America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Biggest U.S. raid of war pulverizes Palermo port

War plants at Sicilian harbor also smashed by 400-plane attack at noon
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Senate begins Ruml debates on Wednesday

Goal is to complete all action by end of this week

Food budgets to be slashed 5% by OPA

Dissenters, however, describe rollback program as ‘peanuts’

Prospects for 1943 crop show decline

Washington (UP) –
The Agricultural Department reported today that crop prospects declined in most parts of the nation during April and are now “much less promising” than they were at this time last year.

The crop reporting board said that conditions on April 1 indicated winter wheat crop of 515,159,000 bushels, the smallest since 1935 and 27% under 1942.

It estimated rye production at 36,854,000 bushels, compared with 57,241,000 bushels last year.
The less favorable prospects were due largely to extremely dry weather over the southern part of the Great Plains. April rainfall between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains averaged 30% below normal, the department said.

OPA men cite illegal prices

More flagrant violators facing prosecution

Dionne girls skip ‘lines’ but launching is ‘success’

Famed Canadian five gets cargo ships into water and sing ‘God Bless America’ in English

WLB disowns miners’ truce

Old contract, extended, still in operation

Wait a min… Why tell Germans and Italians where the Allies are gonna land?

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Guesswork at this point.

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German dream of big empire lasts 3 years

Fall of Carthage (Tunis) may again portend fate of Europe
By Helen Kirkpatrick

U.S. planes hit Japs at Canton

16 Zeros wrecked during raid on air depot

Stock of Denver Post on sale for first time

Gen. Clark: French, Yanks to take Berlin

U.S. general gives more munitions to Allied Moroccan Army
By Donald G. Coe, United Press staff writer

Body of USO entertainer recovered from river

Trial to denaturalize nine Bundists opens

McNutt: ‘Steel’ to get exceptions to 48-hour week

WPB Advisory Board opposed to blanket regulation

WAAC meets love and honor in North Africa

Mt. Washington officer engaged to son of general

No change seen in paper quota

Government demand eased, Congress is told

Editorial: Still on the campus

Edson: Air board seeks information for post-war policy

By Peter Edson

WAACs so good that Army wants half million more

They sing salty songs, just like the men, about ‘girdles that bunch where you sit’