America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Pittsburgher among 24 dead in air crash

TWA plane explodes in California storm


Heavy snowstorm sweeps New England

Berlin, New Hampshire (UP) –
A heavy snowstorm swept northern New England today – with eight inches of snow already on the ground at some points – and town officials believed it would hamper the rural vote tomorrow in several areas.

The storm, bringing slush, sleet and snow across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, was apparently heaviest here where eight inches of snow already covered roads and fields.

Merchant Marines to get job help


Stokes: Dirty campaign

By Thomas L. Stokes

Supply – Lifeblood of victory

Miracle of supply credited to Americans in France
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Lost battalion saved after week

By Clinton B. Conger, United Press staff writer


Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Hollywood, California (UP) –
Well, tomorrow is Election Day and I’m going right out on a limb and make a prediction. The Democrats will carry three states. the Republicans will carry three states. The other 42 I can’t be sure of. But that’s the trend if you want to place a bet.

The important thing is that we all get out and vote tomorrow. George and I have our morning all scheduled:

  • 6:00 a.m.: George leaps out of bed and turns on cold shower.
  • 6:02 a.m.: I go in and take it.
  • 6:30 a.m.: Breakfast.
  • 7:00 a.m.: We vote.

Won’t it be restful next week when the political campaigns are over, and we can pick up a newspaper again and just read those quiet, peaceful descriptions of the battles in the Philippines?

Millett: Daily plans must vary

Routine becomes frustrating
By Ruth Millett

Packers’ shutout by Bears, first in 66 games, highlights pro grid

Court kills ‘split-week’ pay system

Plan lowered rates, pay chief asserts

4,000 more nurses needed by Navy


Dewey and Roosevelt broadcast ‘last word’

Democrats have midnight period
By Si Steinhauser

Turn your radio on at 8:00 tonight and from then to 12:30, you may hear the Democrats “point with pride” and the Republicans “view with alarm.”

The Democratic National Committee has placed President Roosevelt’s spokesmen in a position to have the “last word” by reserving the 12 o’clock midnight quarter-hour “across the board” on all networks. But even after that, WJAS and CBS have “to be announced” looking rather important and mysterious in the 12:15 period.

There are also “blanks” at 11:45 on WJAS and KQV, and 15-minute periods are not to be sneered at this hotly-contested Election Eve. As proof, that’s all the time Governor Dewey has reserved at 11:00 to 11:15 tonight on all network stations. He will follow President Roosevelt and “other speakers” on all stations from 10 to 11 o’clock. Senator Truman will speak on WCAE at 11:15.

At 11:15, WJAS has a quarter-hour network spot reservation for the Labor Non-Partisan League. Prior to that, there are several local and state political talks listed.

For quick reference, here are the “big league” listings for tonight:

  • 10:00 p.m.: All stations – President Roosevelt.
  • 11:00 p.m.: All stations – Governor Dewey.
  • 11:15 p.m.: WCAE – Senator Truman.

The Democrats have decided to give their listeners a real “grand finale.” Norman Corwin, famed CBS dramatist, is in Hollywood rehearsing tonight’s curtain-lowering broadcast. So, you can bet there will be some trumpet-blowing about bedtime.

Station managers report that national political committees are buying up time at 12:15 noon tomorrow, figuring that they will catch voters away from their regular duties and about to vote, so maybe the “last word” won’t be said until then.

Many letters have come our way during the political campaign accusing us of having deliberately failed to schedule this or that candidate’s talk, of being “pro-Roosevelt” and “pro-Dewey.” Any omissions were due to carelessness by national committees and programs, were carried precisely as networks provided them to stations and the stations to us.

Tomorrow, everyone may go to his voting booth and have his “say” and then we’ll get back into the old groove and listen to singing commercials, awful jokes, screeching “singers” and, best of all, good old forums on which free speech reaches its height. And America will be bigger and better than ever even though you and I may vote for the “wrong guy.”

Arthur Treacher, who clowns with Jack Carson, will cast his first vote tomorrow. A native of England, he became an American citizen a few months ago.

Another “first voter” will be Igor Gorin, radio and concert baritone, who made his first broadcast on the Hollywood Hotel. He was discovered singing in Vienna by a Los Angeles furniture man, over there on a visit who brought him to America and helped him to attain stardom. Gorin was also recently naturalized.

