America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Congress backs Big Three unity

United Nations to draft world security treaty in San Francisco April 25
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

WASHINGTON – The Roosevelt-Stalin-Churchill conference report got an enthusiastic cheer from Congress today on its proposal that the United States, Russia and Great Britain be bound in post-war unity as a “sacred obligation” to the peoples of the world.

President Roosevelt, Marshal Joseph V. Stalin and Prime Minister Winston Churchill made that post-war compact the foundation of their “report and statement” on the Crimean conversations.

To achieve it they announced they had summoned the United Nations to conference in San Francisco April 25 to draft a world security treaty. It will be in the Dumbarton Oaks pattern.

The Black Sea conferees announced they had reached final agreement on treaty framework, including voting methods.

Announcement yesterday of completion of the Roosevelt-Stalin-Churchill conversations and of the April conference call opens the administration campaign to present the security treaty to the Senate before hot weather begins to swelter this capital. Final Senate action is sought by midsummer.

The conferees held their eight-day meeting in Yalta, a Crimean resort.

German people assured

They said they had agreed on war and post-war plans for Germany. ‘They passed on her a grim cleansing sentence, but assured the German people that they would survive and be fit to live within the “comity of nations.”

They announced agreement on objectives and methods of dealing with most of Europe’s political and economic problems – boundaries, forms of government and such. They promised aid to distressed populations and revealed they would intervene jointly almost anywhere to aid or prod liberated peoples toward desired objectives.

The report revealed a specific Polish settlement based on compromise but in very substantial measure granting all basic Russian demands, including territory. There were instant rumblings of objections to that.

But overall political and economic plans for Europe were tied firmly to the ideal of free elections and universal suffrage.

April 25 fateful date

This latter plan was regarded as a reassurance to Americans, and especially to the Senate, where Mr. Roosevelt soon must stand sponsor of a security treaty guaranteeing world peace backed in part by our armed forces.

Some saw an inference in the statement that Russia is maneuvering to swing at least its moral strength into the Pacific war against Japan. It was no more than an inference.

But it was observed that April 25, when the United Nations conference begins at the Golden Gate, is the last date upon which Japan or Russia can denounce their mutual non-aggression pact.

At table with Chinese

Furthermore, unlimited Russian participation in a United Nations discussion will put them at the same table with the Chinese, whom Russians have avoided because their enemies have not been the same. China fights Japan. Russia fights Germany.

The Crimean report ended on a note of “unity for peace as for war.”

The three most powerful men in the world said:

Our meeting here in the Crimea has reaffirmed our common determination to maintain and strengthen in the peace to come that unity of purpose and of action which has made victory possible and certain. We believe that this is a sacred obligation…

France recognized

The conferees significantly beckoned France to first rank political status in post-war peace machinery and promised her participation in the occupation of the beaten enemy. China was also granted first-class power by promise of a permanent seat, along with France and the Big Three, on the World Security Treaty Council.

The bid for American and senatorial support was in the form of a vigorously enthusiastic conference endorsement of the Atlantic Charter.

Congress welcomed the report which was read in the Senate and circulated among members of the recessed House. The reaction was not unanimous, but it was far from partisan. Republican Senators rose with Democrats to say to the Big Three: “Well done.”

Lauded by Hoover

Former President Herbert C. Hoover called the Crimea agreement a “strong formation on which to rebuild the world.”

“It is fitting,” he told a New York audience, “that it should have been issued on the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.”

The Polish exile government in London evidently intends to repudiate the Big Three agreements as to its own fate, which is early extinction. There was some complaint here, too, against boundary and other plans for the Poles. But few of Mr. Roosevelt’s recent state papers have been better received at first glance on Capitol Hill.

‘Stimulating message’

“A very stimulating message,” said Sen. Alexander Wiley (R-Wisconsin), who has been listed by some persons as an isolationist. “It shows an apparent unity of purpose which the world has been looking forward to, and we hope it will ultimate in a real instrument for international collaboration.”

Referring to the report as “this momentous document,” Senate Democratic leader Alben W. Barkley, D-Kentucky, said:

If we can accomplish the objectives set forth in this Crimean conference, we will go a long way toward justifying the terrible sacrifices we are making in treasure and blood.

‘Great work done’

Senate Republican leader Wallace H. White Jr. (R-Maine) immediately rose from his seat across the aisle.

“A great work has been done,” he told the Senate.

Everyone wanted to know what Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg (R-Michigan) thought of the Big Three job. Mr. Vandenberg proposed and Republicans generally have adopted a foreign policy based on immediate treaties for the permanent demilitarization of Germany and agreements for post-war examination of all political adjustments made or being made in Europe.

‘Best so far’

“The report is far the best that has issued from any major conference,” said Mr. Vandenberg, although reserving the right to seek more detailed information, especially about Polish political and boundary agreements.

He continued:

It reaffirmed basic principles of justice to which we are deeply attached. And it undertakes for the first time to implement these principles by direct action. The total demilitarization of Germany and the pledge to proceed among our Allied friends on the basis of the Atlantic Charter are greatly encouraging.

The Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin report bore down hard on the Atlantic Charter, which Mr. Roosevelt has been accused of forgetting.

‘Joint’ action stressed

The three men repeatedly emphasized the “joint” nature of their plans and intentions in all respects. They reported, without disclosing the solution, that they had agreed upon a plan for voting in the council of the proposed security organization.

Voting procedure stymied the Dumbarton Oaks conference here: It adjourned without decision whether all council members should have a vote even though one of them be a party to the aggression they were seeking to suppress or to prevent.

Russia insisted that all should vote and that one negative ballot should have veto power.

Details withheld

The Crimean conference report said that the solution of this problem would be revealed after China and France have been advised of the agreed upon procedure. If China and France go along and the Crimean conferees explored all parts of the security problem in amity, it would seem that the United Nations conferees in San Francisco next April will not be long in session.

Mr. Roosevelt and his foreign policy advisers are convinced that agreement and ratification of a world security treaty must be obtained at once to avoid the delays and defeats encountered after World War I.

To that end they have laid out a program not unlike Woodrow Wilson’s famous 14 points. This time, however, there is a report from leaders of the three nations most immediately concerned, undertaking to follow stipulated procedure in making desired post-war conditions come true.

Procedure listed

The stipulated procedure is embodied in a “Declaration on Liberated Europe.” It is an agreement among the three men on several points:

  • The United States, Britain and Russia will act in concert to assist the liberated peoples to solve by democratic means their immediate political and economic problems. They expect that to be necessary during a “temporary period” only.

  • This requires destruction of the last vestige of Nazism and adherence to the Atlantic Charter principle that all peoples have the right to choose the form of government under which they shall live.

  • To foster conditions in which the liberated peoples may enjoy that right, the conferees agreed that when necessary, they jointly would assist the people of any liberated state or former Axis satellite to achieve four specific objectives:

    (a) Establish conditions on internal peace.

    (b) Effect emergency measures for relief of distressed peoples.

    (c) Form interim governmental authorities broadly representative of all democratic elements of the population.

    (d) Facilitate the holding of free elections.

Where the three powers intervened to form interim governmental authorities, it would be with the understanding, the report explained, that it would be only for the purpose of “the earliest possible establishment through free elections of governments responsive to the will of the people.”

The United States, Britain and Russia promised to consult other governments when matters of direct interest to them were involved in such cases. Prior to any action to make good on the foregoing pledges, the representatives of the three governments would consult among themselves.

The report said it was the hope of the three conferees that the provisional government of France “may be associated with them in the procedure suggested” – evidently as an equal partner.

The report said:

By this declaration, we reaffirm our faith in the principles of the Atlantic Charter, our pledge in the Declaration by the United Nations, and our determination to build in cooperation with other peace-loving nations world order under law, dedicated to the peace, security, freedom and general well-being of mankind.

To further the foregoing program and to maintain a political and diplomatic continuity of thought and action, the conference agreed that the foreign secretaries of the United States, Russia and Britain would meet hereafter about every four months. The first meeting is scheduled for London after the April United Nations conference here. Other meetings would rotate among the three capitals.

Major decisions of Big Three

German militarism to be destroyed

WASHINGTON (UP) – The major decisions reached by the Big Three at Yalta:

    Will be subjected to “new and even more powerful blows… to bring her to unconditional surrender.”

