Stokes: More about Texas
By Thomas L. Stokes
Front along Atlantic is like Valley Forge
By Tom Wolf
Small but sturdy porters carry civilian wares from India through blockade
By A. T. Steele
By Gracie Allen
Well, the Christmas shopping season is underway here in New York and if I were Gen. MacArthur and the rest of the boys, I’d stay down in the nice, quiet Philippines until this thing blows over.
I never thought I’d be a war correspondent but this morning I witnessed the battle of Macy’s basement. A contingent of Brooklyn women launched a frontal assault on the pantie-girdle counter but found it strongly defended by the Bronx 176th Street Infantry who fought bitterly from behind previously prepared positions.
One sniper from Flatbush managed to pick off two girdles before he was located and brought down. She retreated hastily to the ladies’ room to regroup her left flank, it having been partially exposed.
When the smoke of battle cleared away, it was discovered that one carnation had three floorwalkers blasted out from under it.
By Jack Cuddy, United Press staff writer
My dear Mr. President:
It is with inexpressible disappointment that I find it necessary, for considerations of health, to retire from public service. I, therefore, with utmost regret, tender herewith my resignation as Secretary of State.
It is a matter of special satisfaction to me that throughout my almost twelve years at the Department of State, our personal relations have been uniformly and invariably agreeable and that, by our joint efforts, many difficult tasks growing out of the foreign relations of this country before and during this war have been brought to partial or full completion; many great questions have been faced successfully; and many forward movements of surpassing importance to friendly relations among Nations have been instituted.
As the war draws to a close there remains a vast area of complex and difficult conditions and problems which must be dealt with in the months and years immediately ahead. It is a supreme tragedy to me personally that I am unable to continue making my full contribution to such great international undertakings as the creation of the postwar peace organization, the solution of the many other problems involved in the promotion of international cooperation, and the final development of a full and complete structure of a world order under law.
When I recover my strength, I shall individually be always at your service in every possible way.
Sincerely yours,
My dear Cordell:
Your letter of this afternoon has hit me between wind and water. It has been very sad for me even to contemplate the ending of our close relationship during all these twelve years. It is not merely that our personal relations have been so uniformly and invariably agreeable, or that our joint work has borne true success in so many fields, as it is the personal feeling of not being able to lean on you for aid and intimate interchange of thought.
This is especially true because we have come so far along the road of friendly relations among Nations that I have counted so much on your help in carrying this work through the final stage of complex and difficult conditions which still face us.
Your health is honestly my first thought, and I am really confident that you will be on your feet again in a relatively short time, even though you are limited to special tasks and avoid the daily routine of Department work. As of today, therefore, you must devote all your thought to getting back on your feet and on this all your friends will join in helping.
I will, of course, accept your resignation as Secretary of State if you want me to do so. But I wish you would, as an alternative, allow me to accept it as of January twentieth, which is the end of our Third Term. Perhaps sentiment enters into this suggestion a little bit, but it would give me great satisfaction if we should round out the three terms. That means two months more, and during that time I could see you from time to time and get your advice on some of the things that will come before us.
Incidentally, when the organization of the United Nations is set up, I shall continue to pray that you as the Father of the United Nations may preside over its first session. That has nothing to do with whether you are Secretary of State or not at the time, but should go to you as the one person in all the world who has done the most to make this great plan for peace an effective fact. In so many different ways you have contributed to friendly relations among Nations that even though you may not remain in a position of executive administration, you will continue to help the world with your moral guidance.
With my affectionate regards,
As ever yours,
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 21, 1944
By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by Section 211 (d) of the Public Health Service Act, approved July 1, 1944 (58 Stat. 682), I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the recall to active duty of retired commissioned officers of the Public Health Service:
The Surgeon General may order (a) any commissioned officer of the Regular Corps who now is or may hereafter be retired for disability from disease or injury incurred in line of duty, or (b) any commissioned officer of the Reserve Corps who now is or may hereafter be retired for disability from disease or injury incurred in line of duty during time of war, to present himself for physical examination to a Board of Medical examiners, and may order to active duty any such officer who is found to have recovered from such disability.
