America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

The Pittsburgh Press (October 29, 1943)

Yanks drive 2 more miles toward Rome

Coastal positions behind new German defense line shelled
By Richard D. McMillan, United Press staff writer

18 district mines closed; 70,000 on strike in U.S.

Government seizure of pits nears; present stocks at diggings frozen

Roosevelt: Russia, Allies in agreement

Documents to be signed soon in Moscow

Mass for knockout –
Allies seize 2 new isles in Solomons

Landings on Stirling and Mono announced by MacArthur
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

New ration list –
Canned fruit points raised, meats lower

Point values set for jams and jellies; butter value unchanged

$208 billion on hand in Treasury

Argued about baby –
Lonergan ‘sorry’ he killed heiress

RCAF cadet upsets own alibi and then confesses

‘Exceedingly well’

By Florence Fisher Parry

His Fortress shot down by Nazis, Pittsburgher lives to tell story

Crash in Mediterranean highlight of duty in Africa

Brothers home –
Marine Corps brothers meet in the Pacific

Yanks down under observe Christmas

U.S. accuses Army colonel in bribe case

Officer seized as he accepts envelope containing $17,500

Esquire’s okay, is testimony of Shaughnessy

Yanks blast railway in southern Austria

Crashes twice fights natives, but Yank lives

He returns after a month in jungle, finds mates divvied his gear

Another atrocity –
Old, hallowed Naples school fired by Nazis

University wantonly gutted after ‘interferer’ is executed
By John Lardner, North American Newspaper Alliance

Simms: Allied policy toward Italy needed for all of Europe

All anti-Axis factions on continent must be urged to bury differences until after war
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Medal of Honor awarded to 2 in death stand

Shermans save the day as Tigers counterattack

Two Yank tanks knock out three German panzers, enabling artillery to get into action

Browne tells of financing speakeasies

Extortionist, at trial in movie case, also admits carrying gun

15,000 Japanese balk at harvesting

U.S. report: Small plants found to be in sad plight

But few ask for loans from government, fearing effect of move
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Film star Alan Ladd discharged by Army

Patient hinted as suspect in slaying of girl

Dark-complexioned man reported seen near hospital

Food setup streamlined by President

Allocations group created to decide on supplies going abroad

In Washington –
Roosevelt backs post-war policy in ‘general terms’

President opposes ‘legislative pronouncement,’ saying future events may necessitate change; Wheeler hits bill
By John L. Cutter, United Press staff writer

Congress trims $1 billion from new bill

But just how much of that will be real savings yet to be seen
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

In New Jersey –
Democrats get together, but GOP has edge

Nation looks toward state gubernatorial race for vote vane
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Farm bloc splits in fight to lift margarine taxes

Manufacturers’ use of cotton seed, soybean oil wins Southern Congressmen’s aid
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent