America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Gunnison: Navy ‘cats’ back in Philippines for vengeance

By Royal Arch Gunnison, North American Newspaper Alliance

Paulus: American people ‘bright bunch’

Seal of approval given by pollsters
By John D. Paulus

Westmore Clan has a rival

Senz & Sons are makeup experts
By Jack Gaver

New star bunks in auto camp

Housing shortage frets film folks
By Erskine Johnson

I Remember Mama, a vibrant show, despite its faults

Like Life with Father it has to do with the ‘good old days’
By Howard Barnes

Thoughts on Othello and its interpreters

Guild production, due here on Nov. 6, took New York by storm
By Florence Fisher Parry

Ukie gets to top hard way

Crosby stooge rises from curb
By Si Steinhauser

Radio aids veterans

G.I. Joe will get network breaks

Irish nip Illinois, 13–7; Navy blanks Penn

Holding spoils losers’ great closing bid

Stalled in first half –
Army unleashes late power to whip Blue Devils, 27–7

Winless Steelers face scalping at Washington

Redskins choice to trim locals before 3,000; halfbacks make debut
By Carl Hughes

The QAnoner from Colorado ran a gunnut restaurant small business before she decided to run for office. So you are wrong.

First off, political disagreements there, though I’m not a fan of that Colorado gal either, but for different reasons.

Second, even if that were the case, one example of that should never be enough justification to destroy all small businesses. I doubt the local BBQ place where I am is an extremist hub.

Most small businesses aren’t by themselves political.

Oh, and cut it with the QAnon crap. I know just how much the media has overhyped it for so long, but the fact of the matter is… it’s a pretty lousy fringe only taken seriously by old folks in Facebook and those who are misinformed.

And it gets really complicated the more you analyze the ones the media declared to be “QAnon.”


she openly believes/ed in QAanon and pretending a problem does not exist does not make it go away.

It’s not the problem with small business, so please cut the shit. If a few screwballs are in a charge of a few small businesses, that doesn’t mean every small business is a front for screwball views. I know what you’re saying, but it isn’t ignorance if all small business is at stake.

Once again, try telling that to my local BBQ.

Also, QAnon again. For someone claiming to kick back against conspiracy theorists, you sure do sound like one where QAnon is concerned. If everything is extreme to you, nothing is.

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It’s not MY fault that the small business is the backbone of the modern american far-right, and besides I bet that local BBQ owner voted for trump twice and thinks unions should be outlawed.

It’s just plain not the backbone of anything except the wellbeing of those who own them, people with families mainly. Are they supposedly evil, then? No. Are they “far-right”? These people aren’t Gerald L. K. Smith.

Also, how the hell would you know about the BBQ owner? You haven’t met him and I never once hinted at his political views. I will tell you this, he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. And voting for him doesn’t necessarily make one an evil person, Kindly stop gaslighting.

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Oberdonau-Zeitung (October 30, 1944)

Eisenhowers größte Sorgen

Frankreichs Eisenbahnnetz völlig zerstört

Führer HQ (October 30, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Gegen die Ostfront der Festung Dünkirchen traten kanadische Panzerkräfte nach heftiger Feuervorbereitung zum Angriff an. Der vorübergehend eingebrochene Feind wurde im Gegenangriff sofort zurückgeworfen und erlitt hohe Verluste. In Holland hat sich von unserem Brückenkopf nordöstlich Brügge bis in den Raum von Herzogenbusch der Kampf gegen die feindlichen Panzerverbände zu einer gewaltigen Schlacht gesteigert. In tapferster Abwehr hielten unsere schwersten Feuer auf der Erde wie aus der Luft ausgesetzten Divisionen den feindlichen Durchbruchsversuchen stand, mußten indessen gegen Abend in einzelnen Abschnitten der feindlichen Übermacht weichen. Herzogenbusch ging nach erbitterten Häuserkämpfen verloren.

Sicherungsfahrzeuge der Kriegsmarine schossen vor der niederländischen Küste ein britisches Schnellboot in Brand.

Im Kampfraum von Rambervillers und Mortagne griffen die Amerikaner nach heftiger Artillerievorbereitung und unter starkem Einsatz von Schlachtfliegern weiter an, gewannen aber nur einzelne Waldstücke. Durch eigene Angriffe weiter südlich im Gebiet von Cornimont wurden unsere Stellungen nach Westen vorgeschoben.

Im Westen kam es über dem rückwärtigen Kampfgebiet zu heftigen Luftkämpfen unserer Jagdflieger gegen zahlenmäßig überlegene feindliche Jagdverbände. 14 anglo-amerikanische Flugzeuge wurden dabei abgeschossen. In der vergangenen Nacht setzten eigene schnelle Kampf- und Nachtschlachtflugzeuge mit gutem Erfolg die Bombardierung feindlicher Nachschubstützpunkte bei Aachen und im holländischen Raum fort.

Durch Stoßtruppunternehmungen in Mittelitalien wurden gegnerische Stützpunkte ausgehoben. Die feindliche Kampftätigkeit beschränkte sich auch gestern auf Artilleriefeuer und einzelne erfolglose Angriffe nördlich und westlich Loiano. Britische Truppen, die den Roncoabschnitt nördlich Meldola zu überschreiten versuchten, wurden unter Verlusten zurückgeworfen.

Zwischen Donau und unterer Theiß stehen ungarische Verbände im Kampf mit den an mehreren Abschnitten angreifenden Bolschewisten.

Im Raum von Debrecen haben deutsche und ungarische Truppen unter dem Oberbefehl des Generals der Infanterie Wöhler und des Generals der Artillerie Fretter-Pico in dreiwöchigen Kämpfen starke feindliche Kräfte vernichtend geschlagen und damit die vom Gegner angestrebte Umfassung der im Südostteil Ungarns stehenden deutschen und ungarischen Verbände vereitelt. An diesem großen Erfolg haben Panzerverbände unter dem Befehl des Generals der Panzertruppe Breith und Verbände einer Luftflotte unter Führung von Generaloberst Deßloch hervorragenden Anteil. Die sowjetische 27. Armee, die 6. Garde-Panzerarmee sowie mehrere Panzer- und Kavalleriekorps erlitten hohe Verluste an Menschen und Material. Die Sowjets büßten ungezählte Tausende an Toten und über 6.600 Gefangene ein. Vernichtet oder erbeutet wurden 793 feindliche Panzer und Sturmgeschütze, 1.010 Geschütze aller Art, nahezu 2.000 Fahrzeuge sowie große Mengen sonstiger Waffen und Kriegsgerät.

Westlich des Duklapasses brachen auch gestern alle feindlichen Angriffe im Abwehrfeuer zusammen.

Im Nordabschnitt dauern die schweren Kämpfe bei verstärktem sowjetischem Kräfteeinsatz in unverminderter Härte an. Hierbei wurden 93 Panzer abgeschossen.

Südöstlich Libau erzielten unsere Divisionen im schweren Ringen erneut einen vollen Abwehrerfolg. Auch im Raum Autz blieb den mit starken Kräften angreifenden Sowjets der erstrebte Durchbruch versagt.

Gegen die Landfront der Halbinsel Sworbe wiederholten die Bolschewisten ihren Angriff, ohne zum Erfolg zu kommen.

Bei Angriffen britischer Bomber auf Marinestützpunkte in Norwegen wurden nach bisher vorliegenden Meldungen sechs Flugzeuge abgeschossen.

Nordamerikanische Terrorflieger warfen am gestrigen Tage Bomben auf das Stadtgebiet von München. Britische Flugzeuge griffen in den frühen Abendstunden Köln an. Die anglo-amerikanischen Tiefflieger terrorisieren weiter die Zivilbevölkerung in West- und Nordwestdeutschland.

Bei der Verteidigung des südlichen Scheldeufers haben sich die unter Führung des Korvettenkapitäns der Reserve Schleweiß stehenden Marinebatterien im Kampf gegen überlegenen Feind hervorragend bewährt.

Im Nordabschnitt der Ostfront zeichnete sich die 6. Flakdivision unter Führung von Generalleutnant Anton besonders aus.

Bei den gestern gemeldeten Abschusserfolgen in Kurland errang der mit dem Eichenlaub zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes ausgezeichnete Major Rudorffer durch Abschuß von elf Flugzeugen seinen 206. Luftsieg.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (October 30, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

301100A October

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 205

Cadzand and Zuidzande, south of the Scheldt, have been taken by Allied troops. In Zuid Beveland, our troops freed Goes and linked up with our seaborne force in the area of Hoedekenskerke. The seaborne bridgehead was also enlarged to the westward. Defenses on the Island of Walcheren were attacked yesterday by heavy bombers, one of which is missing, and by fighter-bombers. Fighters which escorted the heavy bombers made low-level attacks on flak positions. Allied forces continued their advance along the whole front south of the Meuse River. Breda was freed by troops advancing from the east. Other forces driving from the south cut the road between Breda and Roosendaal.

Fighter-bombers strafed road transport north of these two towns and medium bombers attacked a bridge at Moerdijk. In the area north of Tilburg, our forces are some miles north and west of Loon-op-Zand. Fighter-bombers cut railway lines between Amersfoort and Zwolle in the Venlo area, and elsewhere behind the battle areas in Holland. In southeastern Holland, medium bombers also attacked communications at Venlo and a bridge at Roermond. Our ground forces help further enemy attacks in the Meijel area.