In time of war the Surgeon General may order any commissioned officer of the Service retired for age to present himself for physical examination to a Board of Medical examiners, and may order to active duty any such officer found physically capable of performing the duties to which he may be assigned: PROVIDED, That the tour of duty of any officer so recalled shall not extend beyond the last day of the sixth month following the termination of the state of war.
For the purposes of this order, the term “retired officers” shall include officers placed on permanent “waiting orders.”
Service by officers after recall to active duty shall be deemed active commissioned service within the meaning of Section 211 (c) (1) of the Public Health Service Act.
November 21, 1944
Völkischer Beobachter (November 22, 1944)
Kesseltreiben gegen die belgische Regierung
Von unserem Berichterstatter in Schweden
Tokio, 21. November –
Die japanische Regierung hat scharfen Protest gegen die am 3. Juli erfolgte unmenschliche Ermordung von Schiffbrüchigen der Taiei Maru durch die Besatzung eines feindlichen U-Bootes erhoben.
Der Protest fußt auf dem Bericht der wenigen überlebenden Augenzeugen, denen zufolge die im Wasser treibenden 77 Frauen, Kinder und Greise der Taiei Maru, die zwischen Yap und Palau versenkt wurde, von der Besatzung des US-Bootes mit Maschinengewehren und Revolvern beschossen wurden. Wie besonders hervorgehoben wird, leitete der Kommandant das Massaker persönlich.
Die japanische Regierung fordert eine Untersuchung des Vorfalles und behält sich gleichzeitig alle Rechte in Verbindung mit diesem Vorstoß gegen internationales Recht und alle Gesetze der Menschlichkeit vor.
Führer HQ (November 22, 1944)
Die Besatzung unseres Maas-Brückenkopfes südöstlich Helmond behauptete sich auch gestern gegen zahlreiche englische Angriffe. Die Materialschlacht bei Aachen hat nach den schweren Kämpfen der letzten Tage etwas an Wucht nachgelassen. Bei Geilenkirchen wurden die angreifenden amerikanischen Bataillone wiederum von unserem Abwehrfeuer so schwer getroffen, dass sie mit der Masse liegenblieben. Im Kampfraum von Eschweiler lief sich der Feind in erbitterten Ortskämpfen fest. Im Ganzen kostete ihm gestern der vergebliche Versuch, unsere Front zu durchstoßen, nach bisher vorliegenden Meldungen wiederum 40 Panzer.
In Lothringen dauern die Abwehrkämpfe an. Ihre Schwerpunkte liegen in der Stadt Metz, östlich des Buschwaldes und im Raum östlich Saarburg. In den Westvogesen beschränkte sich der Feind auf einige örtliche Angriffe.
In Belfort, um das seit gestern Vormittag heftig gekämpft wird, vernichtete die Besatzung 21 Panzer des Gegners. Kraftvolle Gegenangriffe unserer Eingreifverbände unterbrachen westlich Basel die rückwärtigen Verbindungen des auf den Rhein vorgestoßenen Feindes. Insgesamt wurden im Kampfraum südlich des Rhein-Marne-Kanals bis zur Schweizer Grenze 51 feindliche Panzer abgeschossen.
Schweres deutsches Fernfeuer liegt weiterhin auf Antwerpen und neuerdings auf dem Großraum von Lüttich. Der Beschuss von London hält an.
An der adriatischen Küste brachte der erste Angriffstag der 8. britischen Armee trotz stärkstem Materialeinsatzes hohe Verluste, aber nur geringen Geländegewinn in einem örtlich begrenzten Abschnitt. Im italienisch-französischen Grenzgebiet wurden im Raum von Cuneo feindliche Banden zerschlagen, zahlreiche Waffen und die Masse des feindlichen Fuhrparkes erbeutet.
In Südungarn scheiterten alle Versuche der Sowjets, ihre Brückenköpfe bei Apatin und Batina zu erweitern.
Zwischen Budapest und dem Matragebirge vereitelten unsere Truppen den mit starken Panzer- und Infanteriekräften erstrebten bolschewistischen Durchbruch. Angriffe der Sowjets gegen die Stadt Miskolc wurden zerschlagen. Ungarische Verbände drängten nordöstlich Tokaj den Feind in seinem Theißbrückenkopf zusammen.
