America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Clapper: Strikes

By Raymond Clapper

Air Transport Command

U.S. cargo ship lands in hidden jungle airports
By Max B. Cook, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Maj. de Seversky: Talk of war output peak is misleading as demand for new weapons increases

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Ceiling price on new brands of whisky set

Rollback action follows probe of shortage, buying spree

Völkischer Beobachter (December 29, 1943)

Schimada über den Seekrieg im Pazifik –
Eine stolze Bilanz der japanischen Marine

Schwere Verluste einer amerikanischen Landungsflotte an der Westspitze von Neupommern

Viel Getue um die angebliche Invasion –
Neue Generale und neue Reden

Von unserem Berner Berichterstatter

b—r. Bern, 28. Dezember –
In London wurde bekanntgegeben, daß Luftmarschall Sir Artur Tedder zum Stellvertreter des Generals Eisenhower im Kommando über die für die Invasion in Europa bestimmten amerikanischen und britischen Truppen ernannt Worden ist.

Daß ein Engländer für diesen Posten gewählt werden würde, war sicher, dagegen kommt die Ernennung eines Offiziers der Luftwaffe ziemlich unerwartet. Sie wird als Hinweis darauf empfunden, wie wichtig der Anteil der Luftwaffe bei den angeblich geplanten Operationen genommen wird. Tedder hat bisher unter Eisenhower die anglo-amerikanischen Luftstreitkräfte im Mittelmeer befehligt. Er gilt als Erfinder der berüchtigten Methode des sogenannten „Bombenteppichs,“ bei dem eine große Anzahl von Kampfflugzeugen über einem bestimmten, abgegrenzten Gebiet gleichzeitig ihre Bomben abwerfen, ohne im Einzelnen auf Ziele zu achten.

Der Mann für den Balkan

In London wurde ferner bekanntgegeben, daß an Stelle des Generals Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, der zum Oberbefehlshaber im ganzen Mittelmeergebiet ernannt worden ist, General Sir Bernard Paget das Kommando im Nahen Osten übernimmt. Er wird Wilson unmittelbar unterstellt sein. Paget war in den letzten zwei Jahren Oberbefehlshaber der in Großbritannien stehenden britischen Streitkräfte und hatte als solcher auch deren Ausbildung für die Zwecke der Invasion zu leiten. Seine einzige praktische Erfahrung im gegenwärtigen Kriege war das Kommando über die britischen und französischen Truppen, die 1940 bei Andalsnes in Norwegen gelandet wurden, sich aber nach sehr kurzer Zeit wieder zurückziehen mußten. Man weist in England darauf hin, daß Paget in seiner neuen Stellung gegebenenfalls die Invasion auf dem Balkan zu leiten hätte.

General Eisenhower hat der Presse vor seiner Abreise nach England in Algier Erklärungen abgegeben, in denen Großsprecherei und falsche Bescheidenheit sich seltsam mischten. Interessant war seine Bemerkung, daß das Heer der französischen Emigranten in möglichster Stärke bei den geplanten verlustreichen Operationen eingesetzt werden soll. Die Frage, ob dieses Kanonenfutter aus Nordafrika unter dem Kommando Girauds stehen werde, wollte Eisenhower lieber nicht beantworten, da die Verhältnisse in der französischen Dissidenz zu unklar seien. Auch General Montgomery, der die britischen Truppen befehligen soll, gab ein Interview, in dem er die Notwendigkeit engster Zusammenarbeit zwischen Heer und Luftwaffe betonte.

Der republikanische USA-Senator für den nordamerikanischen Staat Montana Burton K. Wheeler erklärte, daß Roosevelt anscheinend die westeuropäische Invasion gegen den Willen Englands durchsetzen wolle und damit ein gewagtes Spiel beginne.

Zur Feststellung des USA-Senators Johnson, wonach 73 Prozent der Invasionsarmee aus nordamerikanischen Truppen bestehen sollen, betonte Wheeler, daß er glaube, für das nordamerikanische Volk zu sprechen, wenn er den Verantwortlichen rate, sich genau zu überlegen, ob die nordamerikanische Jugend dieses gewaltige Blutopfer bringen solle oder könne. Seiner Auffassung nach sei der vorgesehene Prozentsatz nordamerikanischer Truppen an den Invasionsoperationen viel zu groß.

Der brasilianische Botschafter in Uruguay teilte mit, daß zwei brasilianische Divisionen bereits im Jänner an die europäische Front abgeschickt werden sollen. Offiziere aus Uruguay sollen sich dieser Expedition anschließen. Über den Kampfwert dieser Streitmacht gibt man sich aber wohl selbst im Lager der Anglo-Amerikaner keinen Illusionen hin.

Englische Kritik am englischen Volk

dnb. Genf, 28. Dezember –
Selbstzufriedenheit, das sei das Charakteristikum der britischen Öffentlichkeit von heute, bemerkt New Statesman and Nation.

