America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

‘Outside’ cash invested in oil as hedge against inflation

Petroleum men predict record prospecting rush as soon as war ends

Woman’s right to change her mind upheld by WLB

Secretary Perkins allowed to revise order on double pay for seventh day

U.S. Navy chief is boss of world’s largest fleet

A military genius, he maps drives on Japs; no failure accepted by this veteran of 42 years
By Duke Shoop, North American Newspaper Alliance

The women can’t figure it out –
Free bomber trip beckons, but tests ground would-be ‘Panama hatties’

By Edith Smith

Editorial: The return to Europe

Editorial: The Liberty Tree is not a Christmas tree

Ex-tennis star uses WAVES for story background

NYC roundhouse destroyed by fire

Opportunity for poor boy –
U.S. needs to keep kind of capitalism that benefits all

Our people must have a chance to take a chance; bureaucratic control can never build a free nation
By Eric Johnston, President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Tax view split will be given to Roosevelt

Morgenthau and Vinson divided on $12-billion program

Völkischer Beobachter (September 6, 1943)

Deutschlands militärische Unbesiegbarkeit in Washington zugegeben –
Ihre Hoffnung: Zusammenbruch der deutschen Moral

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

Die geprellten Lieferanten der USA. –
Wirtschaftsschwierigkeiten in Südamerika

The Pittsburgh Press (September 6, 1943)

Arms center at Mannheim heavily hit

2,000 tons of explosives poured on factories; Rouen raided
By William B. Dickinson, United Press staff writer

Axis troops evacuate southern tip of Italy

Nazis reveal withdrawal; Allied forces take San Stefano
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

U.S. landing traps Jap forces in New Guinea

Enemy’s base at Lae main target of new move
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Post-war aims –
U.S.-British unity urged by Churchill

Common citizenship goal keynotes speech of Prime Minister

Bad news coming –
Congress due to raise taxes

Corporation and excise levies likely to go up

Post-war plans begun –
2 committees named by GOP

Vandenberg heads foreign, Taft domestic groups

Fire chief’s woes mount after auto trip to Chicago

New Yorker must face village board for using red car and then go before OPA


By Florence Fisher Parry