America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Jolson’s condition serious

New York –
The condition of Al Jolson, stricken Wednesday with pneumonia complicated by malaria, was described by his physician today as “serious but not dangerous.” The comedian returned recently from a tour of North Africa and Sicily, where he entertained U.S. troops.

Navy casualties 30,461

Washington (UP) –
The Navy Department today announced new casualties, increasing to 30,461 the total of Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard casualties announced since the war’s start. This includes 11,722 dead, 5,376 wounded, 9,169 missing and 4,194 prisoners of war.

Willie Bioff to continue racket tale

Convict admits his extortion trial testimony was false

Eberharter is named to Ways, Means group

From world of shadows –
Pitt student owes sight to transplanted cornea

Her blindness conquered, Miss Steinitz hopes to help soldiers light dark lives
By Edith Smith

World’s largest flying boat ends its major tests

Martin Mars completes 32-hour, 4,600-mile endurance flight

U.S. warned Reds of German attack

Young veterans called eligible for school play

Senator George advocates post-war training; McNutt acts

Army liberalizes West dimout rule

Warners come through with year’s most distinguished movies

By Florence Fisher Parry

Deanna admits she’s frightened as she switches to heavy drama

‘I’m really scared,’ she says as she studies for role – but producers aren’t worried at all!
By Erskine Johnson

uh… how can a state be threatened by civil war?

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Hmm. I guess this port is gonna be Bombay, Calcutta could be closer but they would have brave the japanese submarines. I don’t know how efficent the subs are.

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Income totals $90 billion in eight months

Payments to individuals top last year’s by 26%

Internal state politics.

Movies biased, GOP charges

Voluntary propaganda code to be sought

Knutson of Minnesota speaking –
Tax program linked with ambitions for fourth term

Repeal of victory tax assailed by Congressmen; sales tax levy may succeed, George says
By Tony Smith, United Press staff writer

Yanks call it ‘bomb happy’ –
Psychiatry clinic on Guinea cures war-nerve cases

Doctors talk to mental casualties, give them things to read, and make them play and work to recovery
By Robert J. Doyle, North American Newspaper Alliance

Editorial: Senate on the war fronts

Editorial: A plan for jobs