America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Harriman erases feuds in embassy

Accord hinted at conference with Russians

First week of talks ends; atmosphere remains friendly
By M. S. Handler, United Press staff correspondent

Simms: Parley can speed victory

By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Second front to face three German lines

Nazis finishing defenses in France, Belgium, on German border
By Joseph W. Grigg, United Press staff writer

‘Shoot where they count,’ Gen. ‘Ike’ orders Yanks

Eisenhower refuses to don steel helmet even when in range of Nazis on Italian front
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Son-in-law of Roosevelt is at the front in Italy

Capt. Boettiger, working with AMG, lands with 5th Army under heavy enemy fire
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Drastic action expected of WLB in mine strikes

Firm stand indicated, with eventual taking over of diggings by U.S. government as probable result
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Gable back in U.S.

New York –
Capt. Clark Gable arrived at LaGuardia Airport today after a transatlantic flight, unofficial sources reported. He has been with the U.S. 8th Air Force in Great Britain.

4th term boom laid to justice of high court

GOP chief Spangler says Frankfurter helps ‘palace guard’
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

In Washington –
House group freezes estate and gift taxes

Special excise increases are studied; fifth of goal is expected

Naples school gives degree to Gen. Clark

Double U.S. Navy foreseen by 1944

Enemy carrier believed fired by U.S. bomber

Hits scored on Jap ship; Allies blast 23 planes in Wewak raid
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

New U.S. sub lost; in action 2 months

Eisenhower lauds blood donations

Editorial: Something new in Army training

Editorial: The Senate post-war debate

Editorial: Henry Scipio Africanus

Edson: Desert-trained troops stormed Attu in Pacific

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Budget balancing

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Military problems at Moscow

By Col. Fredrick Palmer, North American Newspaper Alliance

Study in proportions –
Ad bill will favor newspapers using little newsprint

Half of funds would go to small journals consuming less than 4% of paper of nation’s press
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Simple, quiet life Jean Arthur’s dish

Simple pursuits her idea of a good time
By Hedda Hopper

Job to be done

By Maxine Garrison