Vox Pop was born 12 years ago tonight over KTRH, Houston, Texas. Everybody is happy about it, including the listeners, everybody except Parks Johnson, a swell guy and one of the founders. Parks doesn’t like to hear his program called a quiz show. It’s an “audience participation” program and from it sprung a host of similar programs ranging from spelling bees to battles of brains and parlor hijinks.

Parks argues that Vox Pop is no more a quiz show than a crossword puzzle is an inquiring reporter column and we guess he’s right.

Anyhow, since July 4, 1940, Vox Pop has dedicated every broadcast to war work. It had added up 27 defense broadcasts from factories, colleges and camps before Pearl Harbor. Since then, it has been an exclusive camp, air or navy base or defense plant broadcast, entertaining about a million men in uniform or overalls at 190 different places, not including canteen, hospital and other benefit appearances.

Come peace, Vox Pop will become the voice of the people in victory. That’s for sure, says Parks, and we congratulate him and his buddy, Warren Hull, for the grand job they’re doing.

Tonight, you’ll hear Gladys Swarthout replacing Richard Crooks, José Iturbi on The Telephone Hour, Frank Morgan and little Margaret O’Brien on The DeMille Theater.

Ben Grauer won the Davis Memorial Award and KDKA’s capable Paul Shannon was awarded an honorable mention, in nationwide competition. We applaud the awards but Shannon deserved more than honorable mention.

Pittsburgh’s Eugenie Baird will be a guest on The Bing Crosby Hour Thursday.

Plans to tap public’s cash are underway

Loose funds sought in War Loan Drive

Amendment of Executive Order No. 9039 Authorizing Sick and Rest Leave for Alien Employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company, and Correction of Section 4 of Executive Order No. 9467 Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Service of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 6, 1944

By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 81 of Title 2 of the Canal Zone Code, as amended by section 3 of the act of July 9, 1937, 50 Stat. 487, it is ordered as follows:

  1. The first paragraph of Executive Order No. 9039 of January 24, 1942, authorizing sick and rest leave for certain alien employees of The Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company, is hereby amended to read as follows:

By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 81 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code, as amended by section 3 of the act of July 9, 1937, c. 470, 50 Stat. 487, the Governor of The Panama Canal is hereby authorized to grant, under such regulations as he may prescribe, sick and rest leave to alien employees of The Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company who are not entitled to leave privileges under the conditions of employment prescribed by Executive Order No. 1888 of February 2, 1914, as amended by Executive Orders No. 2514 of January 15, 1917, No. 3232 of February 20, 1920, and No. 9467 of August 19, 1944: Provided, however, that the combined sick and rest leave which may be granted to any such alien employee shall not exceed 24 days in any one year, and that such leave shall not be cumulative in excess of 60 days.

  1. Section 4 of Executive Order No. 9467 of August 19, 1944, relating to conditions of employment in the service of The Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company, is hereby corrected, as of August 19, 1944, to read as follows:

SEC. 4. Paragraph 20 of the said executive order, as amended by the executive order of February 20, 1920, is amended to read as follows:

    1. All employees who are citizens of the United States, and alien employees who receive compensation at a rate in excess of $100 a month or 50 cents an hour, with the exception of those who receive such compensation under authority of clause (b) of the proviso in paragraph 6 of this order, as amended, shall be entitled to leave privileges under this order.

November 6, 1944


Address by President Roosevelt
November 6, 1944, 10:45 p.m. EWT

Broadcast from Hyde Park, New York


Broadcast audio:

Ladies and gentlemen:

As we sit quietly this evening in our home at Hyde Park, our thoughts, like those of millions of other Americans, are most deeply concerned with the wellbeing of all our American fighting men. We are thinking of our own sons – all of them far away from home – and of our neighbors’ sons and the sons of our friends.

That concern rises above all others in this critical period of our national life.

In great contrast to the quiet which is ours here in America, in our own secure homes, is the knowledge that most of those fighting men of ours have no quiet times, and little leisure at this hour to reflect on the significance of our American election day, tomorrow.

Some are standing at battle stations on shipboard, tense in the excitement of action; some lie in wet foxholes, or trudge doggedly through the sticky mud, firing as they go. Still others are high above the earth, fighting Messerschmitts or Zeros.

