America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Beaverbrook to visit U.S.

Publisher will assist in pooling resources of United Nations


2 U.S. ships hit off coast

3 subs sink merchant vessel; 6 men killed; 33 survivors land


British left wing retreats in Burma

Taungoo new objective of Japanese troops

23 Jap ships sunk or damaged
Allied planes hit fleet at New Guinea

Smash invasion force that includes 12 enemy warships

One bomber lost

American sub Shark missing; second has to be demolished

Errors arise in drawing

One number duplicated and two missing in draft lottery


Reading girl assisted in U.S. lottery


4 U.S. planes crash near Lima, Ohio

First reports indicate there were no survivors

Lima, Ohio, March 18 (AP) –
Four Army planes were reported to have crashed in flames in a field five miles east of Lima shortly before noon today. First reports said there were no survivors.

A newspaper reporter at the scene telephoned the report to The Lima News and said no other details were immediately available. The state highway patrol said it had received word of a crash and sent officers to investigate.

U.S. set to train men in desert warfare

Washington, March 18 (UP) –
The U.S. Army will soon inaugurate its first large-scale training of troops in modern desert warfare as part of a broad program to produce “a wallop to assure a victory throughout the world,” high-ranking officers revealed today.

The announcement was made at a press conference with Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, new commander of the U.S. ground forces, and Brig. Gen. Mark W. Clark, his chief of staff.

They said the new training program also stresses development of specially trained task forces for any required operations overseas, mountain warfare, airborne troops, armored warfare, and joint ground-air operations.

Clark told reporters that high-ranking armored force officers had already selected a site “west of the Colorado River” for desert warfare training.

Army plans war reviews

High Command to give resumes on military situation shortly


Nelson warns hagglers

Promises to beat down all interferences to war production

Japs try to make capital of MacArthur’s promotion

Editor’s note:
President Roosevelt warned yesterday that Axis shortwave propagandists would try to make capital of Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s transfer to Australia by picturing it as abandonment of the Philippines. Following is the first Japanese reaction to the transfer to be broadcast.


MacArthur’s arrival welcomed by Bennett

Sydney, Australia, March 18 (AP) –
Maj. Gen. Henry Gordon Bennett, Australian commander in the Malayan campaign, said today that:

…the arrival of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Australia is the healthiest and most welcome sign we have had.

He declared:

MacArthur’s stand in the Philippines stamped him as a man with the fighting spirit which will soon be needed and which will be extremely welcome to the people of Australia in particular.

Backs corps for women

House approves plant to create auxiliary of volunteers


Japs claim 25 planes shot down in raids

Tokyo, March 18 (AP) –
Imperial Headquarters announced today that naval air units shot down or destroyed 25 planes in raids last Friday and Saturday on New Guinea and the Horn Island.

11 were destroyed in the raid against Port Moresby, New Guinea, while 14 craft were shot down or destroyed at an Allied air base on Horn Island, it said.

Roosevelt asks $17 million more for War Department
Half to go to Air Corps, FDR says

President’s request is sent to Congress without comment


40-hour law change seen

House intent on pushing ahead with plan to end maximum rules


Nazis claim U.S. patrol and five other ships

Berlin, March 18 (AP) –
The German High Command said today one American patrol had been sunk and that U-boats had destroyed five more merchant vessels totaling 41,000 tons off the American coast.

In the Mediterranean, it was announced, a German U-boat attacked a strongly-protected convoy east of Tobruk and sank an 8,000-ton tanker.

U.S. Navy Department (Marc 19, 1942)

Navy Communiqué No. 58

Far East.
In compliance with orders from the Navy Department, Rear Admiral Francis W. Rockwell, USN, the Commandant of the 16th Naval District (Philippine Islands) has arrived in Australia. Rear Admiral Rockwell left Corregidor in General MacArthur’s party which reached Australia on March 17. He is now in Melbourne.

When Japan attacked the Philippines without warning, Admiral Rockwell was in command of the 16th Naval District, with his headquarters at the Navy Yard, Cavite, which is across Manila Bay from Manila. When the Naval Establishment there became no longer tenable, it was destroyed effectively. Admiral Rockwell then proceeded to Corregidor with the Naval and Marine Corps forces under his command and since then has taken part in the defense of Corregidor and the Bataan Peninsula under command of General MacArthur. His Naval and Marine Corps forces number only about one-third of the regular U.S. Army troops in that area.

It is expected that Admiral Rockwell will be assigned to an appropriate command, probably at sea.

There is nothing to report from other areas.

Reading Eagle (March 19, 1942)

Allies blast three more Jap ships
Jungle troops of foe pushing for Australia

Head for Torres Strait and Port Moresby; Darwin hit; enemy cruiser set afire
By the United Press


Irish Army spying on AEF exposed
Plot to obtain data on units laid by Nazis

Train attendant accused of carrying letters relayed between Dublin, Belfast


Sunday 'double time’ may be suspended

Administration leaders to seek approval of ‘day-and-half’ pay plan for Sabbath
