America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Steel division seeks to free civilian goods

Army, however, demands delay until invasion tide is known
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Roosevelt will be host to Southern governors


Poll: Women’s vote major factor in 1944 election

Men may be outnumbered again at polls as in 1942 balloting
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

As the 1944 campaign progresses, more attention will be focused on the vote of women than at any time in recent history.

Surveys show that in the 1942 Congressional elections women actually cast more voted than men for the first time since woman’s suffrage. This year, if the total number of ballots cast by servicemen in the presidential election is small, the women again will outnumber the men at the polls.

All evidence to date shows that the political sentiments of women have closely paralleled those of the men in recent months, except that women voters are a little more inclined to lean toward President Roosevelt and the New Deal than the men are.

MacArthur favored

Women voters also take a somewhat different attitude toward various Republican candidates, being more in favor of Gen. Douglas MacArthur than the men are, and slightly less in favor of Wendell Willkie. Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York has about the same following among women as among the men.

Because of the growing importance of the women’s vote, the Institute has made a special analysis of their attitudes toward parties and candidates as revealed in nationwide surveys.

Women voters were asked, first, what party they want to see win the president election in 1944. Their vote compares with the men in the civilian population as follows:

Interviewing Date 1/6-11/44
Survey #309-K
Question #7

Which party would you like to see win the presidential election in November?

Republican Democratic
Men 49% 51%
Women 47% 53%

The above figures apply to the present civilian population and do not take into account men in the armed services. Plans for soldier voting are still being discussed in Washington. Present indications are that Democratic Party prospects would be aided by the extent to which servicemen participated in the election.

Prefer Democrats

Various tests in England and in the United States of soldier voting sentiment indicate that the majority of servicemen would prefer to see the Democratic Party win in November. This is in sharp contrast to claims published by Chairman Harrison Spangler of the Republican National Committee.

When it comes to candidates for 1944, there are some disagreements between the sexes, although few of a major character.

Candidate choices

In seeking voters’ opinions each person was given a list of leaders, both Republican and Democratic, who have been most often discussed throughout the country as possible nominees in 1944. The voters were asked to name their choice as of today.

Based on those who named a Republican, the results were as follows:

Interviewing Date 1/6-11/44
Survey #309-K
Question #8b

Whom would you like to see the Republican Party nominate for President?

Men Women
Dewey 38% 37%
Willkie 27% 23%
MacArthur 13% 19%
Bricker 11% 9%
Stassen 7% 7%
Eric Johnston 2% 1%
Warren 1% 2%
Saltonstall 1% 2%

Based on those who named a Democrat, the results are shown below:

Interviewing Date 1/6-11/44
Survey #309-K
Question #8a

Whom would you like to see the Democratic Party nominate for President?

Men Women
Roosevelt 82% 88%
Wallace 7% 4%
Farley 3% 2%
Byrd 2% 2%
Marshall 2% 1%
Byrnes 2% 1%
McNutt 2% 1%
Douglas <1% 1%

Evans would record every word on air

Binder: Plane plant raids make invasion of continent easier

Increase in German fighter strength cut by RAF, U.S. blows; enemy forced to reveal new weapons
By Carroll Binder, Chicago Daily News foreign editor


Cabinet named, Black is ready for Presidency

Portland man files formal application of ‘Equal Rights’

Portland, Oregon (UP) – (Jan. 15)
He’s the only member of the “Equal Rights” Party, but Henry Black, a Portland paint contractor, is perfectly willing to be its nominee for President of the United States.

He has filed declarations in California and Washington and is also willing to represent Republican and Democratic parties if they would care to nominate him (he is a registered Republican, he admits).

There’s no shadow-boxing with Henry Black. He has already appointed his Cabinet. Here it is:

Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt

Senator Burton K. Wheeler (D-MT)

Col. Robert R. McCormick, Chicago publisher

Beardsley Ruml, pay-as-you-go tax planner

Sewall L. Avery, president of Montgomery Ward & Company

Rep. Martin Dies (D-RX)

Vice President Henry Wallace

Wendell L. Willkie

John L. Lewis

Yanks storm Jap-held hill on New Britain

Marines open drive to oust foe from western end of island
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Job draft proposal called union price for political rule

Labor taken for a ride, says Senator, who finds everyone suffering from administration errors
By Senator Ralph O. Brewster (R-ME)

Army and Navy Journal: Allies consider plan to occupy all of Germany

In Washington –
Demand forecast for huge soldier bonus after war

VFW serves notice on Senate group; House advocates for high mustering out pay ready to insist on $700 maximum

Senate moves to place taxes on hobby funds

Amendment aimed originally at publisher Marshall Field

Fair sex unfair!

By Maxine Garrison

New stars shining in Hollywood

Big shakeup in talent marks past year
By Erskine Johnson

Extra stocks of aluminum are available

Surpluses also reported in magnesium and electric steel
By John W. Love, Scripps-Howard staff writer

U.S. may mediate Polish-Red tangle

Roosevelt and Hull study government-in-exile’s boundary dispute request
By John A. Reichmann, United Press staff writer

Hull revamps his department

Move designed to help U.S. foreign relations

Unmoved by Pearl Harbor, Mayer appeals his 1-A

Editorial: How to get a raise!

Editorial: Eisenhower needs planes


McFarland: Tip from Chicago

By Kermit McFarland

Some Republicans still cling to the high-tariff principles of the Coolidge-Hoover era, but on the whole Republicans have become lukewarm on this issue, many are in agreement on the reciprocal trade policies of the Roosevelt administration and most, at least, prefer to apply tariffs with a large measure of restraint.

In the last Republican national platform, the traditional tariff ideas of the Old Guard were toned down a good deal, although the tariff plank, as usual, was phrased in somewhat ambiguous language.

What the 1944 platform will contain will depend, probably, on the presidential candidate and on the dickers that go on among the platform carpenters in the backrooms of the convention.

But if it is left to front-running Republican powers in this state, the platform will scream for the old Smoot-Hawley type of tariff – and loud!

This was tipped off at Chicago last week when the Republican National Committee adopted a resolution opposing the return to this country, at “distress” prices, of surplus goods sent abroad for war purposes.

G. Mason Owlett, Pennsylvania national committeeman, sponsored the resolution, but prefaced it with a resounding high-tariff speech. He went after the “free traders” and demanded “proper defenses” against foreign-made products.

Mr. Owlett is a high-tariff proponent, you might even say a highest tariff proponent. He is the mouthpiece for Uncle Joe Grundy, ex-Senator, champion tariff lobbyist and still, at 80, the push behind the Republican wheelbarrow. And Mr. Owlett undoubtedly will be a delegate to the presidential convention.

Unless there is an uprising in the April primary, when delegates are elected, Mr. Grundy will be in the saddle when the Pennsylvania delegation goes to Chicago in June, stories about Joe Pew and his money notwithstanding. Mr. Pew, oil heir and would-be kingmaker, is reported maneuvering to unhorse Mr. Grundy, but he has been pursuing this course in vain for several years.

Anyway, the two are well on the way to making a deal which would preclude any but the most surreptitious efforts on Mr. Pew’s part to trip Mr. Grundy.

It began when Alexander Cooper was appointed by Governor Martin to Common Pleas Court. That appointment was designed to appease a local pressure group seeking the Superior Court post held by the late Judge Joseph Stadtfeld; this move to make way for the appointment of former Governor James to the Superior Court, where he formerly sat.

Mr. James is the Pew candidate for this job and if he gets it, Mr. Pew undoubtedly will line up behind Attorney General James H. Duff for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. Mr. Duff is the Grundy-Martin candidate as of now.

It all adds up the probability that the Pew-Grundy-Martin factions will be consolidated to battle Senator James J. Davis’ candidacy for renomination. This inevitably will become tangled up with the delegate scrap because any stray opposition to the Pew-Grundy-Martin axis will pitch in with the Davis camp.

This combination will play a loose game with the rival presidential candidates, hoping to line up a controllable delegation which can throw its weight around at the convention in such a manner as will profit the combination the most.

How well the combination can control the delegates may depend, to a high degree, on whether or not Mr. Duff can beat Mr. Davis.

Willkie’s One World at top of ten best list

George Washington Carver is year’s best biography in critic’s opinion
By John D. Paulus

Voice of Roosevelt to return to radio for paralysis fund

Whiskers are popular with network stars and we don’t mean they’re on gags – or are they?