Bei den furchtbaren Begleiterscheinungen einer Westoffensive, bemerkt das Blatt hiezu, „ist eine derart triviale Einstellung wirklich abscheulich.“ „Besonders abstoßend wirkt dieses Bild vom England der Gegenwart auf die Soldaten, die aus Italien kommen,“ denn sie erzählen über katastrophale Zustände in Süditalien. Man vermöge sie kaum zu schildern, ein völliger Zusammenbruch, keine Spur von Kultur mehr sei in Süditalien vorhanden, keine Führung, keine Hoffnung auf die Zukunft.

Das britische Volk weise sehr viele fundamentale Schwächen auf, meint die englische Wochenschrift The Leader. Die „Massenstupidität“ gehöre zu den Hauptschwächen dieser Art. Hand in Hand mit der Stupidität gehe die Gleichgültigkeit. Sie unterstütze den Wunsch weiter englischer Bevölkerungsschichten, den Krieg zu vergessen, sich keine Sorgen mehr um ihn zu machen. Wenn man das alles in Rechnung stelle, könne einem Um die Zukunft des englischen Volkes angst und bange werden. Es bestehe die ernste Gefahr, daß Großbritannien zur Bedeutungslosigkeit absinke. Viele Rivalen warten schon auf dieses Ergebnis.

Die Vorgänge in Bolivien als Anlaß –
Roosevelt will ganz Amerika beherrschen

U.S. Navy Department (December 29, 1943)

CINCPAC Press Release No. 214

For Immediate Release
December 29, 1943

Navy medium bombers of Fleet Air Wing Two which raided Nauru on the morning of December 29 (West Longitude Date) destroyed an ammunition dump and started several fires. Several of our planes suffered minor damage. One Navy Liberator while on a search mission in the Marshalls on December 27 damaged a tanker.

The Pittsburgh Press (December 29, 1943)

Leaders promise not to endanger U.S. war effort

Action taken only 18 hours before deadline for walkout and follows conference with Army’s rail boss
By Raymond Lahr, United Press staff writer

Yanks batter Rome airfields

Berlin reports big death toll in suburbs of Italian capital
By Phil Ault, United Press staff writer

Italian fighting flares –
Ortona falls to Canadians

8th Army takes keystones of German line
By C. R. Cunningham, United Press staff writer

Marines repel Jap assaults

Push close to airfields on New Britain
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer


Fourth term hint is given by President

His disavowal of ‘New Deal’ regarded as start of campaign
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Roosevelt ordered to rest by doctor

Washington (UP) –
The White House announced today that President Roosevelt is suffering from a head cold and will remain in his presidential quarters today.

His physician, RAdm. Ross T. McIntire, said the President has no fever, but he thought it best for him to stay away from his offices.

Washington (UP) –
President Roosevelt’s disavowal of the term “New Deal” as the administration’s reform trademark was widely regarded here today as the first important move toward a win-the-war fourth term campaign.

But others regarded his triumphant accounting of administration policies since 1933 as a reply to those critics who have accused Mr. Roosevelt of having lost interest in the reform era now that a war was underway.

The President tossed the term “New Deal” overboard in a casual conversation last week. He made it official at yesterday’s news conference during which he read a partially prepared statement to nearly 200 reporters who somehow felt they were participating in an historic occasion.

Fourth term drive?

He said the patient – the United States – is not wholly well yet and won’t be until the war is won.

He was asked:

Does all this add up to a fourth term?

The President replied:

Oh now – we are not talking about things like that now. You’re getting picayune. I know you won’t mind my saying that, but I have to say something like that.

His rejoinder recalled a similar set of circumstances three years ago when he was asked whether he would seek a third term. On that occasion he advised the inquiring reporter to go in a corner and put on a dunce cap.

Raises questions

Whatever the motive, the abandonment of the term “New Deal” after ten years of what has come to be called the New Deal-Democratic coalition raises some political questions. The coalition began to sag in the 1942 general elections and buckled badly in scattered contests this year.

Some of Mr. Roosevelt’s left-wing supporters have been intimating that he was running out on New Deal philosophers as well as terms. Some of his conservative party partners have been warning of political disaster unless Democrats dissociate themselves from the New Deal at once.

Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D-CO) said on Dec. 6:

The New Deal is through. If the Democratic Party persists in hanging on to its dead corpse, it will lose the Senate, the House and the governors of every Northern and Western state in the next election.

Guffey’s dispute

Southern politicians have been muttering for months. Their displeasure burst like shrapnel in the Senate this month against Senator Joseph F. Guffey (D-PA) who had offended them in his role of New Deal spokesman. It is significant that the Southern bitterness is against the “New Dealers” rather than against the administration as a whole or against the President himself.

