Völkischer Beobachter (October 12, 1943)
Mißlungene Mohrenwäsche in Washington –
USA.-Weißbuch bestätigt Roosevelts Kriegsschuld
Unter dem Deckmantel der Neutralität wurden Vorbereitungen zur Vernichtung Deutschlands betrieben
The Pittsburgh Press (October 12, 1943)
Guns hammer Nazis in Italy
Zero hour at hand along Volturno Line
By Richard D. McMillan, United Press staff writer
Oil bases damaged –
Yanks bomb Celebes port
Makassar left in flames as offensive gains
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer
I’ll do you one better. Who is Ernie?
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Report from Algiers –
Pope spurns Nazi warning to quit Rome
Pontiff continues plan to guard supplies; riot reported
Now it can be told in detail; weather news ban lifted
Censor’s ruling strengthens indications that fear of large-scale attack on U.S. is diminishing
You were supposed to go along with the meme. You next line should have been-
I’ll do you one better. Why is Ernie?
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Widow of Colin Kelly Jr. to marry engineer Friday
They’ve been acquainted ‘long time,’ her brother says
Because Ernie is love, Ernie is life. 
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U.S. Chamber supports plea for sales tax
Levy is reasonably simple and effective, House committee is told
Mystery radio diverts bayonet to save bishop
Ottawa churchman thinks call from Vatican halted Japs
In Washington –
Truman Report is due soon on probe of Canol project
Elaborate pipeline, refinery and road construction in Canada may cost $138 million when finished
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer
Aussies praise U.S. jeeps and air transports
American equipment overcomes all obstacles in New Guinea
By Hal O’Flaherty
Bombings by naval fliers leave Wake Island ruined
Largest concentration of carriers was used; outpost reduced to December 1941 status
By Malcolm R. Johnson, United Press staff writer
Planes line up for new blast at Nazi ‘fort’
Bombing lull brightened by congratulations from Churchill
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer
British anger stirred by talk of 5 Senators
Churchill may be moved to make reply to questions
By Harrison Salisbury, United Press staff writer
AFL defers Lewis issue till tomorrow
By Fred Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer