Fund from last war may be used in this one
Mt. Morris, New York (UP) –
An $800 fund which has been on deposit in the Pavilion State Bank since the last war, when it was collected for the relief of soldiers, may be put to use in the present conflict.
Residents who have discussed methods of disposing of the money for the past two decades now favor contributing the fund to the United Service Organization.
The money was collected by an excited populace in rural Covington more than 20 years ago, when word spread that American doughboys in France would be compelled to pay their own passage home. Quickly $900 was raised and placed in the Pavilion Bank, but the rumor proved false and there was no need for the fund.
Only once since 1919 has the money been touched. A few years ago, $100 was withdrawn and contributed to the Red Cross.
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Jurors await Viereck case
Agent’s conviction would carry prison term
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Axis attacks on President may be publicized by Dies
Report on investigation of Father Coughlin, if approved by committee, also to be made public
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Senators vote 100% pay hike in military pay
Committee favors raises for enlisted men and officers
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Allied planes raid another Jap-held isle
Tokyo announces bombing of Marcus Island and admits damage
By the United Press
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Expert tells how U.S. can bomb Jap cities
New York (UP) –
Senator Elbert D. Thomas (D-UT) wants U.S. planes to bomb Japanese cities immediately and Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky, aircraft designer, told how it could be done in articles published by the American Magazine today.
Mr. Thomas said the war in the Pacific needs a “hypodermic” and that 1,000 bombs dropped on the munitions factories of Tokyo and Osaka would “save the lives of 50,000 American soldiers and sailors.”
Maj. Seversky proposed construction of a fleet of super-bombers like the Douglas B-19 and the Glenn Martin flying boat which could operate against Japan from Alaskan bases.
He said these ships have a range of nearly 80,000 miles, with 18 tons of bombs, and Japan lies within a 3,000 miles radius of Alaska.
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DAR to meet as usual
Washington –
Officials of the Daughters of the American Revolution said today that the DAR would hold its annual April convention in Washington despite the increasingly serious housing shortage in the capital.
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Japs fire city near Rangoon
Six planes shot down as British fight thrust
By Darrell Berrigan, United Press staff writer
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4 bombs fall near Honolulu
Believed dropped by enemy plane, Army says
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer
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Wild fighting covers Java; Japs close in on Batavia
Allies battle desperately as enemy pushes on under protection of strong air action
By W. H. McDougall, United Press staff writer
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Stricter curb put on money of Axis aliens
Itemized personal budgets must be given to banks
By Dale McFeatters, Press business editor
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U.S. standard of living drop declared sure
Protection of low income families impossible, official says
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Slacks are adopted as regular wardrobe as women take men’s jobs for duration
Sales in masculine-designed apparel boom, report stores in East
By Marguerite Young
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U.S. continues aid to Dutch
Help given in last week, Stimson says
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Second in three months –
15 men killed in arms blast
Death toll in Iowa plant explosion may grow
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New selection plan revealed by Secretary
Uncalled earlier registrants to determine number
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Gas rationing decision likely this weekend
Industry council wants entire country out under curfew
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