America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Millett: Women find sacrifice off balance

But envy of others is similarly out of good taste
By Ruth Millett

U.S. Navy Department (May 28, 1943)

Communiqué No. 392

North Pacific.
On May 26:

  1. U.S. Army troops gained several important points along the ridge south of Chichagof Corridor. Hard hand to hand fighting over rugged terrain continued.

  2. The U.S. Army’s northern forces have penetrated a part of Fish­-Hook Ridge about one and five‑eighths miles southwest of Chichagof Har­bor. Fighting continues in order to clear the Japanese from the high peaks in the vicinity.

  3. An attack by U.S. troops to eliminate the enemy from the ridge south of Lake Cories is in progress.

  4. Army Liberator (Consolidated B‑24) heavy bombers, Mitchell (North American B‑25) medium bombers and Lightning (Lockheed P‑38) fighters effectively supported ground operations.

On May 26, Army Mitchell medium bombers and Warhawk (Curtiss P‑40) fighters made three attacks on Kiska, bombing the Japanese main camp area and runway. Numerous hits were observed.

In an attack on Kiska (reported in Navy Department Communiqué No. 391) the Warhawk fighters participating were manned by Royal Canadian Air Force pilots.

Communiqué No. 393

North Pacific.
On May 27, on Attu Island:

  1. U.S. Army forces moved ahead and along a ridge commanding the area between Lake Cories and Lake Canirca.

  2. After artillery and mortar preparation, U. S. Army troops at­tacked the ridge extending to the east of Fish‑Hook Ridge. A Japanese position on Fish‑Hook Ridge was neutralized.

  3. U.S. Army patrols continue to probe Japanese positions on the lower ridge extending eastward from the Chichagof Valley floor.

  4. Army Mitchell (North American B‑25) medium bombers and Lightning (Lockheed P‑38) fighters supported ground operations.

A formation of Army Warhawk (Curtiss P‑40) fighters bombed Japan­ese positions at Kiska. Due to poor visibility results were unobserved.

The Pittsburgh Press (May 28, 1943)

Roosevelt names Byrnes super home front boss

‘War Cabinet’ selected as advisers; Vinson new wage chief

RAF hammers arms city in hard-hit Ruhr

Jena in central Germany also attacked; Nazis admit damage
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

In Attu battle –
Hand-to-hand combat marks Yank advance

U.S. drive on Aleutian isle supported by planes; heights taken

Washington (UP) –
U.S. troops, in hand-to-hand fighting over the rugged terrain of Attu, have succeeded in taking several more highpoints from the Japanese pocketed in the Chichagof area, the Navy announced today.

A communiqué also said that U.S. troops are fighting to eliminate the enemy from the Sarana Bay area.

The American drive is supported by heavy and medium bombers and fighter planes.

The communiqué said that three more air attacks have been made on the Japanese positions in Kiska. It also revealed that Royal Canadian Air Force pilots took part in the attack of Kiska announced yesterday by the Navy.

Shelled by warship

Aerial attacks followed a bombardment of Jap shore positions in the harbor Tuesday by a U.S. warship that started numerous fires. Between the aerial bombs and the shelling, all buildings in the little settlement were destroyed.

Radio Tokyo, asserting the Japanese defenders are outnumbered 10–1, said Thursday night that the beleaguered Japanese garrison had “successively intercepted the advance” of the Americans, “causing heavy casualties on the invader.”

Refutes Stimson

Quoting “the latest report from the front,” Radio Tokyo, heard by the United Press in San Francisco, said that on May 25, the Japanese killed 600 U.S. troops.

Tokyo referred to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson’s report yesterday that U.S. casualties were relatively light.

Tokyo radio said today that seven U.S. warships had been sunk off Attu. The vessels, according to Tokyo, included a battleship, two cruisers, a destroyer and three other warships.

OPA chief aims –
Price balloon to come down

Brown condemns critics, cries full speed

OPA failure laid by Hahn to frustrated professors

Galbraith’s book, advocating radical control methods, cited at House hearing
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Hedy Lamarr weds Loder, delays their honeymoon

Actress returns to work after taking British actor as her third husband

Pay-go taxes yield extra $3 billion

Treasury admits returns will exceed those of present law

Left-wing CIO union seeks control of paid personnel of the Red Cross

Organizing group chief once told communists about increasing campus influence; directive frees members

Machinists’ split with AFL revives closed-shop issue

With miners in and Brown’s union out, balance of power seems likely to be maintained; Kaiser ship case cited
By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

WLB establishes pattern for equalizing pay rates

Sub-standard wages in obscure New York factory used for board’s test of authority

Akron stacks smoke again; WLB steps in

President’s warning heeded almost 100%; other strikes
By the United Press

Industry heads pledge greater output effort

Drive for increased war production opened at Chicago meeting

Yanks in love pick up speed in phrase book

But it is possible, too, that danger signals can appear

Giant armored rafts help in Axis European defense

Floats can be moved to points threatened with Allied invasion; hundreds built
By Thomas R. Henry, North American Newspaper Alliance

Aviators tell of 46 days in Himalayas after cash

Stagger back to base after plane hits mountain peak at 11,000 feet on mission to China

80,000 take training for radio work

Editorial: Again, and again, and again

Editorial: The Danaher Amendment

Edson: Wrecking forces again jeopardize War Labor Board

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: ‘Personnel’

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Col. Watt lost over Aleutians

Husband of Crafton girl commanded U.S. fliers