America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Dewey concerned over foreign affairs

Stokes: Revolt from left

By Thomas L. Stokes

Love: Home front heroes

By Gilbert Love

Radio stars watch lists of ‘ratings’

By Roseleen Callahan, special to The Pittsburgh Press

Othman: Another headache for Congress – Fighting off those free drinks

By Frederick C. Othman, United Press staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, it’s encouraging to see the way women are beginning to take an active interest in politics. Why, at our women’s club meeting yesterday we discussed nothing but Clare Luce’s hats, Paul McNutt’s physique, and Secretary of State Stettinius’ eyebrows.

It’s just beginning to dawn on me that eyebrows are to politicians what sarongs are to movie stars.

Of course, they can be overdone. I wish I had a nickel for every woman who said she’d like to get John L. Lewis along with a pair of eyebrow tweezers.

And John Nance Garner, our former Vice President – my, what wonderful snowy-white brows he has. When I used to take the children to see Santa Claus, they always complained because he didn’t look like Mr. Garner.

Millett: Are dates okay for G.I. wife?

Is being lonely fair excuse?
By Ruth Millett

Elastic stop ban extended 10 more days

SEC probes affairs of company

Record crops due to new techniques

Mechanization speeds work of farmers

Public debt hits $230 billion

Official averages –
Red pitchers lead National in wins, ERA

Pros begin war to sign players

Transportation to govern furloughs

French perfect television despite Nazis

Images good as American movies
By Si Steinhauser

How ya gonna make any rules to prevent accidents like these?

Freakish mishaps plague safety group

U.S. Navy Department (December 19, 1944)

CINCPAC Press Release No. 692

For Immediate Release
December 19, 1944

CINCBPF confers with Adm. Nimitz

A series of conferences is in progress at Pearl Harbor between FAdm. C. W. Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas (CINCPAC-POA), and Adm. Sir Bruce Fraser, GCB, KBE, Commander-in-Chief, British Pacific Fleet (CINCBPF), and their respective staffs.

CINCPAC Press Release No. 693

For Immediate Release
December 19, 1944

Adm. Nimitz assumes rank

Adm. C. W. Nimitz (USN), CINCPAC-POA, has assumed the rank of a Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy, from December 19, 1944.

Völkischer Beobachter (December 20, 1944)

Noch achtzig Stunden:
Planmäßiger Verlauf der Offensive

‚Deutschland ist stark und gefährlich‘ –
Eisenhower verhängt Nachrichtensperre


Amerikanische Produktionsprobleme

US-Außenminister mit England einig –
Polen schon in Teheran verkauft

Holde Eintracht in Chicago