All of them are giving everything they have got to defeat our enemies, and uppermost in all their minds is the one thought: to win the war as soon as possible, so that they may return to the quiet and peace of their own homes.

But – in the midst of fighting – in the presence of our brutal enemies – our soldiers and sailors and airmen will not forget Election Day back home.

Millions of these men have already cast their own ballots, and they will be wondering about the outcome of the election, and what it will mean to them in their future lives. And sooner or later all of them will be asking questions as to whether the folks back home looked after their interests, their liberties, their government, their country – while they themselves were off at war.

Our boys are counting on us to show the rest of the world that our kind of government is the best in the world – and the kind we propose to keep! And so, when our people turn out at the polls tomorrow – and I sincerely hope that it will be 50 million strong – the world will respect our democracy, and the grand old Stars and Stripes will wave more proudly than ever before.

These brave fighters of ours have taken on enemies on both sides of the world, enemies who were nurtured since childhood in militarism. These boys of ours, wisely led, and using the matchless weapons which you here at home have sent to them, have outfought those ruthless enemies, outfought them on the land, outfought them on the sea, outfought them in the skies. They are winning the victory for all of us. Many are giving life itself.

And it is for us to make certain that we win for them – the living and the dead – a lasting peace.

There is nothing adequate which anyone in any place can say to those who are entitled to display the gold star in their windows. But each night as the people of the United States rest in their homes which have been safe from violence during all these years of the most violent war in all history – I am sure all of them silently give thought to their feelings of deepest gratitude to the brave departed and to their families for the immeasurable sacrifice that they have made For the cause of decency and freedom and civilization.

I do not want to talk to you tonight of partisan politics. The political battle is finished. Our task now is to face the future as a militant and a united people – united here at home as well as on the battle fronts.

Twice in 25 years our people have had to put on a brave, smiling front as they have suffered the anxiety and the agony of war.

No one wants to endure that suffering again.

When we think of the speed and long-distance possibilities of air travel of all kinds to the remotest corners of the earth, we must consider the devastation wrought on the people of England, for example, by the new long-range bombs. Another war would be bound to bring even more devilish and powerful instruments of destruction to wipe out civilian populations. No coastal defenses, however strong, could prevent these silent missiles of death, fired perhaps from planes or ships at sea, from crashing deep within the United States itself.

This time, this time, we must be certain that the peace-loving nations of the world band together in determination to outlaw and to prevent war.

Tomorrow, you the people of the United States again vote as free men and women, with full freedom of choice – with no secret police watching over your shoulders. And for generations to come Americans will continue to prove their faith in free elections.

But when the ballots are cast, your responsibilities do not cease. The public servants you elect cannot fulfill their trust unless you, the people, watch and advise them, raise your voices in protest when you believe your public servants to be wrong, back them up when you believe them to be right.

But not for one single moment can you now or later forget the all-important goals for which we are aiming – to win the war and unite our fighting men with their families at the earliest moment, to see that all have honorable jobs; and to create a world peace organization which will prevent this disaster – or one like it – from ever coming upon us again.

To achieve these goals we need strength and wisdom which is greater than is bequeathed to mere mortals. We need Divine help and guidance. We people of America have ever had a deep well of religious strength, far back to the days of the Pilgrim Fathers.

And so, on this thoughtful evening, I believe that you will find it fitting that I read a prayer sent to me not long ago:

Almighty God, of Whose righteous will all things are and were created, Thou hast gathered our people out of many lands and races into a great nation.

We commend to Thy overruling providence the men and women of our forces by sea, by land, and in the air; beseeching Thee to take into Thine own hands both them and the cause they serve.

Be Thou their strength when they are set in the midst of so many and great dangers. And grant that, whether by life or by death, they may win for the whole world the fruits of their sacrifice and a just peace.

Guide, we beseech Thee, the nations of the world, into the way of justice and truth, and establish among them that peace which is the reward of righteousness.

Make the whole people of this land equal to our high trust, reverent in the use of freedom, just in the exercise of power, generous in the protection of weakness.

Enable us to guard for the least among us the freedom we covet for ourselves; make us ill-content with the inequalities of opportunity which still prevail among us. Preserve our union against all the divisions of race and class which threaten it.

And now, may the blessing of God Almighty rest upon this whole land; may He give us light to guide us, courage to support us, charity to unite us, now and forevermore. Amen.


Address by New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey
November 7, 1944, 11:00 p.m. EWT

Broadcast from Albany, New York


We come tonight to the eve of an election that may be the most fateful in our history. It is a test for each of us of our devotion to the American system of government. The great test is whether, knowing we need a new administration, we will make the change necessary to speed victory and to build the peace to come.

These years 1945 to 1949 will be important, difficult years. They will require vigorous, hardworking, harmonious leadership, with abiding faith in America. But there has arisen in this campaign an argument that the people dare not change administration because our country is in the midst of a great ordeal.

Of course, there is nothing new in that argument. It was used four years ago, when we were at peace. In other countries, this same argument has been the pretext upon which men, originally voted into power by the people, have suspended popular government and maintained themselves indefinitely in power.

Long ago, Thomas Jefferson pointed out that “there will never be a time when real difficulties will not exist and furnish a plausible pretext” for not making a change.

In our own lives, we have seen a nearly unbroken period of crisis after crisis for 30 years. We have known war and depression and boom and depression and war again. During much of that time, it could have been argued that the state of the nation and the world was so critical that we ought not risk a change in administration, in the last analysis, the whole argument comes down to a bald plea for the reelection – so long as he lives – of whoever happens to be President.

But that, we know, is the opposite of a free system of government. So, it is clear that if we are going to do our duty tomorrow, we must lay aside every other consideration and decide how best our country can be served these next four years.

In the course of this campaign, I have honorably and to the best of my capacity presented the reasons why I believe so earnestly that the welfare of our country requires a new administration.

Now, for a few minutes, I should like to talk to you not as a candidate, but as a fellow citizen who is privileged by your courtesy in listening, to come into your home and talk with you.

You are concerned, as I am, about the progress of the war. You are thinking day and night of someone who is facing death and hardship on the far-off battlelines of this war. And so, as you prepare to cast your vote tomorrow, the first question you ask yourself is this: What is the best way to make sure of a speedy and victorious end of the war? Will it help to shorten the war and assure quicker return of our fighting men if we have a change of administration?

I deeply believe that it will. I would have refused the nomination of my party for President if I did not believe so, with all my heart and soul. I have made it altogether clear from the beginning, that a change in our civilian government will mean no change in the military conduct of the war. Our Chiefs of Staff, Adm. King and Gen. Marshall, are doing a magnificent job. They are directing the movement of troops and of supplies and the grand military strategy that will carry our armies and navies to victory. The other commanders – Eisenhower, Nimitz, Arnold, MacArthur, Halsey – and all the others are carrying on to their objectives. Their hands will be strengthened by the end of civilian confusion in Washington.

We all know that the war is being fought, not only on the fighting front, but also on the home front everyone has had a chance to see the administration’s part in the war effort at home – to watch the operation of the scores of agencies that have to do with the daily lives of our people.

Everyone has been sickened by the constant conflicts and shifting policies of these agencies, as well as in the handling of war production, of transportation, the problem of rubber, and of other strategic supplies. Let me ask you one simple question: Do you believe the job at home is being handled as well as possible?

I think everyone, from the housewife who struggles with a new rationing problem every week, to the industrial executive who struggles with priorities and allocations – everyone will agree that we need improvement – and need it badly.

The things we can see and know about are only a fraction of the confusion and contradiction that exist in our whole civilian war effort. Multiply these a million times and it becomes clear why it is that the war is not coming to an end more rapidly.

Gen. Eisenhower has told us twice that the war in Europe would be ended in 1944 if everyone at home would do his part. Gen. Eisenhower has never changed that statement. It is Mr. Roosevelt who now tells us that the war has still a long way to go.

Plainly things have not been going in Washington as well as Gen. Eisenhower expected and had a right to expect. That is the basic reason why we should install in Washington a vigorous and competent administration that will out into the war effort at home a purpose and unity equal to that of our military leaders on the fighting fronts.

We want to bring this war to a speedy, victorious conclusion, to save unnecessary loss of life, unneeded hardship, and sorrow. The question is no longer – do we care to make a change in administrations? The question is: Do we dare not to make a change when our own everyday experience, and the testimony of our eyes and ears cry out that a change is desperately needed.

Now there is another thing that you and I want. We want to make sure that this war shall be the last war; that this tragedy shall never happen again. Like a great light in a darkened world shines the nearly unanimous determination of our people to join together with the people of other nations in setting up a world organization for peace.

Much has been done to prepare the general principles that will govern the establishment of such an organization. I have been happy to contribute to our unity for this cause by lifting it above partisan debate. But the hardest part of the task is still ahead. So far as American participation is concerned, the difficult details must be worked out between the Congress and the President.

I have unlimited faith that it can be done by a President and a Congress working together, in harmony. It will take hard work, patience, and understanding upon all sides.

In the name of those who are fighting and dying in the cause of freedom, we dare not risk leaving this vital labor in the hands of those who have grown tired and quarrelsome from 12 years in office. History must not repeat itself.

And history must not repeat the breadlines and soup kitchens to which our soldiers returned after the last war, under another tired, war weary administration. After this war is over, 11 million men in our fighting forces will come home. They are entitled to find here an opportunity to realize in peace the things for which they are fighting.

How can we best make sure that they will have those opportunities? We cannot – we must not return to leaf raking and doles. We cannot forget that under the New Deal it took a war to get jobs. Here again the question is not whether we dare to make a change. It is clear that we must not risk failing to make a change.

These, then, are the simple tests that must govern the decision of every American tomorrow. When you step into the secrecy of the polling booth, ask yourself these questions:

How can I help shorten the war?

How can I help secure lasting peace?

How can I help give us jobs and opportunity in the years that lie beyond our victory?

If you will soberly ask yourself these questions and will think the answers thru in the light of your own knowledge, I have no doubt of the outcome.

And let us agree on one more thing. No matter how you vote – it is the duty of every American to vote tomorrow.

Let no one say: My vote will never be missed.

Your vote does count – it counts mightily in the result – and to you. Your secret ballot is your badge of citizenship. Keep it bright – and secure. If you neglect to vote, you leave your destiny to the decision of others; only you can preserve your own freedom.

If everyone will vote, there can be no danger to our country. Of that I am sure – because I firmly believe in the eternal rightness of the people.

And now, may I read you a letter I have just received from a brave American woman whose son will never return. It is brief. This is the entire letter:

Dear Governor Dewey: I am giving you my support and I hope it will help you to win.

You cannot bring back my son, lost in the South Pacific, but you can and will, I think, bring back the kind of America he would have wanted to come home to.

It is to that cause that we are dedicated.

We stand today on one of the strange promontories of human history, with the shadows of a dismal stormy night behind us, and the first grey streaks of dawn in the sky beyond us. For thirty years since 1914, nearly half the span of human of life, we have seen a series of wars, revolutions, depressions, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, cruelty and suffering, and finally another conflagration that has engulfed the world.

At home, we have had twelve unhappy years of turmoil and dissension, of group conflict and class strife. Of divisions, and hatreds and antagonisms. Half a generation has grown up knowing no other atmosphere. I believe our children, our whole country, can again live in a world where peace, friendship and mutual respect, abide.

After we’re through with the war and get our boys back home, then we must have a period of peace and calm within our own country. Only in that way can we build the unit and strength to meet our problems at home – to support our labors abroad, for the peace of the world.

Let us resolve to put aside these years of cynicism and of conflict. Let us resolve to put aside every antagonism, to throw off the nightmare of past years and breathe once more the atmosphere of courage and goodwill. Our people then can have a chance once more to build, to create and get ahead.

Under Divine guidance, the people of America are stirring with awakening faith – faith in our country – in our future – in our unity.

There is awakening a renewed sense of the dignity of the individual, of trust in the morale law. Once again, may we have and always keep that faith in ourselves and in our neighbors – faith of our fathers – living faith in Almighty God.

Democratic National Committee Program (CBS):

Völkischer Beobachter (November 7, 1944)

Offensive ohne Entscheidung

Kritik an Eisenhower – Bastion Ostpreußen

USA stellt sich blind –
England und die Sowjetunion

Führer HQ (November 7, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Die Besatzung von Dünkirchen zerschlug starke, auf schmaler Front geführte Angriffe gegen die Ostfront der Festung und vernichtete dabei 16 der angreifenden Panzer. Der Feind hatte so schwere Ausfälle, daß er seine Angriffe nicht fortsetzte. In den Dünen an der Nordwestküste Walcherens und um Middelburg setzten unsere Truppen ihren Widerstand fort, der durch die hohen Verluste des Feindes seine Würdigung erfährt.

Dem tapferen Ausharren unserer Brückenkopfbesatzungen an der unteren Maas ist es zu danken, daß die Masse unserer Verbände über Holländisch Diep und Maas zurückgeführt und eine neue Front auf dem Nordufer aufgebaut werden konnte. Die vom Feind angestrebte Vernichtung der in Nordbrabant kämpfenden deutschen Verbände ist damit gescheitert. Seit Beginn der Schlacht im Raum von Antwerpen und in Nordbrabant hat die dort kämpfende Armee in schwerstem, fast pausenlosem Ringen 883 kanadische und englische Panzer vernichtet.

Feindliche Angriffe gegen den Brückenkopf Moerdijk wurden zerschlagen.

Durch konzentrische Angriffe unserer Panzer und Grenadiere im Einbruchsraum von Germeter wurde weiteres Gelände vom Feind gesäubert und der Ring um die abgeschnittene nordamerikanische Kräftegruppe fester geschlossen. 15 Panzer des Gegners wurden vernichtet, drei weitere sowie zahlreiche Fahrzeuge erbeutet und 7 Schlachtflieger durch Truppen des Heeres abgeschossen.

Trotz des Einsatzes überlegener Kräfte zwischen Baccarat und Saint-Dié konnte der Feind nur an vereinzelten Stellen das Westufer der Meurthe erreichen. Durch unser zusammengefasstes Abwehrfeuer erlitt er hohe Verluste.

Das Störungsfeuer der „V1“ auf London geht weiter.

Aus Mittelitalien wird zunehmende Gefechtstätigkeit im Frontbogen nördlich Rocca S. Casciano gemeldet. Die verstärkten Anstrengungen der Bulgaren, unsere Stellungen zwischen dem Strumicatal und dem Raum nord­ östlich Mitrovica zu durchstoßen, brachten ihnen auch gestern keine Erfolge.

Vor Budapest hat sich die Lage infolge unserer Gegenangriffe in die tiefe Flanke der Sowjets entspannt.

Im Kampfraum Cegled–Szolnok drücken die Bolschewisten weiter nach Norden, konnten aber gegen den entschlossenen Widerstand unserer Truppen nur geringfügig Boden gewinnen.

Deutsche und ungarische Schlachtflieger griffen bei Tag und Nacht erfolgreich in die Erdkämpfe ein und fügten dem Gegner hohe Ausfälle an Menschen und Material zu.

An der Theiß sind Gegenangriffe gegen den übergesetzten Feind im Gange, örtliche Unternehmungen der Sowjets an der slowakischen Ostgrenze scheiterten ebenso wie Angriffe auf erweiterter Front südwestlich des Duklapasses.

In Ostpreußen wurde das Westufer des Goldaper Sees vom Feinde gesäubert.

Die Wucht des feindlichen Ansturmes südöstlich Libau ließ nach, dagegen setzten die Sowjets im Raum von Autz ihre Großangriffe fort. Unsere Grenadiere vereitelten den beabsichtigten Durchbruch und brachten die Bolschewisten nach geringen Anfangserfolgen zum Stehen.

Anglo-amerikanische Terrorflieger setzten ihre ausgedehnten Angriffe gegen das Ruhrgebiet fort. Nach dem schweren Angriff auf Bochum in der Nacht zum 5. November war Gelsenkirchen am gestrigen Tage und in der vergangenen Nacht das Ziel starker feindlicher Bomberverbände. Im übrigen Reichsgebiet wurden die Wohnviertel von Neumünster, Hamburg, Wien und Koblenz schwerer getroffen. Jäger und Flakartillerie der Luftwaffe schossen 55 feindliche Flugzeuge, darunter 43 viermotorige Bomber ab.

