America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

In Washington –
Wilson: War production ‘disappointing’

Output of four-motored bombers jumps, but overall September figure shows no gain, WPB says

Poll: Willkie needs Midwest help; Dewey slumps

MacArthur and Stassen gain with rank-and-file Republicans
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Fortas takes oath as sailor

Army boosts ground forces’ combat power

Infantry divisions streamlined to increase their efficiency

Spring called invasion time

Service paper says Marshall will go to London

Jury convicts two in Detroit rioting

Browder hits Bullitt as enemy of Russia

General public barred –
Cut-rate given Congress for Army-Navy grid game

Concessions granted lawmakers because they’re ‘honorary members’ of Middies’ Athletic Association

Japanese force driven inland on New Guinea

Attempt to break through to coast fails; foe leaves 510 dead

Kirkpatrick: Post-war action by U.S. urged by many soldiers

Yanks overseas think primarily about jobs back home, wants laws to insure them
By Helen Kirkpatrick

160 survivors of Helena saved on Jap-held island

Destroyer-transports take Yanks off Vella Lavella, then in enemy hands, in midnight rendezvous

Stoneman: Allied action needed to end Nazi murders

Otherwise, enemy will kill thousands of civilians during retreat
By William H. Stoneman

ODT lists harmful antifreeze makes

Super-airline urged to boss world routes

Proposal calls for all major companies to hold stock

Fee payments to musicians called vicious

Broadcasters say they’re ‘as unsound as extortion is illegal’

$60 toolmaker gets $1,000 on side as entertainer

Plane factory mechanic puts one of his dance halls on a 24-hour basis

Railroad strike threats hurled by brotherhoods

‘Big Five’ unions to take ballot on walkout unless President Roosevelt acts to meet wage raise demands of men

Fifth session conducted in Allied parley

Hull, Molotov have private talk, described as very friendly
By Henry Shapiro, United Press staff writer

Quezon’s term expiring soon

Philippine President may have to quit Nov. 15

Combat duties for ‘boys’ hit

Congressman sends protest to War Secretary

Dog greets rescuers –
Two gas tankers collide; 88 men killed, 28 saved

Majority of victims trapped below decks; cause of accident still undetermined