America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Perkins: CIO leaders find PAC job just starting

Speech in London points up the need
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Union protests J&L defiance of WLB

Controversy hinges around plant guards

Fortresses blast fuel depot in bad weather

German submarine pens also bombed

AWOL air veteran held for burglary

Navy bans gifts of scarce items

Americans check attack in Italy

Nazi activity rises on Fifth Army front

Japan’s premier shakes up cabinet

By the United Press

Manila bureau reopened by UP

MANILA, Philippines (Feb. 9, delayed) (UP) – The United Press today reopened its Manila bureau and resumed service to a client newspaper, just six days after the 1st Cavalry broke into the Philippines capital.

UP was the first news agency to resume functioning in Manila.

Service was provided for The Fookien Times, a Chinese-language newspaper which was a pre-war client of the UP. The paper was published today for the first time since 1941.

The UP office was set up in Manila while Jap shells and mortar fire were still coming down, sometimes only 100 feet away. One shell nearly wrecked the bureau.

Nearly all the native pre-war staff of the UP reported back for work and worked with newly-arrived UP war correspondents in preparing copy for The Fookien Times.

In Washington –
House chiefs map strategy on George bill

Leaders may bypass Rules Committee

Poll: 8 in 10 keep heat in homes over minimum

Only 7% drop below 65 degrees
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

They would if they cud –
Men can’t blame women for chewing shortage

Stilwell presented two decorations

Now, there’s a REAL Joe!
Clothes wet, feet frozen – the G.I. is everywhere

He sleeps in snatches, work never ended – he’s in jeeps, tanks and just plodding on
By Jack Bell

Negroes win vote in Florida primary

Editorial: Eisenhower moves

Editorial: Lincoln’s fight goes on

Editorial: What fighters want

Editorial: Ernie writes again

Forrester: Dan’l says it isn’t so

By William Forrester, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Lend-Lease Leslie mixes love with intrigue in Gunther novel

Provides plenty of entertainment
By Harry Hansen

Hopper: That Hardy films will continue

By Hedda Hopper

‘Bravo’ for audience at Winged Victory

By Florence Fisher Parry

Sherlock Holmes, Rathbone have nothing in common!

Actor who plays detective never reads crime yarn or smokes pipe
By Maxine Garrison

Jungle bunk on way out!

Fighting Yanks know true story!