America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Padre hid his fear in Guadalcanal hell

LtCdr. Gehring, hero priest, sees no need for worry over boys at war

Murrow heads award winners in journalism


Wives must show they are entitled to absentee vote

Although their husbands are entitled to vote in the fall elections under laws in this and many other states which provide, in substance, that no person gains or loses residence through entrance into military service, large number of wives of servicemen have lost their voting privileges because of the closing of homes to take up temporary quarters near army camps and naval stations.

To obtain an absentee ballot under the New York election laws, a wife must certify in person mat she will be unavoidably absent from the state election day because of duty or obligation imposed by business or professional activities. While it is reported most election boards are interpreting this provision liberally and tend to accept applications for absentee ballots, in the case of wives who have given up apartments or homes to live near their husbands it is held they are no longer residents. Thus, they are ineligible to vote.

Residence requirements in this state are one year in the state, four months in the county, city or village and 30 days in the election district.

Editorial: Implications of Nazi defeat in Italy are felt in Balkans

Editorial: Flying from downtown


Heffernan: Has the Democratic Party no Mirabeau?

Some years ago, when President Roosevelt proclaimed himself the Master, and the dictatorial trait in his character began to manifest itself, my comment was a quotation of the servant of Louis XVI of France to his royal master: “It is not a riot, sire, it is a revolution!”

Now Mr. Roosevelt, for whose election Sidney Hillman’s CIO Committee on Political Action is prepared to spend millions of dollars, is styled the Commander-in-Chief, a title which he has a right to assume with respect to the Army and Navy but which none of his predecessors cared to accept in place of the honored one of President of the Republic.

There have been leaders of the Democratic Party which his Communist and New Deal adherents captured who have tried to prevent his leading us, in the words of John W. Bricker, down the road to state socialism. Farley tried it, Carter Glass tried it, John Garner tried it and Senators Wheeler and Byrd tried it.

But the claptrap of the New Deal political bravos, the prizes offered to labor in the form of a temporary orgy with paper money, backed by the taxing power of an administration that will tax to the bone; all these have prevailed. Mr. Roosevelt, his health permitting, will be the candidate again. And the public opinion polls recently published indicate that he has an edge on Governor Dewey, the presumptive Republican nominee.

And once more from that tragic story of the French Revolution which was the first step in the downward road to the abyss in which unhappy France now finds herself, I quote from what Malouet of the dying Mirabeau:

He was on the point of rendering great service to the state: shall I tell you how? By confessing to you his faults and pointing out your own; by preserving to you all that was pure in the Revolution and by energetically pointing out to you all its excesses and the danger of those excesses; by making the people affrighted at their blindness and the factious, at their intrigues.

Has the Democratic Party no Mirabeau?

The Pittsburgh Press (May 27, 1944)

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

A B-26 base, England –
Every pilot and enlisted combat crewman on this bomber station has an English bicycle, for the distances are long on a big airdrome. The boys in my hut have to go about a mile to flying line and about a quarter of a mile to eat. Breakfast ends at 8, and like human beings the world over, those not flying get up just in time to run fast and beat the breakfast deadline by five seconds.

They eat at long wooden tables, sitting on benches. But they have white tablecloths, and soldiers to serve them. At supper they have to wear neckties and their dress blouses. The officers’ club bar opens a half an hour before supper and some of the boys go and have a couple of drinks before eating. As everywhere else in England, the whiskey and gin are all gone a few minutes after the bar opens.

The enlisted crewmen eat in a big room adjoining the officers’ mess. They eat exactly the same food, but they eat it a little differently. They line up and pass through a chow line. White porcelain plates are furnished them, but they have to bring their own knife, fork, spoon and canteen cup.

Their tables are not covered. When they are through, they carry out their own dishes and empty anything left over into a garbage pail, but they don’t have to wash their dishes. The enlisted men don’t have to dress up, even for supper.

Everybody feels that the food is exceptionally good. Since I’ve been here, we’ve had real eggs for breakfast, and for other meals such things as pork chops, hamburger steak, chocolate cake and ice cream.

Of course, both of these messes are for combat crews only. Ground personnel eat at a different mess. They don’t have quite as fine a choice as the fliers, but I guess nobody begrudges them a little extra.

In various clubrooms on the airdrome, and even in some of the huts, there are numerous paintings on the walls of beautiful girls, colored maps of Europe, and so on. One hut has been beautifully decorated by one of the occupants – Lt. C. V. Cripe, a bombardier from Elkhart, Indiana. He also paints insignia on planes.

This same hut has a tiny little garden walk leading up to the door. On a high post flanking the walk there hang white wooden boards with the name of each flier in the hut painted in green letters, and under the name rows of little green bombs representing the number of missions he has been on.

All the names are of officers except for the bottom board, which says “Pfc. Gin Fizz,” and under it are painted five little puppy dogs marching along in a row with their tails up.

Pfc. Gin Fizz is a little white dog with a face like a gargoyle, and altogether the most ratty and repulsive-looking animal I’ve ever seen. But she produces beautiful pups practically like an assembly line, and the station is covered with her offspring.

Dogs are rampant on this station. They have everything from fat fuzzy little puppies with eyes barely open to a gigantic Great Dane. This one magnificent beast is owned by Lt. Richard Lightfine of Garden City, Long Island, and goes by the name of Tray.

The gunner sergeants in the barracks where I’ve been living have a breedless but lovable cur named Omer. It came by its name in a peculiar fashion.

