America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Lone wolf attacks –
U.S. flier ‘steals’ plane for one-man Rabaul raid

Slipping away from base on ‘spur of moment,’ pilot returns safely in 6-man bomber
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

Truman Committee reports –
Labor draft is rejected, more civilian goods urged

Senate group praises home front production, proposes use for surplus steel
By Glenn Bayless, United Press staff writer

U.S. flier rescued after 7 days on raft

Didn’t have to buy glasses –
Hearst charge of neglected soldier branded as false

Texas editor, reporters answer charge that wounded vet had to buy own spectacles; praise care given veterans

134 ships delivered to U.S. in February


Attorney appointed McNary’s successor

Salem, Oregon (UP) – (March 4)
Governor Earl Snell today appointed Guy Cordon, Republican attorney from Rosenburg, to the interim vacancy in the U.S. Senate, succeeding Charles L. McNary, Republican floor leader who died last week in Florida.

Mr. Cordon will serve only until November, when an election will determine who will fill the four remaining years of Mr. McNary’s term.

Mr. Cordon, 53, has spent a major portion of his time in recent years in Washington as attorney for a group of Southern Oregon land grant counties and for interstate association of public lands counties, composed of 11 Western states.

Clamp marks may be key to Noxon killing

Chance remark of officer hints baby’s death not accident

Legion charges ‘coddling’ of federal prisoners

Report urges more products for consumers

Truman group points out use can be found for surplus steel
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Camp Hill nurse killed in hospital bombing


Poll: Wallace is choice for Vice President among Democrats

Incumbent leads Hull, Farley, Rayburn and others in all sections, including the South
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Senate forces Roosevelt to retreat again

President tells Daniels he can testify before subcommittee

America turns cold shoulder to Argentina

U.S. wants Buenos Aires to intern Axis aides, kick out spies

Lonergan’s trial due after March 15

Army Liberators hammer Japs’ Ponape, Kusaie bases

By William F. Tyree, United Press staff writer

Men on beachhead escape malignant booze crisis

In Naples, portici white mule is kicking traces and even sergeants take notice
By John Lardner, North American Newspaper Alliance

$2 billion for new building

Expect 400,000 units in peacetime year

Jap women to ‘take’ raids, U.S. consul’s wife asserts

They’re taught restraint and firefighting as children
By Maxine Garrison

Roosevelt praises work of 4-H Clubs

President guest of reporters at annual banquet

White House correspondents’ dinner free from speeches and points