Bei den Kämpfen im ostungarischen Raum zeichnete sich ein Gebirgsjägerregiment unter Führung von Major Schaszner durch Standhaftigkeit und hervorragenden Angriffsgeist aus.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (November 7, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

071100A November

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 213

On the Walcheren Island, Allied troops have taken Middelburg and after cutting the road between there and Veere, have freed Veere itself. Other units are fighting their way northeastward from the Domburg area. Gains on the Dutch mainland have taken our troops to the outskirts of Willemstad and fighting continues on the approaches to the Moerdijk bridges, which have been blown by the enemy. Communications and supply lines in Holland and over the Dutch-German frontier were attacked yesterday by fighter-bombers. Targets included railway yards at Utrecht and Gouda and railway tracks over widespread areas of northern and eastern Holland. Rocket-firing fighters hit military buildings east of Zutphen.

Our units continued to meet strong opposition in the Hürtgen Forest. A German counterattack was repulsed west of Hürtgen, but a thrust by enemy infantry and tanks on Vossenack forced us to withdraw a short distance in the town. The enemy attack was contained and our units resumed the offensive to regain their former positions. We made small gains two miles west of Schmidt against heavy opposition. Fighter-bombers, supporting our ground units in the Schmidt area, made a series of attacks on the enemy troops and armored units. They also bombed and strafed military buildings northeast of Geilenkirchen and hit targets at Jülich and fuel and ammunition dumps at Düren. Other fighter-bombers attacked communications and transport in the Rhineland and elsewhere in Germany. Gelsenkirchen was bombed during the afternoon by a very strong force of escorted heavy bombers, five of which are missing.

In the evening, other heavy bombers attacked Koblenz. East of Lunéville, the village of Herbéviller was taken. Our units have freed several additional towns north and southeast of Baccarat. These include Vacqueville, Bertrichamps, Lachapelle, Saint-Remy, Nompatelize and La Salle. New gains were made against stubborn resistance in the Vosges heights west of Gerardmer. In the Maritime Alps, we have made gains at several points and now hold the high ground along the Italian border.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


U.S. Navy Department (November 7, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 177

Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo planes and Helldiver dive bombers of the Third Fleet on November 5 (West Longitude Date), continued attacks on Southern Luzon which had been begun the previous day. Preliminary reports show that additional heavy damage was inflicted upon the enemy’s air strength, shipping and ground installations by our airmen on the second day of the operation.

In addition to the 191 planes destroyed on November 4 (as previously announced in Communiqué No. 176), an additional 249 enemy aircraft were destroyed on the ground and in the air on November 5. Many others were damaged on the ground by strafing. A recapitulation of the number of enemy aircraft destroyed in the two-day strike totals 440; with 113 of these having been shot down in the air and 327 destroyed on the ground. The largest concentrations of enemy planes were found at Nichols Field, Clark Field and Nielson Field, Lipa Field, Tarlac Field, Bamban Field and Mabalacat Field. Figures on our own losses are not yet available.

Heavy damage was inflicted upon enemy ground installations during the attack on November 5. Three oil storage areas were set ablaze at the North Clark Field; fire resulted from a tremendous explosion at the Northeast Clark Field; a railway engine and five tank cars were destroyed north of Malvar.

Shipping in Manila Harbor was again brought under aerial attack on November 5, and the following damage was inflicted on this day:

  • Three cargo ships sunk
  • One oil tanker sunk
    *One destroyer probably sunk
  • Two destroyers damaged
  • Two destroyer escorts damaged
  • One trawler damaged
  • Several cargo ships damaged (making a total of 14 cargo ships damaged for the two-day strike)

A single Liberator of the 11th Army Air Force bombed three small transports off the northeast coast of Onekotan Island on November 5. Other 11th Air Force Liberators also bombed the island the same day. In a running battle with seven enemy fighters the Liberators shot down one plane and probably destroyed another. Two Liberators were damaged. A single Liberator also bombed Otomari, south of Onekotan. Results were unobserved. Tori Shima, a small island east of Paramushiru, was bombed and strafed by Eleventh Air Force Mitchells on the same day. All planes returned.

Liberators of the 7th Army Air Force bombed three cargo ships and a tanker at Hahajima in the Bonins on November 5, but results were not observed. On the same day other Liberators bombed Ant Jima in the Bonins.

Corsairs and Avengers of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing on November 5 strafed and bombed Rota Island, the phosphate plant being the principal target.

Neutralization raids by Corsairs and Dauntless dive bombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing were continued in the Marshall Islands on November 5.