Im Raum von Ungvár blieben stärkere Angriffe der Bolschewisten nach geringfügigem Geländegewinn liegen.
Im Frontbogen südöstlich Libau zerbrach auch gestern der Ansturm von vier sowjetischen Armeen an dem heldenhaften Widerstand und den Gegenschlägen unserer Divisionen.
Im Südteil der Halbinsel Sworbe steht unsere Besatzung erneut in schwerem Kampf mit überlegenem Feind. Unsere Seestreitkräfte brachten durch ihr zusammengefasstes Feuer den Heeresverbänden Entlastung. Östlich der Halbinsel versenkten Minensuch- und Vorpostenboote ein sowjetisches Minensuchboot, schossen ein Schnellboot in Brand und beschädigten ein Kanonenboot so schwer, dass es strandete.
Anglo-amerikanische Terrorbomber führten am Tage und in der Nacht Angriffe gegen Nordwest-, West-, Südwest- und Mitteldeutschland. In einigen Städten entstanden Schäden in Wohngebieten und Personenverluste. Luftverteidigungskräfte schossen trotz schwieriger Wetterlage 82 feindliche Flugzeuge, darunter 61 viermotorige Bomber, ab.
Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (November 22, 1944)
PRD, Communique Section
221100A November
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
Allied forces, after freeing Helenaveen, have pushed four miles east of the town. To the southeast, the advance continued in the neighborhood of Maasbree, and we are within four miles of Venlo.
Fighter-bombers supported our troops in southeastern Holland and struck at communication and transport targets in northern and eastern Holland and western Germany. Rail lines were cut at a number of places including Utrecht and Zwolle in Holland, and the Geldern and Coesfeld in Germany. At Geldern, two enemy aircraft were shot down.
Heavy fighting continues in the Geilenkirchen sector. Our advance toward Würm and Beeck is being bitterly opposed. The following towns are in our hands: Gereonsweiler, Ederen, Merzenhausen, Engelsdorf, Aldenhoven and Laurensberg. Escorted medium bombers attacked road junctions immediately ahead of our ground forces in this area, and fighter-bombers hit enemy transport.
Our troops have penetrated some distance into Eschweiler, strong enemy resistance is being encountered by our forces northeast of Stolberg and in the northern portion of the Hürtgen Forest. Heistern, two miles northeast of Gressenich has been captured and other elements have advanced beyond the town.
East of Eschweiler, medium and fighter-bombers attacked communications and transport. Other medium bombers hit the fortified town of Düren.
Over Düsseldorf, a formation of 60 enemy fighters was encountered by 16 of our fighters. Ten enemy aircraft were shot down for the loss of one of our aircraft.
Northeast of Thionville, troops across the German border are encountering enemy roadblocks, mines, anti-tank obstacles and artillery fire. West of Merzig an enemy counterattack was repulsed.
In Metz, enemy resistance continues on the Île du Saulcy. The German garrison at Fort Queuleu in the southeastern part of the city has surrendered.
Southeast of Metz, our forces have made gains north of Faulquemont. Hellimer, ten miles southeast of Faulquemont has been freed, and farther south, Torcheville and Insviller are in our hands.
Against crumbling resistance, our armor and infantry drove eight miles east of Sarrebourg on a wide front. The defenses in front of the Saverne Gap through the Vosges have been passed.
Much equipment was abandoned by the rapidly withdrawing enemy, and many villages in the area of more than 100 square miles were freed by our advance.
Fighter and fighter-bombers gave close support to our units in the Blâmont–Gerardmer area.
Our advance elements made additional progress in the Upper Alsace Plain in the Mulhouse area.
The synthetic oil plant at Homberg in the Ruhr was attacked in the afternoon by escorted heavy bombers.
Last night, heavy bombers were out in very great strength with Aschaffenburg, a railway key point 25 miles southeast of Frankfurt, and two synthetic oil plants in the Ruhr as the main objectives.
“P” - Others
PRD, Communique Section
D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA2409