America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

You’re welcome :slight_smile: It was pretty frustrating, however, with the lack of audio recordings (I’ve only found Frankie’s recordings) and having to sift through newspaper issue after newspaper issue to even get the full text of Dewey’s speeches, while Frankie’s speeches are easily available online.

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Many soldier votes may be challenged

Contests indicated in close races
By Robert Taylor, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania –
Wherever the civilian vote is close in the November elections in Pennsylvania, there is likelihood of a wholesale challenge of soldier votes, based on technicalities of the state soldier vote and election laws.

State election officials estimate that as many as 21,000 soldier votes – enough to decide some of the contests involved in the November election – will be invalidated because of irregularities in the preparation of the ballots by the fighting men who cast them.

The challenges are expected to occur chiefly in Congressional and legislative districts where the civilian vote is close and the soldier vote can decide the elections, but it could be intensified if the statewide vote is close.

Contested cases to courts

The decisions will be made by county election boards and, in contested cases, by the local courts. Thus far, the Attorney General and State Elections Bureau have given only informal, advisory opinions, leaving formal rulings to county officials.

In some cases, the state has already advised that soldier votes are invalid and should not be counted; in others, it has left the questions to the county officials to solve.

Throwing out ballots because of technical irregularities, in the absence of fraud, however, runs counter to a long line of federal and state court decisions which have held that where they voter indicates his intent, his right to vote is paramount.

Types of irregularities

According to estimates of state election officials, the invalidation of 21,000 soldier ballots would reduce the countable soldier vote in Pennsylvania to 150,000 – less than 20 percent of the state’s 800,000 men and women in the Armed Forces.

There are the types of irregularities already tabulated, or expected to be found:

  • Execution of the soldier-voter’s oath by a noncommissioned officer, instead of a commissioned officer, as required by the Military Ballot Law.

  • Failure of the officer to sign the jurat, or oath to the soldier-voter.

  • Failure of the officer signing the jurat to state his rank.

  • Evidence that military ballots have been opened and resealed by censors. Some countries plan to throw out such ballots on the ground secrecy of the ballot has been violated; others may accept them.

  • Voting by a checkmark, instead of the required “X.”

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Excellent topic … Even today that specter looms over us in elections. Do soldiers vote count, or even our civilian mail-in votes? It is a worthwhile thought for research. WE want the results before going to bed, not tomorrow or the next day.

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It’s a question close to home, actually. My grandfather was in charge of ballot counting for servicemen who voted in Paris.

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Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Hollywood, California –
The biggest mystery of this war to me is the Jap admirals. First, they lose face, and now the rest of their bodies seem to be disappearing. Almost every day a report comes that five or six or 10 more Jap admirals have been killed in action.

For goodness’ sake, who’s killing them? The American Navy can’t even find them, let alone fight them.

I’ll bet the same question puzzles Hirohito when the head of his navy reports:

Oh, Illustrious Emperor, we have won another retreat victory. The American Navy lies at the bottom of the ocean. Their guns did not even touch our ships.

To which Hirohito replied: “Then keep an eye on those sharks, because somebody is knocking off all my top men.”

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Browns lead in sixth game

Chet Laabs triples, McQuinn scores him

Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis, Missouri (UP) –
The American League Browns, battling hard to keep their World Series chances alive, led the National League Cardinals, 1 –0, in the third inning of the sixth game this afternoon. A triple by Chet Laabs with George McQuinn’s single, produced the only run of the game thus far in the second inning.

Lefty Max Lanier was on the mound for the Cards, who needed only one more victory to win the championship. Opposing him was Browns’ star righthander, Nels Potter.

Lanier and Potter had met before, in the second game of the series, but neither finished. Lanier went out in the eighth and Potter in the seventh. Blix Donnelly was the eventual winner for the National Leaguers with Bob Muncrief, the loser, in an 11-inning battle.

Sanders raced over to the temporary boxes behind first base to reach for Don Gutteridge’s foul as the Browns came to bat in the opening inning, and Lanier took care of the next two batters – striking out Mike Kreevich and Gene Moore, the latter taking the third strike with his bat on his shoulder.

Litwhiler fans

Potter fanned Litwhiler, the first Cardinal to come to the plate. Johnny Hopp then popped to Gutteridge and Stan Musial was thrown out by Gutteridge.

The Browns opened the scoring in the top half of the second when, after Stephens had struck out, Chet Laabs tripled to the wall in right center and raced home when George McQuinn followed with a single over second. Christman sent a high fly to Hopp in center and Hayworth went out the same way to end the inning and send the American Leaguers away to a 1–0 lead.

Walker Cooper’s bid for a hit in the Cards’ second was turned into a putout by Stephens’ leaping one-hand catch. Sanders popped to Gutteridge. Kurowski bashed a single off Christman’s glove, but was trapped off first on Potter’s snap throw with Marion batting and was retired. Potter to McQuinn to Gutteridge to Potter.

Potter fans

Lanier had fanned Potter and forced Guttridge to foul to Musial in the rightfield bullpen in the Browns’ third before Kreevich lined a sharp two-bagger to left center, the second extra*-base hit off the Cards’ lefthander. Lanier pitched cautiously to Moore and walked him, then Stephens nipped the rally by forcing Moore, Marty Marion to Verban.

In the Cardinal half, Emil Verban singled after Christman had tossed out Marion. Lasnier came through with a hit to short center, Verban stopping at second.

Potter then struck out Litwhiler and Hopp to retire the side.


What kills a man?

By Florence Fisher Parry

Power union debates strike in Ohio cities

Walkout would idle 400,000 war workers

Perkins: Pittsburgher offers plan to guarantee annual wage

Government must be kept out of it to ensure system of free enterprise, he declares
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Johnston: U.S. businessmen make hit with Stalin; ‘they stay in office’

Marshal tells Johnston Russia and America must work together after war
By Eric A. Johnston

Wage formula studied by WLB

Board to discuss question all week

25 more Jap ships blasted by planes

Philippines, East Indies area hit

Churchill, Eden arrive in Moscow

Trip called ‘sequel’ to Québec parley

Stokes: A voice is stilled

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. Williams: Airport upkeep

By Maj. Al Williams

A typical success story ends –
Willkie – Global citizen, Indiana farmer

Political blitzkrieg made U.S. history

Monahan: Laurel & Hardy in Big Noise

By Kaspar Monahan

Credits buying curbs to stay for duration

Some groups demand relaxation of controls

The amount of shit eating the IJN did after 1942 is amazing.

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Cards choose Lanier to clinch Series

Browns delegate Potter to ward off defeat in last-ditch sixth tilt
By Leo R. Petersen, United Press staff writer

Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis, Missouri –
Manager Billy Southworth of the St. Louis Cardinals sent Max Lanier, his star lefthander, to the mound today in an attempt to close out the first All-St. Louis World Series in six games just before the Cardinals, host team for the sixth game, began their batting drill. Lanier told his boss that he was “fit and ready.”

Nelson Potter, ace of Luke Sewell’s staff, carried the Browns’ hope of evening the series at three games each. Potter and Lanier met in the second game but neither was involved in the decision which the Cardinals took, 3–2, in 11 innings.

The sun broke through heavy clouds shortly before noon, but it was topcoat weather and the absence of lines outside the ticket windows led speculators to offer reserved grandstand and box seats at cost.

Cooper strikes out 12 to win, 2–0

But Mort Cooper finally got his blasting fast ball zipping over the corners yesterday as the Cards won, 2–0, to take the lead in the series for the first time and cut down 12 Brown batters on strikes.

His opponent, Denny Galehouse, who had beaten Cooper in the first game, 2–1, was almost as good, fanning 10, but he threw home run balls to Ray Sanders in the sixth inning and Danny Litwhiler in the eighth and that was the difference.

Their strikeout total of 22 set a new World Series record. The former mark for a single game was 21, made in the 1906 World Series between the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox and tied in 1929 when Howard Ehmke of the Philadelphia Athletics set the World Series record for strikeouts in a single game, 13, while his opponent, Charlie Root, was setting down eight.

The 22 strikeouts yesterday also set a new mark for five games, the total being 78 against the former mark of 77 made in the 1929 World Series.

Cooper throttles Browns

Cooper, whose homerun ball has ruined him in three of his five World Series starts and two appearances against the American League in the All-Star game, kept the Browns throttled and wound up the game by fanning three pinch-hitters in the ninth. Only once was he in serious trouble – in the sixth inning when the Browns filled the bases with only one out – but his high, hard one pulled him through as both Al Zarilla and Mark Christman were called out on strikes.

Except for the fat ones he served up to Sanders and Litwhiler, Galehouse matched Cooper pitch for pitch but those home runs brought about his downfall, just like a homer by George McQuinn, with a man on base, had beaten Cooper on a two-hit performance in the opening game of the series.

The largest crowd of the series, 36,368, saw the Cardinals start off as though they were going to break the game open in the first inning when Litwhiler doubled. But Galehouse’s strikeout pitching pulled him out of that spot. He was sailing alone smoothly when Sanders came up with two men out in the sixth. Sanders worked the count to three and one and hit the next pitch over the right field pavilion roof.

Knew it was a homer

“I was behind on him and had to come down with the pitch,” Galehouse said in the clubhouse after the game. “I knew when he hit it that it was going out of the park.”

Both Galehouse and Sewell felt, however, that Litwhiler’s drive onto the pavilion seats would have been caught had not the wind swerved it over.

He allowed seven hits, one more than Galehouse, with Vernon Stephens getting three of them, but his control was perfect and his fast ball never had more zip.

The betting commissioners withdrew all prices on the series with the Cardinals needing but one victory and quoted the National League champions as 11–20 to take the sixth game if Lanier pitches. The Browns were short enders at 8–3.