Bridges at Konz–Karthaus, Euskirchen, Mayen and Elier were the targets for medium bombers, and fighter bombers destroyed three bridges and damaged a fourth across the Ahr River, south of Bonn, and sealed two nearby railway tunnels. Fighter-bombers hit highways radiating northward from Düren, a railway yard at Kerpen, and cut rail lines in many places between Münster and the Dutch-German frontier and in the areas of Bonn and Koblenz. They also attacked locomotives, rail cars and barges over a wide area and silences gun positions.

Our units made slight gains in the Lunéville sector. East of Rambervillers, we took Fraipertuis and held the village against strong counterattacks. Other counterattacks against our positions in the Vosges Mountains were repulsed. Yesterday morning, heavy bombers, one of which is missing, attacked the battleship TIRPITZ near Tromsø. According to reports so far received, 28 enemy aircraft were shot down during yesterday. One medium bomber and nine fighter-bombers are missing.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


U.S. Navy Department (October 30, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 169

Carrier aircraft of the Third Fleet continued to attack targets in Southern Luzon on October 28. In Manila Harbor, a heavy cruiser, previously damaged was probably sunk while another cruiser was damaged. A third cruiser off Cavite was hit by two 1,000-pound bombs and severely damaged. An oil tanker was also damaged when it received a hit from a 1,000-pound bomb. Airfields in the vicinity of Manila were attacked. Twelve or more planes were destroyed on the ground and several large fires were started. Our aircraft were intercepted by a number of enemy fighters over Southern Luzon, 46 of which were shot down. One of our carrier groups was attacked by enemy fighters and dive bombers, of which 12 were shot down. Two more enemy planes were shot down the next day over our carriers.

In the Central Philippines, search and patrol flights by carrier‑based aircraft of the Third Fleet on October 28 and 29 shot down 19 enemy fighters and destroyed three coastal cargo vessels near Cebu.

Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed the airfield on Yap Island on October 25. Seventh Air Force Liberators attacked the same airstrip on October 26, 27 and 28. Moderate anti-aircraft fire was encountered.

Enemy barges were strafed off Babelthuap Island in the Palau Group and a radio station was hit by Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing on October 25. Our fighters met meager anti-aircraft fire.

Seventh Air Force Thunderbolts attacked targets on Pagan Island on October 25. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed gun emplacements near the Rota Airstrip on October 25 and 27.

Five enemy barges were damaged by a single Navy search plane at Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands on October 26. Navy search Liberators bombed the airfield on October 27. Another Navy search plane destroyed a radio and weather station and left fires on Mukojima in the Bonin Islands on October 27. Seventh Air Force Liberators started fires and bombed shipping in the Hahajima Harbor on October 27. The next day another group of 7th Air Force Liberators bombed the same harbor installation and shipping again.

Ventura search planes of Fleet Air Wing Two bombed objectives on Wake Island on October 24. Two sampans were strafed. Enemy anti-aircraft fire was inaccurate.

Mitchell bombers of the 7th Air Force bombed the airfield and de­fense installations on Nauru Island on October 26, causing large fires. Anti­-aircraft fire was meager. Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing hit the airfield on Ponape during October 24. One of our planes was slightly damaged by anti-aircraft fire.

Corsairs and Dauntless dive bombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing and Venturas of Fleet Air Wing Two continued neutralization raids in the Marshall Islands during October 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28.

CINCPAC Press Release No. 610

For Immediate Release
October 30, 1944

Reflecting the growing importance of minecraft in the Pacific War, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, USN, CINCPACPOA, today announced the establishment of the command of Commander, Minecraft, Pacific Fleet.

RAdm. Alexander Sharp, USN, of Welcome, Charles County, Maryland, has been appointed to the new post.

Before coming to the Pacific area, RAdm. Sharp was Commander, Service Force Atlantic Fleet (SERVLANT). Prior to that, he commanded all battleships in the Atlantic, which included active direction of various task forces.

As Commander, Minecraft, Pacific Fleet (COMMINPAC), RAdm. Sharp will be concerned with the establishment of policies relating to the organization, maintenance and employment of all ships in the Pacific Fleet primarily employed in minelaying, minesweeping, net-laying, net-tending and degaussing.

The Pittsburgh Press (October 30, 1944)

58 ships smashed; only 2 escape

Details of six-day air and naval battle revealed by Nimitz
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

British storm stronghold in South Holland

Nazis being smashed against Maas River
By J. Edward Murray, United Press staff writer