    Terms were agreed upon for occupation and control of Germany.

    German militarism and Nazism will be destroyed; the German General Staff will be “broken up for all time,” all of Germany’s capacity for waging war or producing war materials will be eliminated or controlled.

    The criminals will be punished. A commission will be established to study reparations.

    An agreement was reached on voting procedure in the Council of the contemplated world security organization, a question left unsettled at Dumbarton Oaks.

    To prepare the charter for a world security organization along the lines of that contemplated at Dumbarton Oaks, a full United Nations conference will meet in San Francisco April 25.

    The three countries will jointly assist liberated European territories and former Nazi satellites to establish internal peace, carry out emergency relief measures, form interim governments and hold free elections of permanent governments “responsive to the will of the people.” The three countries will confer whenever the necessity arises in connection with these problems.

    The principles of the Atlantic Charter, including free determination of governments, are reaffirmed.

    Russia gets roughly the eastern one-third of pre-war Poland, on the basis of a Polish border roughly following the old Curzon Line. In return, Poland will get “substantial” territory from Germany in the West.

    The so-called Lublin Government, now recognized by Russia, will be “reorganized on a broader democratic basis with the inclusion of democratic leaders from Poland itself and from Poles abroad.” The broadened government will be recognized by Britain and the United States.

    The Big Three recommended acceptance of the compromise calling for creation of a regency and broadening of the Yugoslav Cabinet.

    The Big Three foreign secretaries will meet every three months, with the first session in London after the San Francisco conference.

    France was invited to participate in control and occupation of Germany, and in settling problems of Liberated Europe, she will be given a preview of the world security organization voting plan agreed upon at Yalta.

Poles in exile defy Big Three

But former premier may join cabinet


LONDON, England (UP) – The London Polish government tonight flatly rejected the Big Three decision on Poland.

LONDON, England (UP) – The Polish Exile Cabinet was expected to defy the Allied Big Three today and reject its invitation to join the provisional government in liberated Poland.

The Exile Cabinet probably will make known its stand following a special meeting today, but its repeated anti-Russian declarations made rejection of the Crimean conference’s formula for Poland a foregone conclusion.

It was likely, however, that Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, who resigned as exile premier last November after failing to bring about a rapprochement with the Russians, would hasten to Poland to join a coalition government.

Unity demanded

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill doomed the exile government by promising at Yalta to recognize the Soviet-supported Polish Provisional Government once it has been reorganized on a “broader democratic basis with inclusion of democratic leaders from Poland itself and from the Poles abroad.”

Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill and Premier Stalin also gave their blessing to a coalition government already in the process of formation in Yugoslavia under an agreement negotiated by Marshal Tito and Premier Ivan Subasic of the Royal Yugoslav exile government.

Other Balkan question

The Big Three recognized the objections of King Peter to a one-party (Communist) Parliament, however, by recommending that the anti-Fascist assembly be extended to include members of the last pre-occupation Parliament who had not collaborated with the Nazis.

The Big Three also made a “general review of other Balkan questions,” presumably including the Greek crisis, which was already well on the way to solution following the signing of a peace treaty by the Greek Government and the rebellious left-wing EAM-ELAS at Athens yesterday.

The formula for Poland represented a compromise between the Soviet and Anglo-American positions, though Moscow asserted that the Soviets had won “hands down.”

The Crimean declaration said Soviet Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov, U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and British Ambassador Sir Archibald Clark Kerr would sit as a commission in Moscow with Polish leaders in reorganizing the provisional government, which would be known as the “Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.”

There was no question but what the Soviet views prevailed on the question of Poland’s eastern boundary. The Crimean declaration said the United States, Britain and Russia were agreed that the Curzon Line, which gives some 50,000 square miles of pre-war eastern Poland to Russia, should be adopted.

Poland would be recompensed by taking over German territory to the north and west, presumably including large portions of East Prussia, Silesia, Brandenburg and Pomerania, with the final boundaries being set at the Peace Conference.

By adoption of the Curzon Line as its western boundary, Russia would take over the former Polish cities of Lwow, Pinsk, Luck, Brest-Litovsk and Grodno, though Poland might retain the last two under the Crimean declaration’s provision for digressions in some regions of three to five miles “in favor of Poland.”

WASHINGTON (UP) – Allied abandonment of the London Polish exile government and acceptance of the Curzon Line as the eastern Polish boundary brought loud protests today from many Polish-American circles.

But the long-awaited decision appears to be final, with the Big Three ready to make it stick.

The London Polish government is not likely to find a court of appeal.

The key to the plan apparently is for Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, former premier of the London Poles, to join the Lublin government.

Reaction in Moscow –
Reds cheered by victory on all debatable issues

Russians particularly satisfied by decision which means end of exile Polish government

MOSCOW, USSR (UP) – Russia won “hands down” on all debatable questions in the Crimea Conference, it was felt in Soviet circles today, “as a party of the conferees including U.S. Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius Jr. arrived here from Yalta.

High satisfaction was expressed over results of the parley, particularly the agreement on Poland which spelled the end of the Polish exile government in London, and the fact that President Roosevelt had visited Soviet soil – regarded as a token of Soviet strength and prestige.

The Big Three decisions were hailed by the Soviet press with superlatives never before employed.

Izvestia, the government organ, called the Crimean Conference “the greatest modern political event.

Unprecedented mass meetings were called in cities and towns all over Russia at which the Big Three decisions were announced, cheered and discussed.

Mr. Stettinius flew here from the Crimea at the invitation of Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav M. Molotov for a one-day visit after which he will proceed to Mexico.

Patton drives new breaches into West Wall

Canadians beat off brisk counterattacks

Three divisions joined in Manila

Fighting deadliest of Pacific war

MANILA, Philippines (UP) – Three U.S. divisions linked up inside Southern Manila today.

The Yanks blasted the Jap garrison back into the burning waterfront in the deadliest, close-in fighting of the entire Pacific war.

The decisive juncture, sealing off the last avenue of escape for the trapped Japs in Manila, came as Bataan and Corregidor across Manila Bay were rocking under a tremendous bombardment by hundreds of U.S. planes.

More than 200 tons of high explosives were showered down on Corregidor Saturday and Sunday, while a big fleet of Army and Marine planes ripped up the southern corner of Bataan with another 500 tons.

Guns knocked out

It was the greatest land-based aerial blow ever struck in the Pacific, and apparently was intended to clear the way for an amphibious assault on Corregidor. Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s communiqué reported that the giant guns on “the Rock” appeared to have been knocked out of action.

At the same time, a force of U.S. Thunderbolt fighters caught 35 troop-laden Jap barges off the east coast of Bataan in daylight Saturday and blew them out of the water, killing an estimated 2,500 enemy troops.

Herded toward bay

There was no indication whether the barges were evacuating troops from Bataan, Corregidor or Manila. There was even a remote possibility they may have been trying to sneak reinforcements into the capital to aid the Jap garrison in its finish fight.

Inside Manila, meanwhile, the survivors of several thousand enemy troops compressed into a narrow pocket south of the Pasig River were fighting with redoubled ferocity as the Americans herded them slowly back to the bay.

Gen. MacArthur revealed that virtually every street in the capital had been sown with mines and booby traps and that his troops were moving slowly to hold down casualties and spare the city from destruction insofar as possible.

The communiqué said units of the 1st Cavalry and 37th Infantry Divisions joined forces near the Paco railway station while other cavalry spearheads linked up with the 11th Airborne Division on the southwestern end of the capital near the Polo Club.

Planes hold off

The Japs now were compressed into a pocket measuring about three square miles.

The Americans were using artillery only against pinpointed targets and their overwhelming airpower was holding off because of the danger to Filipino civilians inside the Jap pocket.

Observers who had served in the European theater described the fighting as fiercer than any of the western battles, excepting possibly Stalingrad. Almost to a man, the Japs were fighting to the death for every street barricade and pillbox.

North of the capital, units of the U.S. 6th Armored Division cut Luzon in two with a lightning thrust to the island’s east coast at Dingalen Bay. Large quantities of ammunition were captured in the advance. Field reports said the Japs in that sector had retreated northward.

Cigarette shortage to grow, FTC reports after survey

‘Spreading around’ of available smokes urged – no law violations uncovered

A natural man

By Florence Fisher Parry

Spy continues on witness stand

Senate confirms ‘Gen. Elliott’

Vote is 53-11 for promotion

Yanks in Italy driven back by Germans

Casualties described as relatively high

Paris army court to try major

Spanish diplomat accused as spy

Extra gas authorized for job interviews

There’s no turning back when a bridgehead is won

5th Infantry Division troops keep plugging away at Sure River to get reinforcements across
By Morley Cassidy, North American Newspaper Alliance

Navy losses exceed all other wars

WASHINGTON (UP) – The Navy disclosed today that it has lost in action during World War II more than five times the number of Navy men killed in all previous wars.

It reported that 22,481 men, excluding the Marine Corps and Coast Guard, have been killed since Pearl Harbor, compared with 4,232 in all conflicts from the American Revolution through World War II.

In the last war, 422 Navy officers and men died in action.


Simms: If decision on Poland stands, peace plan may be jeopardized

Roosevelt, Churchill gave way completely to Stalin in pact signed in Crimea
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

The Big Three version of Poland after the war is shown on this map. The eastern boundary will follow approximately the Curzon Line. The territory taken from Germany may be as indicated in the other shaded area on the map.

WASHINGTON – If the Big Three decision regarding Poland stands – and it would now seem, to all intents, irrevocable – it may jeopardize Dumbarton Oaks and the whole American peace plan.

Under the pact signed at Yalta, in the Crimea, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill gave way completely to Marshal Stalin, whose plans for the partition of Poland are well known. They agreed to the Curzon Line as the new Russo-Polish frontier and to the Stalin thesis that Poland shall have several large slices of Germany by way of compensation.

The effect of all this on the United States will be tremendous, if, as it is generally expected, this country participates in the collective security guarantees so widely favored by the American people. It would start up a new and bigger “Alsace-Lorraine” between Germany and Poland and make the United States at least partly responsible for its safety.

To get German land

The Big Three did not specify the exact amount of German soil which the Poles might annex. They did, however, make it clear that while Poland’s eastern frontier is really no longer debatable, she “must receive substantial accessions of territory in the north and west.”

And Moscow has already indicated that, in the north, approximately two-thirds of East Prussia will go to Poland and, in the west, practically everything up to the Oder River, that is, up to within 40 miles of Berlin.

However, says the Big Three communiqué, “the final delimitation of the western frontier of Poland should… await the peace conference.”

The Poles themselves – that is the Polish government-in-exile in London – are under no delusions when it comes to what the annexation of purely Prussian territory will mean to them. They know it is loaded with dynamite.

London Poles alarmed

Some months ago, when the London Poles became convinced that what has just happened at the Big Three meeting was inescapable, they were alarmed. History was full of warnings that it would become a perpetual bone of contention between a diminished Poland and a potentially powerful Germany and they knew they would be doomed unless they had the permanent protection of one or more of the great powers.

So, they approached Washington. They inquired if the United States would guarantee Poland’s proposed new frontiers. The inference, of course, was that if this country acquiesced in the Moscow plan, she should stand ready to guarantee the boundaries in question.

Washington said “no.” The United States never guarantees anybody’s specific frontiers.

Answers now yes

The answer however, might just as well have been “yes.” If the United States, in fact, agrees to the Polish settlement reached at Yalta, and if the Dumbarton Oaks formula is ratified by the Senate, the United States, of course, automatically will become a guarantor of Poland’s new boundaries – unless the Senate writes in reservations.

This means that should Germany stage a comeback 10, 20 or 50 years hence and attack Poland with a view to getting back her lost provinces, the United States would be bound to help put down the aggression.

Destroys all hope

As for Poland herself, the Yalta pact all but destroys any hope she may have had regarding her future independence. Hereafter no government at Warsaw will dare enter into a treaty, trade arrangement, non-aggression pact or any other government without first asking Moscow.

It was agreed that the so-called Lublin (or Moscow-sponsored) regime should be reorganized “on a broader democratic basis” with the inclusion of democratic leaders from Poland itself and from Poles abroad.

But, however well this plan works out, Poland still will not be a free agent. At best, she will be an international protectorate; at worst, a Russian puppet.

Invasions of Denmark, Norway, Baltic coast may be plan of Allies

Speculation touched off by Big Three pledge of attacks on Germany from the north
By W. R. Higginbotham, United Press staff writer

LONDON, England – Military observers said today the Allied Big Three may have planned invasions of southern Norway, Denmark and even the German Baltic coast to speed victory in Europe.

Speculation was touched off by the Big Three’s promise in the Crimean declaration that Allied armies and air forces would strike “new and even more powerful blows… into the heart of Germany” from the east, west, north and south.

The timing and scope of operations from all four directions “have been fully agreed and planned in detail,” President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Stalin said in the declaration.

Will shorten war

The declaration said:

Our combined military plans will be made known only as we execute them, but we believe that the very close-working partnership among the three staffs attained at this conference will result in shortening the war.

The declaration marked the first authoritative Allied word regarding the possibility of offensives against Germany from the north.

A Moscow dispatch said military circles in the Russian capital attached especial importance to the contemplated “blows from the north.” It was assumed, Moscow said, that these would supplement those from the Soviet bridgehead in northern Norway.

May cut off Nazis

The Big Three’s plan may envisage Anglo-American landings on the coasts of South Norway and Denmark aimed at cutting off German troops in northern and central Norway and forcing the Nazi command to disperse further their already limited forces.

Any landings on the Baltic coast of Germany presumably would be made by Soviet amphibious forces, but there remained a remote possibility of an attempt by Anglo-American fleets to force the Skagerrak and Kattegat into the Baltic.

Significantly, Vice Adm. Sir Harold Burrough, supreme naval commander in Western Europe. said at a press conference several weeks ago that other amphibious landings probably would be made under his command.

Drive in Italy hinted

New blows against Germany from the north also raised the possibility that Allied armies in Western Europe would drive into northern Germany to link up with the Russians along the Baltic coast.

Reference to “new blows” also from the south indicated that the long-dormant Italian front may erupt in a new Allied offensive aimed at clearing northern Italy and reaching the Brenner Pass.

Soviet forces in Hungary and Yugoslavia also probably will renew their drive in force along the Danube Valley toward Vienna and southern Germany. The smashing of organized resistance in Budapest, as announced by Moscow last night, may speed this drive.

Staffs to confer

Military observers were enthusiastic over the Big Three’s announcement that a “very close working partnership” had been attained among the American, British and Soviet military staffs. Meetings of the three staffs will be continued in the future whenever the need arises, the declaration said.

There had been widespread criticism in the past few months at what was felt to be a lack of coordination between offensives on the Eastern and Western Fronts.

Once Germany has been defeated, the Big Three announced their intention of assigning separate zones of occupation to each of the three powers and France.

To sit in Berlin

Coordinated administration and control would be provided under the plan by the establishment of a separate control commission in Berlin consisting of the “supreme commanders of the three nations,” plus a French commander.

The reference to the “supreme commanders” was not clear, but it was believed likely that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of the Western Front, would represent the United States and Marshal Sir Harold R. L. G. Alexander, Allied commander in the Mediterranean, would represent Britain.

Parley lifts veil on Russian plans

Hastening of peace believed effected
By William H. Stoneman

LONDON, England – Russia has finally drawn back the curtain concealing its military plans and, for the first time since it went to war with Germany in June 1941, is about to work in complete conjunction with the United States and Britain in finally crushing Germany.

This truly spectacular result of the Yalta conference ends an impossible situation in which the Western Allies were embarrassed, and at times positively handicapped, by lack of information.

End of war hastened

As a result of the Yalta conversations, it can be assumed that the forces invading Germany from the east and west will join speedily in giving Germany a decisive coup de grace on land and from the air. The end of the war should be materially hastened.

The only regret is that an agreement could not have been concluded months, or years ago.

The Yalta agreement for the division of Germany and Austria into three or four fixed zones of occupation, and for the coordination of Allied administration by a Central Control Commission sitting in Berlin, already had been worked out by the European Advisory Commission in London.

Who will form group

The Control Commission will consist of the supreme commanders of the American, British, and Russian forces in Germany, in addition to a French representative, if the French wish to name one.

If France wishes to share in the occupation of Germany, its zones of occupation, to be fixed by European Advisory Commission, will certainly include the west bank of the Rhine.

The decision not to announce terms of the “unconditional surrender” demands is significant. Obviously, these terms would be announced if the Allied chiefs thought they would contribute to the collapse of Germany’s home front. Thus, it can be assumed that these terms really involve complete surrender and that they are harsh enough to satisfy most proponents of a severe peace.

Ed Flynn’s visit to Yalta a mystery

Washington unable to figure it out

WASHINGTON (UP) – Of all interesting sidelights on the Big Three Conference, Washington pondered the presence of Edward J. Flynn.

The White House explained that Mr. Flynn took no part in the discussions. It said President Roosevelt discovered, shortly before he left this country, that Mr. Flynn planned to go to Moscow. So, he invited the former Democratic National Committee chairman to accompany him as far as Yalta.

Mr. Flynn, the White House said, crossed the Atlantic with the President – method not announced. Then he flew with Mr. Roosevelt from Malta to Yalta. Apparently, he stayed in the Crimean resort town throughout the historic conferences, because the White House said he went to Moscow with U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman. Mr. Harriman attended the entire eight-day conference.

Even Mr. Flynn’s close associates in New York were at a loss to explain his presence in Russia. They professed not to know that he accompanied the President.

Monroe Goldwater, Mr. Flynn’s law partner, said he “thought Mr. Flynn was in Mexico.”

“He left New York about two weeks ago,” was all Mr. Goldwater could add.

If anybody knew the nature of Mr. Flynn’s business in Moscow, they weren’t talking about it. Unquestioned, however, was the fact that he was not wen route to Australia.

Anna Boettiger has key role

WASHINGTON (UP) – The presence of Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Boettiger at the Big Three Crimean Conference gave emphasis today to her new role as confidante, boon companion and adviser to her father.

The tall blond, only daughter of President and Mrs. Roosevelt, returned to the Executive Mansion to live more than a year ago.

Prior to and for a while after Pearl Harbor, she was a columnist and woman’s page editor of The Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Her husband, John, was its publisher. Mrs. Boettiger moved into the White House while her husband was overseas as an Army major. Now he is stationed in Washington.

Mrs. Boettiger is in her late 30’s. Gifted with her mother’s energy, she plays the role of White House hostess during Mrs. Roosevelt’s frequent absences.

She is good company. Lively, animated and possessor of quick wit, she has a talent for informality.

She and her father have at least one common attribute. They both use long cigarette holders.

Yalta one of best Russian resorts

Town damaged only slightly by Nazis
By the United Press

Yalta is probably the most beautiful of the Russian Black Sea resort towns.

It is situated in a narrow sloping cleft on the cliff-studded southeast coast of the Crimea.

The cliffs rise sheer from the area into towering 8,000-foot mountain peaks, crowned at this season of the year with snow. At Yalta itself there is a sandy curving beach, lined with villas and resort hotels, many of which date from Czarist times.

Occupied two years

Yalta and the whole resort coast of Crimea was occupied by the Germans for about two years, but damage when the Nazis were ousted last spring was comparatively light. In the town of Yalta itself, windows were blown out of a good many seashore buildings and some of the shops were wrecked. But many of the villas and palaces were intact or suffered damage which could be repaired easily.

Winters are mild on the Crimean coast, not unlike those on the California coast. Days are generally warm and sunshiny, but the nights are cool.

The steep, stony land running back up to the mountain crags is covered with vineyards. Crimean champagne and fine wines are famous in Russia and many consider their quality second only to the wines of France.

Sevastopol visit hinted

Above the vineyards the hillsides are deeply forested with pines and other evergreens stretching up to the timber line. Clouds often hang over the high peaks above Yalta, obscuring the mountain crests.

It is probable that the conferees took time out from their deliberations to visit Sevastopol which lies about 40 miles from Yalta on the southwest corner of Crimea. Sevastopol has been back in Russian hands about 10 months.