Welles sees fear justified
Says Portugal has cause to worry about Nazis
Filipino raids destroy enemy supplies
Bayonets halt drive on Bataan
Yamashita’s all-out offensive believed racing approach of rainy season
Girl reinstated by CIO –
Defense worker denies ‘too much work’ charge
Suspended member says union didn’t oppose step-up
Youth leader called in draft
New York, April 1 (AP) –
The city Selective Service headquarters said today that Joseph P. Lash, the 32-year-old general secretary of the International Student Service, had been ordered to report for induction into military service April 13.
Mother and child both doing well –
Baby is born in lifeboat after ship is torpedoed
Doctor with two broken ribs delivers infant in total darkness
Army may get men without dependents between 20 and 45
If you are physically fit and not engaged in an essential war industry, 1942 may be your year
By Raymond Z. Henle, Post-Gazette Washington correspondent
Pacific War Council turns to Far East
Following sessions, Roosevelt confers with India diplomat
Allies bag 30 planes in Pacific
Three-day attack on New Guinea, Timor bases cost foe heavily
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer
U.S. anthem toned down
Co-authors cut range for normal voices
Standard Oil head admits all not told
Farish says he gave Navy all rubber facts "it could use"
Labor given full trust of MacArthur
General calls workers backbone of nation’s effort in struggle
Allies shown resentment by de Gaulle
Free French leader scores relations with Vichy regime
Army designers’ faces red –
Girdles, other things for auxiliary overlooked
Appeal to woman clothing consultant when oversight is called to attention
War workers to make own Easter rule
Nelson asks those not observing day to work at production jobs