu Zaki on the southern tip of Paramushiru and started several fires. Anti-aircraft fire was moderate.

Liberators of the 7th Army Air Force bombed two 180-foot enemy transports at Chichijima in the Bonin Islands on November 4. Results were not observed. Other Liberators hit Hahajima on the same day. Our planes were intercepted by two enemy fighters, one of which was damaged.

Catalinas of Fleet Air Wing One attacked targets on Koror Island in the Northern Palau Islands on November 3. On November 4, Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing bombed and strafed airfields on Babelthuap Island and started fires in the Northern Palau Islands. Other Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing strafed the airstrip on Yap Island.

Ventura search planes of Fleet Air Wing Two bombed Wake Island on November 1. Enemy defense installations and airstrips were attacked. Anti-aircraft fire damaged two Venturas, but none of our pilots or crewmen was injured. There was no enemy air opposition.

Seventh Air Force Liberators attacked air defenses and enemy shipping at Marcus Island on November 3 and 4. Two Liberators were damaged by anti-aircraft fire.

Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing bombed Nauru on November 4. One small explosion was observed. Enemy anti-aircraft fire was intense but inaccurate. A single Catalina of Fleet Air Wing Two attacked Nauru the night of November 4.

Corsairs and Dauntless dive bombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued neutralization raids on the Marshall Islands on November 4.


Remarks by President Roosevelt
November 6, 1944, 1:00 p.m. EWT

Delivered at Kingston, New York


Your neighbor from across the river is mighty glad to be back here after four years. It has become a sort of a four-year custom by now. But it is rather a good custom for me to come to Kingston, and I always like it. I am happy, too, that now my county across the river is going to have a new Congressman. I told them in Newburgh that I was very glad that the legislature had taken my Congressman away from me, and that Hamilton Fish won’t be my Congressman after the first of January.

You know, I go back into the history of this city quite a long way, because I had an ancestor who came up from New York to a place called Esopus about 1660, which is quite a way back. And he came up here just in time to take a musket and help to repel Indians who tried to kill all the original settlers. He was a member of what they called the militia in those days.

And that, perhaps, is why I inherited a good deal of love for the Armed Forces of the United States, who have been carrying on this war so magnificently.

The war is not in Kingston and Hyde Park physically. It is across the oceans. But it means the preservation of our homes in Hyde Park and in Kingston. The people are beginning to realize more and more that we are fighting for the defense of America. I think we are doing a pretty good job of it.

It takes me longer to go from Hyde Park to Kingston because you have taken off the ferry. I was complaining to the Mayor about it, and I think probably the only other thing to do is to build a bridge.

Well, it has been good to see you on this occasion. I think it is a bigger crowd than it has ever been before. And I hope that in the next four years when I come back for an occasional weekend at home from Washington, I will be able to come over here and see you all.

In the meantime, I have heard of the great things you are doing in the war. Your Mayor was telling me the wonderful figures, the percentage of your boys that are in the Armed Forces. And I want to congratulate you also on what you are doing for the Navy in the two yards, one of which I happened to start 25 years ago.

So, keep up the good work, and good luck to you all.



Remarks by President Roosevelt
November 6, 1944, 2:00 p.m. EWT

Delivered at Poughkeepsie, New York


Neighbors of mine, I have been today on another sentimental journey. I have been among my neighbors. I have come down on this side of the river and crossed a big “sea.” And luckily there were no German submarines in that “sea” – I went from Beacon to Newburgh.

And in my travels this day, I think I have seen a very encouraging sign of our American life – I think the population is increasing enormously. I have seen more children than I knew existed in these three counties. They are coming along in good shape, and it encourages me greatly to think that the future of the country will be relatively safe in their hands, under a Constitution which has lasted more than 150 years – and I think as long as we increase as we are doing now – we shall still be living under the same old Constitution 155 years from now.

Down in Newburgh, I went through a shipyard, having a few moments to spare, and then in the upper part of the city there was a crowd that was at least twice or three times the size it was four years ago. And that was encouraging. And I told them there that I did want to say a good word for our legislature because as you know, the duty of apportioning the Congressional districts of this state is the duty of the legislature. And a curious thing happened recently. Our county used to be in the same district with Putnam and Orange counties. And quite a number of people were irked that the legislature changed it a bit. And then I think a Congressman was taken out of the District, insofar as Dutchess County goes. So, after the first of January we will be in a new Congressional district – we won’t be with Orange anymore, and therefore we will have a new Congressman.

Well, my friends, there is more than one way of getting rid of a Congressman.

Then I went up to Kingston, and there again the crowd was at least twice the size it had been before, and I remarked to them – you can see I am pure Hudson River when you come down to it – that my mother’s family came from Newburgh – but up in Kingston – well, there was an old boy in 1660 who went up there from New York City. He was young, and I guess he was rather Dutch – with the old stubborn qualities. About that time the Indians attacked Kingston, and he became a member of the militia that rolled the Indians back.

And I think that it is for that reason, perhaps, that I am interested and have been all my life – though not in uniform – in military and naval affairs. It comes from the old Dutch boy in 1660 who belonged to the militia.

But one sad thing happened. I had to come all the way back down the west side of the river. They had taken off the Kingston ferry! Otherwise, the district and the county had changed very little in the last four years.

We were headed at that time, four years ago, into a war. We didn’t talk about it very much. It doesn’t do to scare people or alarm people. But we did a good deal of building and preparation, and by 1941 we had over two million men in the Army and Navy. We built up our munitions factories. We sent a great deal of aid to the people who were fighting Nazism and Fascism. And the result was that we were better prepared for this war than we had been in all our history for any war. We haven’t been bombed in this country – rap on wood – and we haven’t lost anything within our own boundaries during this war.

And now we are carrying on the offensive against the enemy, in order to make it quite certain that our own homes back here shall be safe.

I don’t know – I think we have done a fair job of it, but anyway we have done it in the American way, with the approval of the American people, and that is something – to go on with our same ideals, our same form of government – as we have always done.

And I hope tomorrow that it is going to be said in this country that the war has been conducted constitutionally, and with the approval of the people of the United States. I hope that will be said. I think it will.

And so, it has been good – it has been a good day. I have seen my near neighbors. I have seen the neighbors across the river and down the county – the southern end. I have seen an awful lot of people. It has been a good day, and I want to thank you for coming out tonight at this late hour, because it has given me a chance to see some of my nearer neighbors.

It is good to see you, and I am going to come back pretty often.

The Pittsburgh Press (November 6, 1944)

Nazis dent 1st Army line

German hurl tanks into forest battle on front below Aachen
By J. Edward Murray, United Press staff writer

B-29s pave way for Asia landing

Singapore, Sumatra raided by Superfortresses