America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Maj. Williams: The racing place

By Maj. Al Williams


Ball’s vote hangs on foreign policy

Washington (UP) –
Senator Joseph H. Ball (R-MN), who is “on the fence” politically until the presidential candidates elaborate their foreign policy pledges, expects to announce next week which candidate he will support.

By that time, he said in an interview, he will have heard Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s speech on foreign policy before the New York Herald-Tribune Forum and President Roosevelt’s talk Saturday in New York before the Foreign Policy Association.

On these speeches will depend not only his decision, he said, but that of thousands of independent voters.

“That man, Ball,” as some of his colleagues are calling him, believes the paramount issue of the campaign is a decisive, forward-looking foreign policy. He said that the whole purpose of withholding his support of either candidate is to obtain commitments that failed to appear in either the Connally peace resolution or the Democratic and Republican planks on foreign policy.

“There is too much the idea that the world security organization is an accepted thing and that there is no controversy, when there is controversy,” he said. He added that he called for presidential as well as Congressional candidates to state their position “clearly and honestly” so the people will know how to vote on Nov. 7.


Retractions demanded –
‘Listener’ asks FCC curb on GOP radio speakers

Milwaukee, Wisconsin –
Attorney William B. Rubin, Wisconsin delegate to the Democratic National Convention which renominated President Roosevelt last summer, appealed to the Federal Communications Commission today for a curb on alleged “defamatory and untrue” Republican broadcasts.

He named as defendants in a notarized complaint which he said he had mailed to the commission in Washington, CBS, MBS, NBC and the Blue Network. Copies of the complaint were filed upon an outlet of each of the networks here and in Chicago. These included MTMJ, LEMP, WISN and WGN.

Complains as listener

Mr. Rubin said that he based his complaint on being “one of numerous citizens who uses the radio for the purpose of listening to and informing himself on political matters to enable him to properly vote on issues, and for candidates for office” in the Nov. 7 presidential election.

The complainant charged that between Oct. 1 and 16, the networks and other affiliated radio stations permitted the Republican presidential and vice-presidential nominees, Thomas E. Dewey and John W. Bricker, and Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce (R-CT) to broadcast statements which “unjustly, unproperly and defamatorily” placed upon the President the responsibility for the present war.

Retractions asked

The commission was asked to demand that Mr. Dewey, Mr. Bricker and Mrs. Luce make corrections and retractions immediately over each of the radio channels which broadcast their charges. Mr. Rubin also petitioned the commission to require such candidates hereafter to file copies of their manuscripts 48 hours before they are broadcast with radio examiners who are empowered “to have all false and defamatory matters deflected therefrom.”

The complainant said he would be ready to file objections against renewal of broadcasting licenses of the offending radio stations if they failed to comply with the requirement.


GOP faction’s nipped by court

Atlanta, Georgia (UP) –
A black-and-tan Republican faction, backed by the national GOP but unrecognized in Georgia, lost another and possibly the final round yesterday in its battle for the right to represent the party on the Georgia ballot in November.

The State Supreme Court, without dissent, denied the faction’s plea for rehearing of a decision handed down last week which sustained Secretary of State John Wilson in his certification of a lily-white group of Republicans as the proper group to name GOP presidential electors.

Georgia’s ballots, listing electors of the faction, have long since been printed and thousands have been mailed to out-of-state servicemen. Election officials thus believed that any further attempts by the black-and-tans to force a change in the ballot would be impractical.

The decision climaxed an intraparty racial squabble that has split Georgia Republicans for years and which this year was taken to court at the instance of the national GOP, which at its Chicago convention seated the black-and-tans rather than the lily-whites.

Wallace calls GOP foe of agriculture

Mason City, Iowa (UP) –
Vice President Henry A. Wallace, son of a former Republican Secretary of Agriculture, continued a tour of the Midwest today after having declared that the Republican Party “down through the years has opposed equality for agriculture.”

Mr. Wallace said:

The Democratic Party has given agriculture what collective bargaining is to labor and corporations are to capital, and the Republicans want to take it away from you.

The ignorance of the Ohio Governor and the New York Governor concerning corn belt agriculture is colossal.


Battle of Statler inquiry studied

Washington (UP) –
The Senate Campaign Expenditures Committee was called into closed session today to decide if and when it will give a public airing to the celebrated “Battle of the Statler” between two Navy officers and members of the AFL Teamsters Union.

Chairman Theodore F. Green (D-RI), arranged the meeting to present evidence gathered by committee counsel Robert T. Murphy, but said he would make no personal recommendation one way or the other as to a formal inquiry.

The decision, he said, must be made by the committee, not the chairman, but “I hope they decide today.”

Senator Green refused prior to the meeting to answer any questions concerning the brawl that took place in the Statler Hotel here on Sept. 23 just after President Roosevelt had opened his political campaign with an address before the AFL union.

The officers involved, LtCdr. James Suddeth, 33, and Lt. Randolph Dickins, 23, contends it all started when members of the union collared them and demanded to know how they vote. They replied that it was strictly their business, whereupon fists began to fly.


Perkins: Labor eases demands for ruling on pay

Roosevelt unlikely to act before election
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Washington (UP) –
Now that the presidential candidates have reached the stage of pulling “facts” on each other, the following facts are presented from the record with regard to whether President Roosevelt will feel it his duty to order an upward revision of wage standards before Election Day.

A week ago, the public members of the War Labor Board decided they would make no recommendation to the President on this dynamic question, but would merely present a factual report on the situation and let him make the decision. Whereupon the labor members of the Board roundly condemned the public members. Two CIO representatives announced a determination to get the question to the President by next Saturday – about two weeks before the election.

But yesterday the labor members, CIO as well as AFL, went along with the public WLB members in deciding that the latter should have until a week from today to submit to the full board their ideas on what should be contained in their report to the President. The labor members’ determination for a quick presidential decision has cooled off. Under the schedule to which they agreed there will be hardly any chance for a ruling by Mr. Roosevelt before the Nov. 7 balloting.

So, the union members and other wage-earners who have been looking for an early and final presidential decision on the case will have to wait until after Nov. 7.

Mr. Roosevelt will be spared the embarrassment of making a decision that (a) would alienate some of his labor support, or (b) risk upsetting the anti-inflationary applecart.


The truth about the Commies –
Communists backed Roosevelt after he freed Earl Browder

And then New Deal gave its blessing to Mrs. Browder’s residence in U.S.
By Frederick Woltman, Scripps-Howard staff writer

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles describing how American Communists, by utilizing their technique of infiltration, have burrowed into American unions, kidnapped the American Labor Party in New York, dominated the CIO Political Action Committee and made strong inroads into the New Deal administration.

Washington –
It was after the American Communists got orders to drop their sabotage of this country’s defense preparations and back his administration that President Roosevelt released their leader, Earl Browder, from Atlanta Prison.

And, with the Communists riding high on the fourth term bandwagon, a New Deal board recently legalized the residence here of his wife, Mrs. Raissa Browder, an important Communist in her own right. It acted despite adverse recommendations by the War and Navy Departments and the FBI.

The steps against the Browder couple – the passport fraud conviction and the deportation order – were taken while the Communists operated under different orders. Then, as their contribution to the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact, the orders were to scuttle America’s defense plans.

Skilled in quick shifts

These shifts from anti- to pro-administration were nothing new to the Communists after 25 years of dancing to the tune of a foreign master.

Today, playing Pied Piper for the Roosevelt-Truman ticket, they are telling the American people how to vote. And they’re warning them, in Browder’s words, that a Roosevelt defeat and a Dewey victory will destroy world unity and plunge Europe “into the most devastating civil war.”

Four years ago, their headquarters, the Communist International in Moscow, put on another record.

War preparations opposed

Its American loudspeaker, the Communist Party’s 1940 national convention, resolved “to combat the imperialistic policies and acts of the President, the State Department and Congress to spread the war and involve the United States in it… oppose all war loans and credits… not a cent, not a gun, not a man for war preparations.”

“Betrayer of the worker,” and “Servant of Wall Street” were a few of the epithets the Communists threw at Sidney Hillman, now their current favorite and teammate in the CIO Political Action Committee.

Of the seven presidential campaigns since the Communists were first organized in America, this will be their first to support a major party candidate. The honor, of which President Roosevelt is the beneficiary, represents more than simple repayment for his goodwill gesture to the Browders.

Moscow’s policies followed

The Communists today, as always, accept as commands the necessities of Russia’s foreign policy. Stalin right now is anxious to make the Tehran agreements stick. So, Browder and the Communists, according to their official newspaper, The Daily Worker, “start from the premise that the accord reached at Tehran constitutes the greatest turning point in world history.”

In their eagerness to reelect the President, they’ve scrapped the class struggle temporarily, cloaked themselves in an ill-fitting garb of 100 percent Americanism and conveniently put among mothballs the revolutionary creed on which they were raised and nurtured. They don’t like to recall:

The statement of William Z. Foster, Browder’s predecessor, in 1930, that “you cannot cure unemployment except by the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a Soviet government in the United States…”

‘The enemy of religion’

The declaration at the same time by Robert Minor, who acted as a stand-in for Browder while the latter was in prison:

The Communist Party is the party of the working class, leading the workers in the class struggle and recognizing that all of history is made up of the struggle which has never been solved and never can be solved without violence.

And Mr. Browder’s own pontification, in 1935, that “the Communist Party is the enemy of religion” and the more the masses “participate in the revolution, the less likelihood is there of the church becoming an essential feature of the new social setup.”

During the many years they enthusiastically flaunted their revolutionary beliefs, the comrades made wholesale use of forged passports for their pilgrimages to the party mecca, Moscow. Two party officials served terms, including Charles Krumbein, now treasurer of the newly-named Communist Political Association.

Browder too confident

Browder, convinced he was protected by the statue of limitations, openly admitted he had traveled on other persons’ passports, altered to suit him.

Subsequently, he got four years for perjury. The party denounced the Roosevelt administration for “political persecution” and deified Browder as “the first victim of the second imperialist war." It demanded his release to “lead the fight for peace in America.”

France fell, the Battle of Britain reached its peak, and still Browder was a “martyr to the warmongers.”

Then the Nazis invaded Russia and the American Communists switched. Now they demanded that their imprisoned leader be freed “so that his great talents may be used to help organize the forces of the people in a mighty crusade to annihilate German Fascism.”

With Pearl Harbor, the cry became “all out for national unity.” Among the first out was Browder, his sentence reduced from four years to 14 months.

His release, declared President Roosevelt, would “have a tendency to promote national unity and alley any feeling which may exist in some minds that the unusually long sentence was by way of penalty imposed upon him because of his political views.”


Hannegan derides Dewey’s promises

New York (UP) –
Democratic National Chairman Robert E. Hannegan charged yesterday that Governor Thomas E. Dewey had refused to argue any of the real issues of the presidential campaign and said the GOP candidate “would promise anything if he thought it would get him votes.” Mr. Hannegan issued a formal statement in which he attacked Mr. Dewey’s Monday night speech at St. Louis and other addresses as holding the record “for cold insolence, unexampled effrontery and callous disregard of either truth or probability.”

He repeated the charge made in a recent White House analysis of Mr. Dewey’s speeches that the Republican nominee had distorted the truth by selecting separate sentences of paragraphs out of administration reports. Mr. Hannegan charged this technique had been employed in regard to recommendations concerning the demobilization of the Armed Forces.

The Democratic chairman predicted that Mr. Dewey would “make his supreme bid for the internationalist vote” in his address tomorrow night before the New York Herald-Tribune Forum, and called on him to answer four questions:

  • How will you get a peace plan approved by a Republican Foreign Relations Committee headed by Senator Hiram Johnson?

  • How will you obtain the necessary appropriations from a Senate Appropriations Committee headed by Senator Gerald Nye?

  • If you believe that executive agreements should be ratified by a simple majority of both houses, have you made a deal with Ham Fish who would be your chairman of the Rules Committee to get your legislative program through?

  • If you are in good faith about an effective world organization to preserve the peace, will you have the honesty to repudiate the Chicago Tribune and Gerald L. K. Smith?

Brownell: Democrats jittery

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (UP) –
Commenting on the announcement that President Roosevelt will speak in Philadelphia Oct. 27, Herbert Brownell Jr., Republican National Chairman, said yesterday that “the jitters in the Democratic high command seem to have reached to the White House.”

Mr. Brownell, who conferred with Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Republican leaders, told a press conference “we are going to roll up the largest Republican vote in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia since the New Deal came into power.”

Asked if he meant that the Republicans would carry these two cities, Mr. Brownell said he meant just what he said and would not elaborate. President Roosevelt carried both cities in 1936 and 1940.

Mr. Brownell praised the leadership of Governor Edward Martin and said Pennsylvania Republicans are concentrating on an old-fashioned Republican majority in the Keystone state in November.

Editorial: How not to treat a wounded soldier

Editorial: How’s that again?


Editorial: Why not the green light?


Edson: Labor migration will affect election result

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Progress

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Army depends on home front, Forum told

Eisenhower pledges to destroy enemy

Millett: Letter has everything women want to hear

Soldiers keep wives happy with praise and devotion
By Ruth Millett

Navy to keep its production sights raised

Few cutbacks in output expected

FHA official predicts home building boom

G.I. Bill, heavy savings to spur construction

‘Mr. Personality himself’ –
McKeever gets top rating as coach of week

By Joe James Custer, United Press staff writer

Army to discontinue transmitting requests

Plan holiday broadcasts for servicemen

Gala programs are prepared

War workers must walk –
ODT halts taxis; drivers blamed