America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

McNutt group urges Hershey as chief aide

Commission not yet ready, says management-labor, for its task

United Nations lose 4 more ships to subs

Among victims are survivors of six other torpedoed boats
By the United Press

Slate of officers completed by NAM

77th Congress leaves 2 bills waiting action

Little chance seen for action due to lack of quorum

Artists share $52,000 plum

Awards are made by Metropolitan Museum

GOP victory sure if trend goes on, new leader says

Harrison E. Spangler of Iowa elected compromise chairman after Willkie blocks selection of Schroeder from Illinois
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

U.S. paratroopers in Tunisia called really tough hombres

Advance training came perilously close to actual combat
By Donn Sutton, special to the Pittsburgh Press

Allied Burma drive hope dim

Lack of air and naval power in India cited
By Darrell Berrigan, United Press staff writer

Tunisia taxes supply lines

Observers not surprised at early difficulties
By the United Press

New clause rejected by Montgomery Ward

Mystery plane spotlights on Ashtabula shipyards

Editorial: War strikes are fading

Editorial: Tunisia is no pushover

Ferguson: Using the war

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Battle for Buna revives dispute on plane’s role

Infantryman’s stock takes rise as air supremacy of Allies is unable to blast Japs from bases in New Guinea
By George Weller

21 Jap planes bagged at Buna

Allies prepare for final assault on garrison
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Simms: Late discourse of Dec. 7 story bolsters enemy

Revelation of damage after year gives Axis chance to rehash disaster when its morale greatly needs shot in arm
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Tōjō and army don’t coincide in radio talks

Premier promises victory, military bulletin hints at shortages
By the United Press

New U.S. Ventura bombers in action on RAF attack

Twin-tailed Lockheed plane praised after smash at radio factory in Holland

Japs ‘waste’ bombs raiding Chinese bases

Freedom, Pennsylvania, flier says foe tries to gain face
By A. T. Steele