America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

FDR sees real need for CCC in emergency

Farmers urged to pool market trips to conserve auto tires

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Reading Eagle (April 5, 1942)

Japanese ship toll mounts to 204
Seven vessels added to score in Navy report

One cruiser sunk, another hit in series of U.S. assaults near Java

Easter parade preceded by buying boom

By the United Press

Gandhi warns British of 'hostility’
New impasse is reached in freedom plan

India’s Congress heads firm in demands for native defense leader

Conference ends

Post-war independence offer ‘far too belated,’ Cripps is advised

War effort at new peak

U.S. industrial plant ‘really beginning to roll’, says Nelson

New Jersey youth shot by sentry succumbs

Argentina, Chile urged to cut Axis-Jap ties

April 5, 1917, and today disclose remarkable parallels and contrasts in pattern for war

Two die in bomber crash

Detroit, April 4 (AP) –
The pilot and co-pilot of a twin-engine medium bomber were killed at 3:45 p.m. today when their plane crashed shortly after taking off from the Army Transport Command base at the Wayne County Airport. The dead:

  • 2nd Lt. Eldon E. Powell, 23, of West Decatur, Pa., pilot;
  • Joe G. Frost, 42, of Nashville, Tenn., civilian co-pilot.

Naval officers describe sinking of Langley, Pecos
First-hand accounts of raids given

Lancaster man relates how regular crews were decimated

Nelson says sugar will be rationed

WPB head and Henderson deny abandoning plan

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Trend toward blues reported in Hollywood Easter finery

By Gladwin Hill

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U.S. recognizes de Gaulle control in French West Africa
Same status is given to Cameroons

Consulate established in possession across ocean from Brazil

You don’t have to tell Marines Colonel Biddle is a tough guy

By John Grover, Wide World Features writer

World War I anniversary finds Pershing watching second AEF

Is last survivor of top military chieftains of 25 years ago
By Alexander R. George, Wide World Features writer

U.S. Navy Department (April 6, 1942)

Navy Communiqué No. 67

Far East.
A U.S. submarine has reported the sinking of an enemy freighter in Japanese waters while on extended patrol in that area.

Southwest Pacific area.
A U.S. submarine has reported that it sank two heavily laden Japanese tankers in waters near the Caroline Islands while on extended patrol in that area. The submarine was fired upon by one of the tankers but escaped without damage.

These sinkings have not been reported in any previous Navy Department communiqué.

There is nothing to report from other areas.

Reading Eagle (April 6, 1942)

Jap bombers carry war to mainland of India, raiding 2 coastal cities
Planes strike again after big setback inflicted at Ceylon

Weekend toll of 212 in enemy aircraft includes Germans

Burma peril grows

New Axis report says invaders have landed at port of Akyab
By the Associated Press

Wainwright repulses foe in new attack
Another Jap attempt to land troops on Bataan coast foiled

Enemy uses tanks

Dive bombers also meet setback by defenders during fierce assault

Short skirts seen defeating goals

Would add, not conserve material, actress says