America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Tribute paid memory of Negro scientist

In tribute to the memory of Dr. George Washington Carver, famed Negro scientist who died a year ago today, civic leaders participated in a mass meeting last night at Schenley High School.

The principal speaker at the commemoration was Dr. G. Lake Imes, who for 25 years was associated with Dr. Carver at the Tuskegee Institute.

Dr. Imes said:

George Washington Carver is evidence of the reality of democracy. Without democracy giving him equality of opportunity, his great achievements never would have been possible. His life is an example of democracy of the future.

Others who spoke included Dr. Henry H. Hill, superintendent of schools; George W. Culberson, principal of the A. Leo Weil School, and Mrs. John M. Phillips, member of the Board of Public Education.

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Völkischer Beobachter (January 6, 1944)

So belogen und betragen sie das italienische Volk

Die wortbrüchigen Gauner von 1918 sind sich gleichgeblieben

USA-Bomber in Schweden notgelandet –
Die Besatzung interniert

„Neutralität“ schützt nicht vor dem Sowjetimperialismus –
Schweden soll den Bolschewisten überlassen werden

Drahtbericht unseres skandinavischen Vertreters

Gerüchte um eine Regierungsumbildung –
Roosevelts politische Krise

dr. th. b. Stockholm, 5. Jänner –
Die schon seit einigen Tagen verbreiteten Gerüchte über eine Regierungskrise in den Vereinigten Staaten verdichten sich nach einer Meldung der Daily Mail aus Neuyork, die auch vom Reuters-Büro aufgegriffen wurden.

Führende Mitglieder der Demokratischen Partei haben an Roosevelt die Aufforderung gerichtet, sich von seinem vertrauten Mitarbeiter Harry Hopkins und von dem Landwirtschaftsminister Wickard zu trennen. Aber auch der Kriegsminister Stimson, der Marineminister Knox, der Justizminister Biddle und der Arbeitsminister Miß Frances Perkins werden genannt.

In der Meldung der Daily Mail wird es als ausgeschlossen angesehen, daß sich Roosevelt von Hopkins trennen wird. Es ist aber möglich, daß er den Landwirtschaftsminister Wickard fallen läßt, der sich unter den Farmern keiner Beliebtheit erfreut. Schon aus Wahlrücksichten könnte Roosevelt zu diesem Schritt gezwungen sein, wie ja eine Regierungsumbildung überhaupt nur im Hinblick auf die Präsidentenwahlen akut ist.

U.S. State Department (January 6, 1944)

740.0011 EW 1939/32572: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State

Moscow, January 6, 1944

43, January 6, 4 p.m. Personal and secret for the President and the Secretary from Harriman:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Molotov continued that Marshal Stalin at Tehran had outlined the terms which the Soviet Government were prepared to accord Finland and, as he recalled it, the President and Mr. Churchill had expressed no objection to these terms.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Pittsburgh Press (January 6, 1944)

5th Army slashes into Nazis

Allies open gap in road to Rome defenses, drive into San Vittore
By C. R. Cunningham, United Press staff writer

On New Britain –
Yanks launch new offensive

Marines drive to seize Borgen Bay
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Ties all-time mark –
Yank ace bags 26th Jap plane

Marine flier ‘slowed down’ by broken leg

Gilberts death estimate expected to be lowered

Fourth of aid goes to Soviets

Roosevelt sees Lend-Lease as a lifesaver

In first 11 months of 1943 –
No strike pledge flouted to tune of 3,425 walkouts

Mine disputes help swell total of man days lost to 400% over 1942 figure

Giant trust rules arms, U.S. charges

DuPont, British concern linked with Germans in civil suit

In Washington –
Trade pledged early release after the war

Crowley says U.S. eager to relinquish hold on foreign commerce


Uniform soldier vote urged

Washington (UP) –
The War and Navy Departments today called for uniform legislation for the entire country to facilitate absentee voting by members of the Armed Forces in this year’s elections.

In a joint statement, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson warned that the services could not administer effectively “diverse procedures” of the 48 states “as to 11 million servicemen all over the world in primary, special and general elections.”

Meanwhile, Rep. George Bender (R-OH) praised the “good intentions” of governors who have sought to solve the soldier vote problem through special sessions of their legislatures, but said that:

Despite these good intentions, our soldiers are not going to be able to vote unless the Congress provides them with a simple, uniform federal ballot.

The Knox-Stimson statement was issued in reply to an inquiry from the Council of State Governments, and was made public by the Council.

Strikes keep 4,500 idle in area industry

Walkouts seek to force removal of certain foremen

Wage parley are resumed by rail unions

Outlook now seems bright for settlement of new claims

65 plane carriers built by U.S. Navy

Nelson to appoint Maury Maverick

President blocked real labor policy, Senator charges

Reed: Roosevelt used influence in Congress to prevent effective curbs on wartime strikes
By Clyde M. Reed, U.S. Senator from Kansas

Editorial: The Polish-Russian dispute

Edson: Look out, Mama! Papa may snitch tokens for chips

By Peter Edson