Ickes to ‘pick’ Dewey cabinet here today
Secretary of the Interior to speak at 4:00 p.m.
Although the “official” campaign opening is scheduled tomorrow night, the fourth-term drive will get started here this afternoon when Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes appears on Flagstaff Hill to “choose” Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s Cabinet for him.
Mr. Ickes will address an outdoor rally of the American Slav Congress, which has been holding a convention to endorse the reelection of President Roosevelt.
The New Deal “curmudgeon” has announced he will devote his speech to Mr. Dewey and, by coupling Mr. Ickes’ bent for picturesque speeches and his obvious partisanship, it can be surmised that the Secretary will attempt to “do a job” on Mr. Dewey.
Address on radio
Mr. Ickes agreed to speak to the Slav Congress only after officials of the organization promised him a radio hookup. Fifty stations on MBS will broadcast his speech.
Slav Congress officials said they had to raise $4,000 to pay for the broadcast. Each of the delegates paid a $2 fee on registering at the convention and the organization sold programs for 50 cents. If this doesn’t provide the necessary fund, they indicated, they will pass the hat for more.
Mr. Ickes’ speech will be broadcast by WCAE from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET.
The officials’ opening of the Democratic campaign here, sponsored by the Democratic Women’s Guild of Allegheny County, is scheduled for North Side Carnegie Hall at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Mrs. Norton to speak
Mrs. Mary T. Norton, Congresswoman from New Jersey, will head a list of 12 speakers, In addition to the speeches, the rally will be shown a new Roosevelt campaign picture “Lest We Forget,” a 20-minute reel depicting the achievements of the New Deal administration.
Other speakers will include: Congressman Francis J. Myers of Philadelphia, candidate for the U.S. Senate; Federal Judge Charles Alvin Jones of Edgeworth, candidate for the State Supreme Court; Auditor General F. Clair Ross, candidate for the Superior Court; State Treasurer G. Harold Wagner, candidate for Auditor General, and Ramsey S. Black, third assistant postmaster general, candidate for state treasurer.
In addition, U.S. Senator Joseph F. Guffey; his sister, National Committeewoman Emma Guffey Miller; State Chairman David L. Lawrence; Mrs. Emma Bray, vice chairman of the County Committee; Mrs. Elinor Kane, president of the Women’s Guild, and County Commissioner George Rankin will speak.
GOP units tour state
Meanwhile, two Republican campaign groups will be touring the state.
U.S. Senator James J. Davis, State Senator G. Harold Watkins, candidate for Auditor General, and Judge J. Frank Graff of Kittanning, candidate for the Superior Court, will visit Rochester at 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, Butler at 3:30 p.m. and Kittanning at 5:45 p.m.
On Wednesday, these candidates will appear at Brookville at 11:45 a.m., at Indiana at 4:00 p.m., at Johnstown at 9:00 p.m. Thursday they will address a noon meeting at DuBois and a 5:45 p.m. rally in Altoona.
Another group composed of Supreme Court Justice Howard W. Hughes, Superior Court Judge Arthur H. James and City Treasurer Edgar W. Baird of Philadelphia, candidate for state treasurer, will travel through the central part of the state.