Some months ago, the squadron made a raid on a town in France named St. Omer. One plane got shot up over the target, and back in England had to make a forced landing at a strange field. While waiting for the crippled plane to be patched up the crew acquired this puppy. In celebration of their return from the dead, they named him Omer. Omer sleeps impartially on anybody’s cot, and the boys bring him scraps from the mess hall in their canteen cups. Omer doesn’t even know he’s at war, and he has a wonderful time.

This station has a glee club too, and a very good one. They gave a concert for the people of the nearest village and I went along to hear it.

The club has 29 men in it, mostly ground men but some fliers. The director is Cpl. Frank Parisi of Bedford, Ohio. He taught music in junior high school there.

The club has already given 10 concerts, and they are so good they are booked for three concerts weekly for the next six weeks and slated to sing in London. So, you see lots of things besides shooting and dying can go along with a war.

Völkischer Beobachter (May 28, 1944)

Der Stand der Schlacht in Italien

Moskau sucht den Bürgerkrieg auf dem Balkan –
Chaos Europas: das Ziel der Sowjetpolitik

Schwerpunkt bei Velletri –
Weiterhin erbitterte Kämpfe in Italien

Sensationeller Entscheid des US-Senats –
Ein Rüffel für Roosevelt

Lissabon, 27. Mai –
Roosevelt mußte in einem aufschlußreichen Einzelfall vor streikenden Arbeitern kapitulieren. Er erhielt gleichzeitig von seinem eigenen Senat einen Rüffel, da das juristische Untersuchungskomitee des US-Senats nach den nun abgeschlossenen Untersuchungen über seinen Verfassungsbruch durch die militärische Beschlagnahmung des Chikagoer Großwarenhauses Montgomery Ward & Co. entschied, daß der US-Präsident künftig seinen Exekutivbefehlen den Beweis der Verfassungsmäßigkeit hinzuzufügen hätte. Danach muß Roosevelt fortan bei jedem Exekutivbefehl die entsprechende Ziffer der US-Verfassung oder eine diesbezügliche Kongreßverfügung angeben.

Dieser Entscheid hat in den Vereinigten Staaten großen Staub aufgewirbelt. Die Angestellten des Warenhauses Montgomery hatten seinerzeit die Arbeit niedergelegt, da die Gesellschaft sich weigerte, einen abgelaufenen Tarifvertrag mit einer Gewerkschaft wieder zu erneuern. Der US-Präsident stellte darauf kurzerhand den bestreikten Betrieb unter Militärverwaltung, um die Wiederaufnahme der Arbeit zu erzwingen. Seine Anordnung stand jedoch im Widerspruch zu der Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten, nach der Roosevelt zu diesem Vorgehen gegen einen Privatbetrieb, um den es sich bei dem Montgomery-Konzern handelte, nicht ermächtigt war. Es bleibt dahingestellt, wie weit der US-Präsident sich nun dem Entscheid des Senats fügen wird.

Die Republikaner sehen in dieser Schlappe Roosevelts eine hervorragende Chance für sich und wollen sie für ihre Propaganda zur nächsten Präsidentenwahl ausnützen. Sie kündigten in sensationeller Aufmachung die „Photographie des Jahres“ an. Das Bild soll einen alten Mann darstellen, der, grimmig dreinschauend und mit gefalteten Händen, von zwei US-Soldaten aus seinem Konzern herausgetragen wird. Der alte Mann ist Sewell Avery, der Vorsitzende des von Roosevelt vergewaltigten Montgomery-Ward-Konzerns. Er wurde gewaltsam aus dem eigenen Betrieb entfernt, da er sich weigerte, der Entscheidung, des Kriegsschlichtungsamtes nachzukommen.

Dieses Bild soll nun allen Amerikanern ein warnendes Beispiel dafür sein, was sie von Roosevelt in Zukunft zu erwarten haben, nämlich: Vergewaltigung, rücksichtslose Unterdrückung und unverschämte Einmischung des New Deal in die Rechte des amerikanischen Bürgers. Die Republikaner wollen diesen Propagandafeldzug unter dem vielsagenden Motto führen; „Dasselbe kann dir passieren.“

Um den skandalösen Zwischenfall in Chikago will die Republikanische Partei in Ihrer Wahlpropaganda weitere Punkte gegen Roosevelt konzentrieren wie etwa die Unzufriedenheit der Hausfrau über die Art der Rationierung, die Einstellung der Farmer gegen die übergroße Bürokratie, wie überhaupt das entsetzliche „Durcheinander und Querschießen bei den Kriegsanstrengungen in der Heimat.“ Ganz scharf wendet sie sich gegen die Untüchtigkeit der künstlich aufgeblasenen Roosevelt-Verwaltung, die den Krieg nur verlängere.

The Brooklyn Eagle (May 28, 1944)

Yanks close on last hub below Rome

Foe fights to death in ‘Little Stalingrad;’ Alban Hills shelled
By Reynolds Packard

7,500 planes blast Europe; RAF rips coast

Great day offensive spreads ruin from Dieppe to Yugoslavia

U.S. forces seize Jap island 800 miles from Philippines

New Guinea conquest is completed
By Don Caswell

Bombers again smash Japs’ Kurils bastion

Shumushu, 960 miles from Japan, blasted for third straight day; Ponape also hit

Dewey probes parole body after suicide

Calls for facts and information in reply to investigation demand by union chief
By Fred Andersen

Nazis see decision in Rome battle signal for invasion

Eisenhower sends out 4th message

Stilwell’s men seize Mogaung Valley bastion

War lull used to send Reds vast supplies

By Robert Musel

Rifle fire held off hungry sharks during rescue in raging storm

By Bruce W. Munn

WMC will extend manpower control

Corrigan hopes to prove conduct ‘above reproach’

Lt. Rudy Vallee to return to home front band