America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

GOP freshmen invite Landon to give views

Congressional group also seeks advise from Hoover
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Subsidy plan called insult to newspapers

Bond ads in the past have been offered in patriotism
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

Ernie Pyle is writing a short series of columns on his experiences and impressions at home while taking a rest from his arduous assignment in the war zones. He is about to shove off again for the battlefronts.

Washington –
Miss Malvina Thompson, who is Mrs. Roosevelt’s personal secretary, called up at 3:30 and said could I come over at 5 and have tea with Mrs. Roosevelt. Being a man of few words, I said, “Sure.”

I did add, however, that the only coat I had was an old gray one with the elbows out, and I mean out. Miss Thompson said they didn’t care, if I didn’t.

So, I washed my face and at 4:40 put on my Army mackinaw and walked around Lafayette Park for 20 minutes to get up my courage, and then plunged into the White House.

A butler took my coat, and an usher stood waiting to escort me into the waiting room. I shook hands with him out of excitement, which I suppose I shouldn’t have done.

I sat in a small red velvet room on the ground floor. Down the hall I could hear Mrs. Roosevelt laughing and talking with people, and then she was at my door, with the usher introducing us.

Mrs. Roosevelt is very, very happy-like. She said she wanted to see my coat because Miss Thompson had told her I would be ragged. So, I showed her my elbows and said I sure wasn’t fooling. I told her I thought it ridiculous to buy new clothes when I was out of uniform only a few weeks, and she said:

Perfectly ridiculous. I agree with you.

We went up to the second floor in an elevator which she operated herself, and into a pleasant west room which had bookcases and several small desk pictures of the President scattered around.

In a minute Miss Thompson joined us, and Mrs. Roosevelt very flatteringly quoted Miss Thompson as having said this was one tea she wanted to come to. I had supposed there was always a crowd at 5 o’clock tea at the White House, but there were only the three of us.

Ernie’s a little weakish

At first, I was a little weakish, and sweaty around the upper lip, and I kept wiping my face with a handkerchief. But Mrs. Roosevelt kept talking and I didn’t need to think much until after I had calmed down a little.

One of the first things she said was:

I wish you would do for the boys in the South Pacific what you’ve done for those in Africa.

I told her we had considered that as the next trip, but had finally come to the conclusion I had better stick to Europe awhile.

She said well maybe that was right, but she’d learned from her trip that the boys in the Pacific felt neglected. You have such a sense of Mrs. Roosevelt’s sincerity and genuine interest in people that I had to hold onto myself to keep from saying:

Okay, I’ve changed my plans. I’m going to the Pacific.

Mrs. Roosevelt spoke frequently of the President, either as Franklin, Mr. Roosevelt, or the President. I was amazed at the candid way in which she related what she had said to him about something, or what he had said to her.

A good part of her conversation was devoted to her feelings about preparing for the post-war period; how important it was that we have jobs all ready for the soldiers when they come back; how we must make factories more modern and homes more livable.

But the conversation wasn’t all on such matters. She spoke of Quent Reynolds and his broadcast, and of John Steinbeck, whom she has never met but admires.

In turn, I told her a couple of little war stories. Miss Thompson and I both smoked one cigarette after another. Mrs. Roosevelt didn’t smoke, but seemed to keep herself busy at the tea table. After it was over, I had the impression she had been pouring tea the whole hour, yet actually we only had one cup around.

Splutters into his tea

Finally, we got off onto column writing, and how long it takes each of us. Ordinarily Mrs. Roosevelt dictates hers at the end of the day, in about half an hour., I told her it took me half a day to write a column, and she said:

Yes, but you write a much better column than I do!

Since it is bad taste to dispute the opinion of the First Lady, I just spluttered into my tea.

I’d been worried about how I was to know when to leave. A couple of times I uncrossed my legs in small tentative rising gestures, but neither time did Mrs. Roosevelt or Miss Thompson respond to the cue, so I figured it was still all right.

Finally, I realized it was 10 minutes till 6, so I got up and said I must let them get to their other appointments. So, they got up, and Miss Thompson said goodbye, and Mrs. Roosevelt took me back down in the elevator.

She said this was the same elevator the Teddy Roosevelt kids used to ride their ponies up and down in, and that you could still see the hoof scars on it, and indeed it was very old and scuffed up.

We shook hands in the lobby, and I left with the feeling that I had been talking to a woman who is unique, who is remarkable, and who is all good. As a mutual friend said, you have a hard time to keep from loving her.

The colored butler held my old Army mackinaw, opened the door, and said a friendly goodbye. At the front gate, one of the policemen asked how soon I was going back overseas. After that, I walked off across Lafayette Park alone, in the chill dusk air, feeling light as a feather.

Clapper: Going up!

By Raymond Clapper

Maj. de Seversky: Power in air proves decisive factor even on the Russian land-moss front

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

The Pittsburgh Press (November 17, 1943)

German base near Athens raided again

Record air fleet from Mediterranean bases in attack
By James E. Roper, United Press staff writer

Outposts retaken –
Yanks regain lost ground

Nazi defenses elaborate before 5th Army
By Harrison Salisbury, United Press staff writer

Poll: Nation shifts to year’s drill

Peacetime Army service is now in favor
By Dr. George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Small paper gravy train gets go-sign

Senate approves subsidy; new ‘stops’ on route are mapped
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Draft bill called too late to protect pre-war fathers

Selective Service officials see little change in present induction policies

John Barleycorn has a field day

By Florence Fisher Parry

Allies study political use of war relief

Issue based on U.S. work in last war faces conferees

Bricker hits extravagance of New Deal

Offers 5-point program to ‘recapture spirit of free enterprise’

Movie kickback bared –
Union official changes tune

Tells truth now, he says, to please Bioff

In Washington –
Danger of inflation is denied by Senator

Food subsidy opponent wants prices to increase to pay off debt; Bowles warns of cost

Hull’s report is looked on as precedent

Proposal for appearance of Cabinet members joins impetus
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

MacArthur aide asserts supplies limit offensives

Southwest Pacific has less than 5% of U.S. warpower, members of general’s staff say
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Rommel’s kin here to begin WAC training

North Side girl eager to meet cousin – after he becomes a prisoner

Simms: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin may meet by end of year

Indications point to action under Moscow Pacts to shake Germany to its foundations
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Soviet paper praises U.S.

Move to end prejudices declared underway
By David M. Nichol

Editorial: Secretary Hull’s report

Editorial: ‘Advertising has paid its way’

Editorial: Fooling the fathers

Ferguson: Divided allegiance

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Millett: Many women must take work in defense plants

By Ruth Millett

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