America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Elimination of corporate taxes at war’s end urged

Paper charges class at Pitt gets ‘red line’

‘Don’t stop revolutions’ advice to Army group cited

Völkischer Beobachter (October 23, 1943)

Ein weiter Weg bis Rom

Amerikanische Verluste am Volturno: 7,000 Mann

Beiderseits verstärkte Kräfte –
Japans Angriff auf Neuguinea

The Pittsburgh Press (October 23, 1943)

Clark seizes height above enemy’s line

8th Army also scores; torpedo boats rip Axis shipping off Italy
By Richard D. McMillan, United Press staff writer

Poll: Women favor own drafting for war jobs

Majority think they should be taken for non-combat tasks
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

The old saying, “it’s hard to guess what’s on a woman’s mind,” would seem to apply especially to Congressmen in Washington.

Many Congressmen and others have shied away from proposals to draft women for the WACs, WAVES and other organizations because of the fear that women would resist such a step.

Yet when the women were interviewed, it was found that they are overwhelmingly in favor of drafting members of their own sex for non-fighting jobs before drafting married men with families.

This was disclosed in a nationwide study just completed by the Institute in which men and women in every state were asked the following question:

The Army can either draft 300,000 single women ages 21-35 for the WACs for non-fighting jobs, or it can draft the same number of married men with families for the same work. Which plan do you favor?

The vote throughout the country is:

Think single women should be drafted 73%
Think married men with families should be drafted 19%
No opinion 8%

Even more interesting is the vote of the single women themselves. Here is a table showing the vote of single women, as compared to that of married men, on the issue:

Single women Married men
Think single women should be drafted 72% 70%
Think married men with families should be drafted 23% 21%
No opinion 5% 9%

The vote of all women, including that of many mothers with daughters who would be affected under such a draft, shows an even more favorable sentiment toward taking single women in the place of fathers:

Think single women should be drafted 77%
Think married men with families should be drafted 16%
No opinion 7%

The Army would like to have as many as 500,000 WACs. To date, the volunteers have totaled less than 100,000.

House rejects tax increases

Committee also votes to combine victory levy

Unless walkout ends –
WLB to refer mine strike to Roosevelt

Another government seizure of coal diggings in hinted

Jam and jelly sales frozen

Rationing of those products to start Oct. 31

Man who hangs himself tries it once too often

Act No. 13 in thrill circus ends in death; fatality laid to non-resilient rope

Morgenthau, Eisenhower to broadcast at 6:00 p.m.

Washington (UP) –
Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower will be heard in a shortwave broadcast from Algiers today.

WJAS will carry the broadcast at 6:00 p.m. EST.


Words and pictures

By Florence Fisher Parry

The other day, Cy Hungerford drew a cartoon, following the American Fortress attack upon Schweinfurt with its terrible loss of our fliers. It was called “The Real Loss.” It seems to me that this cartoon deserves acknowledgement in the rival local press as it undoubtedly will receive elsewhere, and I should like to be granted that privilege here.

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The cartoon showed a burning Fortress plummeting to earth; but soaring above, on their way to “that unknown country from whose bourne no traveler returns,” were the incorporeal figures of the crew just killed. The men were not pictured as happy ghosts facing some bright celestial adventure. They were, instead, pictured as tired, sorrowful American boys, reluctant to leave this mortal world and all it held for them.

One of the boys is looking back longingly, as though to crystallize eternally the dear and fading picture of his beloved earth. The cartoon seemed to me to contain the very essence of greatness, and it made me think somehow, of an immortal cartoon which was drawn by J. N. Darling in the Herald Tribune, just after the death of that great Roosevelt, Theodore, and called “The Long, Long Trail.” It showed our “Rough Rider” on his horse, with his head held high and facing eternity, and below were the words, “My marks and scars I carry with me.”


Now curiously enough, the very day that this cartoon of our dead fliers appeared, there was published a photograph, which, in its way, invited the soul to the same solemn retreat. It was a very unexpected picture, one which easily could have been suppressed in the interests of propaganda. I was glad to see that we were honest enough to publish it.

Up in Kiska, an American flier fell in enemy territory, and the Japs buried him and erected above the bleak cold grave a crude wooden board, with a kind of slanting “roof” to protect the painstaking scrawl beneath, written by some Jap who knew some English.

This is the epitaph:

Sleeping here, a brave air-hero who lost youth and happiness for his Mother land. July 25 – Nippon Army.

In this simple and eloquent epitaph, we find a perfect example of the perfect use to which basic English can be put. Search your mind, if you will, for a more perfect phrase with which to describe the sacrifice young men are making today all over the world.

Words and pictures, words and pictures – how great their power now! The power of the cartoonist today compares with that wielded by the greatest statesman or the mightiest pen. The photographs and motion pictures which are even now being given unsparing presentation in the newspapers and newsreels, surpass the terrible beauty in the canvasses of the greatest masters.

Goya, in his day, drew and presented war figures no more tragic and immortal than those which the simplest little pocket camera is registering today.

Film classic

The other day, I saw a newsreel which showed the life and death of the Lexington. I dare say it took longer than 8 or 10 minutes to show it, but in its majesty and stark terror it outmatched the greatest motion picture ever made in the studios of Hollywood or London.

And here and there appears a letter from a homesick boy in the Aleutians or the Solomons, or perhaps the faltering inarticulate letter of a mother or a father to a son. And, reading the words, we are shaken in a way that no poet or orator has the power to shake us.

Yesterday, in a very busy and frantic moment. I was asked to answer the telephone. It seemed that some stranger was importuning me to give him just a moment. These were his words, halting and apologetic:

Mrs. Parry, I have a boy somewhere in Italy. He’s lonesome for letters. I am the only one to write to him and I am ashamed that he should know how ignorant I am. I cannot spell. I cannot find the words I want, to tell him how I feel. I do not want him to be ashamed of my letters when he gets them. Will you please write my letters for me? I would be glad to pay you for your trouble.

Knox: Super-aircraft carriers will be built

Construction of 45,000-tonners indicates Navy expects long war in Pacific

225-ton raid rips Japs northwest of Finschhafen

High casualties inflicted on enemy in greatest air attack of Guinea campaign
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

In Washington –
Ad subsidy plan is viewed as new U.S. gravy train

Publishing groups ready to clamber aboard for plush seats if Senate approves bill to spend $25-30 million
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Japs subs reported prowling off coast

Los Angeles, California (UP) –
The Los Angeles Times said last night that Jap submarines have reappeared between Hawaii and the Pacific Coast and are operating in “wolfpacks.”

The paper credited its statement to crews of freighters and tanks returning to the mainland.

The Times said it had been told by tanker seamen that the ship was attacked twice by many torpedoes, all of which passed by harmlessly due to successful maneuvering of the tanker.

The Navy Department in Washington withheld comment.

Kirkpatrick: Isolationism increasing among soldiers overseas

Yanks’ desire to ‘go home and stay there’ traced to Army’s lack of explanation
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Swift agreement indicated in Allied Moscow meeting

Prospects enhanced for conference of Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin this year
By M. S. Handler, United Press staff writer

Editorial: Three years of unfunny farce

Editorial: Russia’s alternative