America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Day of liberation

By Florence Fisher Parry

Nelson reports –
Pre-war living standards ‘must wait’

But civilian goods output is stepped up

U.S. ‘over hump’ in food output

WFA: ‘Tightest spots are past’
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer


In primary –
81-year-old wins Wisconsin race

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (UP) –
Acting Governor Walter S. Goodland, Wisconsin’s 81-year-old chief executive, and U.S. Senator Alexander Wiley, both won nomination from Republican voters by a wide margin in yesterday’s primary in which the once-powerful Progressive Party polled barely enough votes to keep its name on the ballot.

Governor Goodland, making his first bid for election to the governor’s chair after being elected lieutenant-governor three times, far outstripped all of his four younger opponents, who made a campaign issue of his age, and polled 120,206 votes, according to unofficial returns from 2,497 of the state’s 3,078 precincts.

Unofficial returns from the same number of precincts gave Mr. Wiley more than a 2-to-1 plurality over Marine Capt. Joseph R. McCarthy. Mr. Wiley’s total was 113,681 compared to 63,287 for McCarthy.

In the only Democratic contest, the race for the gubernatorial nomination, Daniel W. Hoan, former Socialist Mayor of Milwaukee, chalked up 53,511 votes to win the right to oppose Governor Goodland this fall.

In two Milwaukee County congressional races, the state CIO-PAC’s candidates were defeated by an incumbent and a former Congressman seeking a comeback. PAC candidate State Senator Anthony P. Gawronski, received 5,602 votes to 14,334 for Rep. Thad F. Wasielewski. PAC candidate Clem Kalvelage polled 4,550 to 7,109 for Andrew Biemiller, former state legislator.

Utah Republicans name candidate

Salt Lake City, Utah (UP) –
Mayor B. H. Stringham of Vernal today was conceded the nomination as the Republican Congressional candidate in the 1st district.

William Peterson of Logan admitted defeat after unofficial returns from yesterday’s runoff election gave Stringham 4,815 votes in 372 of 494 precincts, compared to 3,649 for himself.

Heat wave broken in the Midwest

Michigan, Illinois welcome rain

British mop up in Italian town

Polish troops expand Adriatic holdings
By James E. Roper, United Press staff writer

Eisenhower may lead two war theaters

Southern, northern drives may merge

Headquarters denies Montgomery removed

McQuaid: Large Nazi force burning to death and destruction

By B. J. McQuaid

Stoneman describes pocket as really only a salient

By William H. Stoneman

Johnson: Bubbles, bubbles galore – and all colors, too!

Beauties in waterproof gowns dance about in glamorous ‘bath’
By Erskine Johnson

Heinzen: New Allied invasion spells doom of Vichy government

Laval reported prepared to flee to Portugal; Pétain won’t leave under a Nazi flag
By Ralph Heinzen, United Press staff writer

Mistake bombing hits Canadians

800 tons dropped on Allied by RAF
By William Wilson, United Press staff writer

Planes pound Japs in vast Pacific area

Attack from Kurils to Nauru in south
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

U.S. fliers rip France, Reich without a fight

Attack from British and Italian bases

Tucker: Rangers unlock the door for newest Allied invasion

By George Tucker, representing combined U.S. press


Misuse of soldier vote list charged

Trenton, New Jersey (UP) –
Governor Walter E. Edge charged today that confidential service voting lists had been used for political solicitation by Hudson County Democratic officials and pledged an investigation to determine responsibility for “this breach of faith and violation of trust.”

Millett: Single women think as ably as others

Just because a woman is married doesn’t mean she’s super being
By Ruth Millett


Editorial: Removing a ‘verboten’

Soldiers, who have been privileged to risk their lives but discouraged from coming into contact with ideas, soon will have the official blinders removed.

The Senate yesterday, recognizing the silliness of that part of the Soldier Vote Act under which the Army has felt compelled to put certain books and other publications on a blacklist, quickly passed an amendment. The House may be expected to go along.

Thereafter, “nothing herein shall prevent the Army and Navy” from making available to members of the Armed Forces any book, magazine, newspaper, film or broadcast “as generally presented to the public in the United States.”

As to government-financed or government-sponsored publications, films and broadcasts, no such item is required to be withheld from the troops unless, when “considered in its entirety,” it contains political propaganda “obviously” designed to affect election results or obviously calculated to create bias for or against a particular candidate.”

Those are the principal changes, and they ought to suffice to undo a situation compounded of hasty legislation and strict service interpretation.

Senator Taft, father of the offending section thus amended, cooperated with Senator Green in sponsoring the revision, but hinted darkly that the War Department’s list of banned books was “a deliberate attempt to make Congress look ridiculous.” And he added, remarkably, that the Army was “certainly unduly anxious” to get out the soldier vote in November. Both remarks ill become the Senator, whose usual calm seems to have been disturbed by an acute case of pique.

Editorial: There’ll be a rainy day

Editorial: The Riviera invasion

Editorial: Patton’s comeback

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