New Dealer No. 1 in this town is Harry L. Hopkins, Mr. Roosevelt’s personal aide and confidante. There was speculation here today whether the President might be preparing to get him out of the country in the presidential campaign year. There would be precedent for that.

When Herbert C. Hoover was nearing the test of his second presidential campaign, he summarily removed from his Cabinet and sent to London as ambassador an old man who had been the prophet of prosperity until the Depression came and then had come to be regarded as a crippling political liability.

The old man was Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Mellon did not want to go. But he went.

Left-wing supporters of the administration began to be apprehensive after Mr. Roosevelt, refereeing a bout between Vice President Henry A. Wallace and Secretary of Commerce Jesse H. Jones, declared Mr. Jones the winner and stripped Mr. Wallace of all participation in the war effort. It was a rebuke rarely equaled.

The New Republic’s Washington columnist on Aug. 23 wrote:

The New Dealers who are not trying to apologize for the President are asking themselves whether Mr. Roosevelt again will become the champion of progressive government once the war is won.

New leadership

The Nation, liberal weekly, said on July 24 after the Jones-Wallace row:

The man who created the New Deal seems intent on destroying it before he leaves office in his flaccid retreat before the Bourbons of his own party. Isn’t it about time for labor and the left to look around for new leadership?

Similarly suspicious, the eighth annual convention of the CIO United Auto Workers on Oct. 7 voted to support a Roosevelt fourth term only on the condition that he took “an aggressive position against the foes of the New Deal.”

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Vegetable changes due –
Meat values to be retained

Butter, too, is unchanged in January schedule


Bitter battle takes shape in GOP Senatorial race

Davis flays Martin-Grundy-Pew faction in party supporting Duff for his position
By Kermit McFarland

A bitter battle for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator, at stake in the April 25 primary, today appeared virtually certain.

Senator James J. Davis practically announced his candidacy on a visit here in which he touched off a bristling attack on the factional leaders who plan to oppose him.

Backed by Governor Martin and the Grundy wing of the party, Attorney General James H. Duff of Carnegie is the leading probability as a candidate against Mr. Davis. While Mr. Duff has made no public statement, the Governor and the Grundy forces have been proceeding as though his candidacy were an accepted fact.

Local leadership

Locally Senator Davis’ campaign will be headed by County Controller Robert G. Woodside recently reelected to a fifth term; Sheriff Robert J. Corbett, C. J. McBride of the 31st Ward, long an organization stalwart, and the Young Republican group.

County Commissioner John S. Herron, also Republican County Chairman, will undoubtedly be among the leading backers of Mr. Duff.

Senator Davis said:

Reports indicate certain men and interests are pooling their personal wealth, their political positions and their personal influence to gain control of the processes of government.

Can hold whip hand

These forces are in position to collect enforced contributions from reluctant contributors. They can hold the whip hand of dismissal over many people, both in public and private employment. They are able to make concessions to, or to threaten reprisals upon many thousands of our citizens to support those whom these interests will designate.

Senator Davis named no names, but there was no disguising his targets – joseph R. Grundy, dean of the Old Guard and perpetually a Davis opponent, and Joseph N. Pew, perennial money prop of the Republican organization.

He denounced the “pernicious practice” of “spending vast, uncountable sums to control the selection and the election of candidates.” Their ability to spend and raise campaign funds has been the chief basis of power for both Mr. Grundy and Mr. Pew.

Pew guns for Davis

Mr. Pew has given no sign of his support of Mr. Duff, until now at least preferring Lieutenant Governor John C. Bell, but he appears to be more interested in licking Mr. Davis than in any other project. Mr. Bell is anxious to run for the Senate, but a three-way split is unlikely – it would only help Senator Davis.

Senator Davis, for the first time, was defeated when he sought the Republican nomination for Governor last May. This defeat has encouraged the Grundy-Martin forces in their efforts to unseat him, an effort in which they have previously failed three times.

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Roosevelt nettled?
Lewis’ ‘face’ pops up again in seizure of railroads

Drastic action attributed by some to anger over union victory in mines case
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Critics’ award won by anti-Nazi film

New York (UP) –
The anti-Nazi motion picture, Watch on the Rhine, has been selected by New York film critics as the best picture of 1943, it was announced today.

Paul Lukas was voted the best actor of the year for his part in the picture and Ida Lupino was named as the best actress for her role in The Hard Way. Maj. George Stevens was cited for his direction of the film The More the Merrier.

A special award was voted the U.S. Army Signal Corps for its films, Why We Fight and Report From the Aleutians.

12 more ships destroyed by subs in Pacific

Almost 1,000 Jap vessels sent to bottom by U.S. forces

Total victory in 1945 forecast by Connally

Simms: Ring of steel will tighten around Japan in New Year

Tokyo, other enemy war confers will be bombed, but few expect end of war in next 12 months
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor